Chapter 1

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The kingdom of Tethoris was one of harmony, that was before everything happened. The king was someone that the people thought that they could trust. How wrong they were... war came to them and war happened, blood and horrors that no one thought could happen, happened. And in this the king lost his sanity, he lost everything that he ever cared about. His best friend James was missing. He had come to Waylyns' rescue when the person that he had been fighting got the best of him and when he had gotten up his friend was gone. Calling James's name he looked for a while to see if he could find him. But nothing that he could do brought his friend to him. James Silva was gone and he, Waylyn would take that to his grave. He would live with that on his shoulders that he let his friend get taken.

After the war Waylyn had watched his friend's widow and daughter try and pick up the pieces, little did he know what hatred that the young girl would have for him. Little did he know what this pain would do to him, that it would poison his heart to anyone and all that saw him, and that she would take it into her own hands to take revenge for her fathers disappearance. Little did she know that he was the one that tried to find her father, little did she know that he wanted what was best for her and her family even though he couldn't bring him back to her. And the one thing that she wanted to do to him for years after was put a dagger in his heart and watch him bleed...

        The young girl sat besides her mother, tears flowing from her eyes, this was not happening, her father couldn't be. He was too strong to be gone already, He was only in his thirties. Not even old. But something had gotten to him, some sickness and now he was dead, her mother sat next to her, an arm around her shoulder and the other clutching the letter, the letter that started this all. If only the king had not said that he needed to go then he would be home with them right now. Something filled inside her and she brushed her long white blond hair out of her face and looked at her mother and then at the letter.

Someone had to pay, a burning hatred clawed its way to her heart, the person that had to pay was the king, he had taken him from them. When they needed him the most. He was their protector and the king had taken him for his army. At only seven years old she felt something that she would later fuel and harbor towards the man that put the entire kingdom in danger, for now, it was a small flame but soon, someday it would become a flame that no one, not even she could controle.

Taking a deep breath she stood, at only seven she was strong for her age, if she got her cousin, who was a squire to one of the other of the kings knights to lend her sword then maybe she would have a chance.

Looking at her mother she shook her head, she would get them through this, she would have her revenge. For now they would sit and wait for the right time to strike and take the king down. "Luna, are you ok?" her mother asked and Luna turned to look at her. "Wh..oh, yeah I am, I'm just thinking."

That was the end of that, her mother didn't bother to ask her what she was thinking about. She knew what she was thinking about. The letter, the fact that her father was gone, she had to do something for them, maybe Luna could become a maid to someone in the kings household to earn some money, yes it was below their station but they needed to make something, with her father gone, they weren't getting his money and their mother took what sewing that she could over the time that she had to care for Luna's younger bother and two sisters. Luna had an older brother but he was already serving at the palace as one of princes' guards. She wasn't sure what one but she thought it was prince Edward, or was it Prince Helian the oldest. Maybe Luna could become a maid or helper to one of his sisters, if the need arose, maybe she could become a companion to Princess Aryn.

*******SEVEN YEARS LATER*******

Today was the day, the day that she could finally do it. She made up her mind, that was what she was going to do, she was going to go to the palace and see if she could get a job. Luna would be able to care for her family that way and she would be able to keep an eye on the king and make sure that he wasn't doing anything that the people didn't like. The one thing that she didn't know was how she was going to get an invitation to become a member of the princess's staff, did she have to do something for the princess? She didn't know but she was willing to try.

Once she had made up her mind she went to her room and grabbed her bag, no one would stop her, she would do this. She had to be willing to do anything to overthrow the king and his monarchy, and this is what she thought would help. She would become a companion to the princess and try and get on her good side, then when the time was right, she would take out her anger on the king. She would march right to the palace and ask to see the king, even if he refused to see her she would wait until he said yes. That was the way that she was going to do this, she had to know what he was planning. Ever since the war, he had something going on, she didn't know what, but she would find out what it was one way or another.

Luna packed some clothes and grabbed her dagger and strapped it to her waist, well it was more a short sword, but some would call it a dagger, all she had to do now was go and ask the king about the position. She had heard that the princess was looking for a companion from one of her friends that worked for the palace. This was a great opportunity to try and get close to the king and then when the time was right she would over throw him. She just had to wait for the time to be right.

She was good with all weapons, she had been trained on all of them since she was old enough to hold a fork or a pen, she was as skilled as some of her families own guards. That was what she wanted, to be the best of the best, that way, when the king saw her and saw her skill he wouldn't throw her out and then she would have to wait for another chance to overthrow him.

She would wait her turn and see if an invitation came her way, She hoped that she would get one that was with a member of the royal family and not one of the knights or a lesser royal, she had to be in the inner circle for this to work. Maybe she could work her way up? If it did then she would be on her way to killing the king and taking down the monarchy. Once tha was done then she would be able to make things the way that the people wanted. The one thing that she didn't want was her father to know what she was doing. She didn't want her fathers' influence there with her.

He was Sir James Silva and he was a knight under the king, Waylyn. He was one of the most influential knights in the guild so Luna shouldn't have a hard time securing a spot in the royal circle with her father's name.

It had been a few weeks and now she pocketed the letter of recognition and slipped her coat on and went to her room and packed all of the things that she would need, her daggers were in her boots and her sword was strapped to her side, with her bow in its casing and the arrows strapped snug in their waterproof bag and hooked to the top of the bag. Once everything was packed she shouldered her bag and looked one more time around her room, hopefully she wouldn't be back for a while, she didn't want to disappoint her family. With a sigh she stepped into the street and walked to the palace.

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