save the king

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"Mother fucker just became a speed bump!" Sakiko gasps, looking out the back window to the corpse of the man Rosita had just ran over.

"You said be fast," Rosita reminds.

"I'm the one with roots in Osaka, why are you the one Tokyo drifting?"

"Shut up," Rosita scoffs, hands masterfully switching gears and keeping speed.

Sakiko settles back in her seat, keeping a tight grip on the dash to not jostle around too much.

"So, what kind of grip this Kingdom place got on you? Usually, you'd fight to stay with Na and Daryl.. What changed? Did something happen between you three?"

"Should we really be talking when you're tripling the speed limit?"

"There are no speed limits now answer me."

"Nothing happened between us. We're actually.. shit," Sakiko laughs, "We're actually on super good terms. I don't think we've been this close like.. ever?"

"So, it is something about Kingdom?"

"Kingdom is different. They have a leader like Ezekiel and no shit on Rick, I love Rick. But.. Ezekiel just.." Sakiko tries to figure out her words, "He could give me hope. All it took was one conversation and I got over my thing with guns."

"Okay.." Rosita nods once.

"Rick is a great leader, we wouldn't be where we are without him. Maggie is doing just as good. Deanna was fine. But, Ezekiel.. It feels like he is healing me more than just leading. He's teaching me just as much as he's nurturing. He makes me feel just as safe as he does hopeful."

"So, you just super look up to Ezekiel?"

"It's not just him.. It's everyone. I mean, Benjamin is a lot like Carl and that makes me feel safe. Jerry is just.. good. He's just as badass as he is goofy and it makes me feel like I can trust him on a battle and hold my drink at a party."

"Is that why Carol is there, too? Why she hasn't come back?"

"I.." Sakiko hesitates, "I don't know. I haven't talked to her much."

"Maybe you can ask her. Maybe Sophia, too. I mean, shit, you three have similar pasts."

"Yeah.." Sakiko frowns at the reference of past abuse.

"I was starting to think you liked it there so much because it was so.." Rosita hums in thought, "Not fake, per say. But, they don't think about thee reality as much."

"No, that's not true. Kingdom.. They make it feel real. They make me feel real. Not just some sick joke like the world out here.. Emotions, feelings, pain, love.. It's treated like a real thing instead of an emotional burden or depression stage you just have to wipe away and keep going."

"Well, here we are," Rosita skids the car around to a stop, "We should go on feet from here so they don't see us coming."

They hurry out of the car, loading weapons as they run.

Once they make it to the walls, they could see Saviors lining at the top.


Sakiko looks around, unable to see. Scared of the worst, she pulls her gun up.

Then, a whistle. One of the Dixon calls.

Sakiko whistles lowly in reply, easing backwards.

"Kiko," Carol finally whispers.

Sakiko pats Rosita's arm and they stay low, running to where Morgan and Carol were.

"I thought you were at Alexandria?" Carol questions.

"I was.. Now, I'm here."

"They have Ezekiel," Carol peers up the wall before ducking back into the shadows.

"You saw him?"

"He handed himself over."

Sakiko's words fade on her lips, unable to make a sound.

"He got everyone out. The Saviors had everyone. He got them out and locked the gate when I tried to stop him. Locked himself in there with all of them."

"He's still alive, though?" Sakiko makes sure.

"Benjamin and Sophia weren't with the others. Nabila is leading everyone else to Hilltop. And, we can't find Jerry."

"That's too dangerous," Sakiko panics, "Hilltop might be under attack, too. They were bombing Alexandria when we left."

"They were talking on the radio, Maggie backed down or something. Hilltop's attack was called off. They're all alive."

"Okay.. Change of plans," Rosita holds a hand up, "If Benjamin and Sophia aren't with the rest- they're probably still in there. Jerry is.. we'll just hold out hope. But, the rest need help getting to Hilltop."

"You two go," Morgan stands straighter, back pressed against the wall.

"The King needs help. Benjamin and Sophia need help," Sakiko argues, "I just travelled from here to Alexandria, and back again. I'm staying here."

"I'll go," Rosita decides, "Maybe I can get the Alexandria people out, too. Hilltop might be safe after all. Whatever Maggie is planning.. it's working. We'll all have to regroup at Hilltop."

"Can you make it alone?" Carol asks.

"I just have to follow the Kingdom tracks, right? They can't have gotten to far. They're gonna need someone experienced. That's mostly the elder and kids, no?"

"It is. Nabila has a weapon, but.. No one else can fight, really," Carol sighs.

"I'll protect them and get them to Hilltop. You three get the King, Benjamin, and Sophia.. We'll meet back up at Hilltop, good?"

"Good," Sakiko nods and Rosita pulls her in for a hug, "Be safe."

"You, too. The both of you."

Sakiko forces a tight lipped smile at the innuendo.

"Let's get our King back," Carol pats Sakiko's back.

"Let's get our King back," Carol pats Sakiko's back

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