Set Up

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Miu and Rantaro and Kokichi had been friends for a long time, and they often spent their evenings together, drinking and chatting. On this particular night, Kokichi went to bed early so Miu and Rantaro were alone and they had indulged in what they thought was "apple juice," but was actually a potent alcoholic drink. As they sat on the couch, giggling and talking, they came up with an idea - why not set up their friends Shuichi and Kokichi?

Miu and Rantaro were convinced that Shuichi and Kokichi would make the perfect couple. They were both smart, funny, and had an undeniable chemistry. So, they decided to take matters into their own hands. They wrote romantic notes to each other, pretending to be Shuichi and Kokichi, and set up a movie date for them.

The next day, when Shuichi and Kokichi found the notes under their doors, they were surprised but intrigued. They decided to go on the date, and to their surprise, they hit it off immediately. They talked and laughed throughout the movie, and by the end of the night, they were holding hands.

Miu and her girlfriend Kaede "coincidentally" ran into Shuichi and Kokichi on their way back from the movie theater. They were thrilled to see that their plan had worked, and they eagerly reported back to Rantaro.

As the weeks went by, Shuichi and Kokichi grew closer and closer. They went on more dates, and they found that they had so much in common. They were both surprised at how well they fit together, and they started to realize that they had feelings for each other.

Finally, one night, as they said goodbye after a date, Kokichi leaned in and kissed Shuichi. It was a soft and gentle kiss, but it was filled with so much emotion. Shuichi knew right then and there that he was in love with Kokichi.

From that moment on, they were a couple, and they were both so happy. They had Miu and Rantaro to thank for bringing them together, and they were grateful for their friends' matchmaking skills. Shuichi and Kokichi knew that they would always be there for each other, and they were excited to see where their relationship would take them.

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