Chapter 17

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Different types of soups and salads came first followed by puddings and meats as well as drinks, one she recognized as Jade Wine, that was place besides her and she nodded at the servant to leave it there.

Once everything was set down the servants stepped back, waiting for the king to tell them that they could leave. When he did the room seemed emptier for the lack of bodies. There still were like twenty people in the room but with the fifteen servants around the room that number was well into the thirties. The room was big enough that it didn't seem like it was crowded so that was good. Luna looked at her food and a nod from Aryn told her that she could start eating, when she picked up her fork the others around the room started eating as well.

Everything was yummy and Luna had a bite of everything until she was pulled into conversation with a boy that was sitting across the table from her, he had brown shoulder length hair and sharp green eyes a small scar was across his face right next to his right eye and for some reason Luna couldn't look away from it, she would have to ask him about it later. "How do you like living here?" the boy asked and she smiled at him. "I don't think that we have been properly introduced. "I am Lady Luna Rose Silva." The boy nodded and smiled at her. "I know who you are, my name is Rohan Kejen, son of Ledvia."

Luna nodded but didn't say anything cause she had placed a forkful of food in her mouth. Rohan smiled and Luna felt herself smiling too. "Would you pleasure me with a walk around the garden after dinner?" Rohan asked. Luna wiped her mouth and smiled at him. "I would love to." She looked to Queen Elowyn and she nodded. It was a good idea that she was getting to know the other young royals in the royal court. "Meet me by the library when dinner is over." She said and Rohan nodded and went back to eating.


When dinner was over Luna excused herself and went to her room to grab her cloak, a maid had taken it back when dinner started and she didn't want to wait for them to go and get it so she went to get it herself.

"Luna!" she turned and saw Helian walking towards her with a stern expression on his face. "Oh, hi." She said, wanting to hurry and get to the library. "What are you doing?" he asked, eyeing her cloak and the sword now strapped to her side alongside the dagger that was already there. "See you in a while." She said and stepped around him to go to the library and she decided to ignore him for now. Little did she know that he was following her down the hallway. When she had made her way out of the palace and into the gardens she sighed, what would Rohan think of her, what would he think of the plan that she and Helian had devised, should she even tell him of the plan? Shaking her head she turned and wandered into the blissful sent of flowers. She walked for a while and found a bench in the depths of the trees, here she could see people pass along the paths but if she stayed still she wouldn't be seen.

People came and went and soon she wondered if Rohan would come, would he really come or would he forget that he was going to meet her?

She looked around the garden and saw people come and go and saw a pair of familier boots and she stood her hand automatically going to go her dagger and then heard the voice. "Luna, are you here?" He asked and Luna let out a breath, it was Owen, not the person that she thought but she could talk to him.

"Yes, what do you want?" she asked and Owen came into view and a smile fell on his face. "Glad that I found you, Helian is in a outrage, he thought that you have been captured or something, you didn't tell him where you were going so he sent me to come and see if I could find you..." Luna held up her hand. "I am fine, tell him that and get out of here, I am meeting someone here and I don't think that he would like that you are talking to me." She said and looked around the garden, for the moment they where they only ones in the garden but Rohan would be coming any minute. "Are you alright?" Owen asked, and raised his eyebrow at her frantic looks around. "I am fine, just get out of here. Tell Helian that I will see him in a while, please."

He nodded and grabbed her hand. "I know that we have only met tonight, but I already care about you, stay safe and if anything feels off, don't feel afraid to come and get me. OK?" Luna nodded absentmindedly and continued to scan the trees and plants around the garden. "Yes, yes, I will, just get out of here." Owen smiled and hugged her, she barley felt it and then she felt his lips on her cheek and she looked at him with a puzzled expression. "I couldn't resist, stay safe. I will talk to you later then."

Luna nodded and with the confused expression still on her face she watched him leave the garden and she thought go and find Helian.

"Glad you got ride of him." A voice said from behind her. Luna turned and saw Rohan coming from behind a tree. "Were you listening to our whole conversation?" she asked and when Rohan nodded she sighed. "OK, I need your help, well we are going to need your help." "Who's "we"?" Rohan asked and a bemused expression. "Me and Helian." She said and watched as his face went tight for a moment. "Why would the petty prince need my help? I have better things to be doing with my time then chasing him around." Luna bit her lip and looked around the garden one more time and grabbing his hand led him to a wall that divided two parts of the garden.

"I will tell you, but you have to promise that you will not breathe a word about this to anyone, it would get us and anyone associated with us in huge trouble. Do you understand. Even you because you are talking to me will be on that list. So, do you think that you can do that?" Rohan looked at her and she could tell that he was thinking about what to say.

"Yes, I can keep your secrets if you will keep mine." He said and Luna nodded in consent. "Now, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" He asked and Luna looked at him. "What I am going to tell you, you will think that it is crazy, that I am out of my mind, but it is the truth and it is something that I think that I can get your help with." She said and Rohan folded his arms staring at her intently. "Go on."

Taking a deep breath and looking around to make sure that no one was within earshot and just came out and said it. "I am going to kill the king." She said and stopped talking for a moment. She could see that he was trying to comprehend what she had just said and then looking at her he said the one thing that she least expected him to. "How can I help?" Luna looked at him. "What?" she asked. "I want to help." He said and Luna nodded. "I will tell you more later." She said and she turned away and made her way down the path and went to find Helian. She had to talk to him and tell him that she had told Rohan about their plan and that he was now a part of it. What would he think about it? She wondered and sighed, he wouldn't be happy about it, that she had told.

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