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"Help the old man, huh?"

"Don't," Martinez pleads.

"Help the old man," Nanami repeats, "Huh?"

Martinez sighs, placing his bound hands over his eyes.

"Grandpa is sick in the head and it ain't alzheimers."

"Yeah, no shit," Martinez scoffs.

Nanami huffs, resting his head against the wall, "I get it, though."


"Yeah. I mean.. That's what we're supposed to do. That's what's right. I guess I just.. I forgot that."

Martinez sends Nanami a gentle smile.

Nanami closes his eyes. He was thinking of a way to get out. But.. all he could think about was the times the old group stopped for the sake of helping someone.

He thought he'd lost that.

He thought..

Nanami thought about Carl risking his life to bring Siddiq in.

Nanami thought about Carl.



"The fuck were you thinking, Henry? Tara told me you got shitfaced?" she questions.

"I.. It's a long story."

"I'm gonna beat your ass," she warns, pointing at him.

Daryl walks over from the other cell and Sakiko gives him a look before continuing on to the back of the cellar.

They'd seen a herd of walkers and wondered if there were more of those people. They figured they could take them on and get some answers now that they were thinking more clearly.

There were three people in the herd. Two were killed and the final was a teen girl. Sakiko gave the order to tie her up and take her with them.

Michonne questioned if it was smart. Taking the young girl to Hilltop.

So, Daryl blindfolded her and they brought her on ti the Hilltop cells.

"She's not talking," Tara informs.

"To you, maybe."

Just as she reaches for the door, Michonne grabs her wrist.

"She's a kid."

Sakiko looks at her.

"Now you finally know how much of a demon children can be?"

"I'm leaving with my people in the morning. They can't not know about this. I have to tell Carl so we can get a plan of defense up."

"Well, send Carl all the 'fuck you's in the world for me. We're fine here. Just let me know when you're leaving so I can talk to Rosita."

She goes to tear her arm from Michonne's grip but Michonne holds on tighter.

"I'm leaving because I trust that you and your dad can handle this here."

Sakiko doesn't say anything, wondering where she was going with this.

"You've done good with things here. Maggie.. She taught you well. So did Glenn, Ezekiel, and Carol. I'm.. I'm sorry about Jesus."

Sakiko glances the older woman up and down.

She wanted to ask if that was supposed to make her feel nice. Be sarcastic as usual.


It hit something deep in her.

LOYAL [TWD] (third book to TROUBLE)Where stories live. Discover now