Chapter 23

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            They went into the library and they all sat around a table. "What is it that you need to talk to us about?" Helian said. Luna smiled. "We have to have someone stay here, so that the king, your father so that he doesn't try anything." Luna said. Helian bite his lip. "I guess that we can stay." He said and nodded at Aryn. "We can stay." Aryn agreed and Luna smiled. "Are you sure that you will be able to do that?" Luna asked brushing her hair back from her face and looking at the siblings. "He is our father, we would be the least likely to cause a problem. We would be able to stay under the radar because we are his children." Aryn said and Luna looked at Helian. He was looking at her. "So you just want me to be happy that you are leaving, with him?" he said and pointed to Sebastian. "I will be fine, you just focus on your job and we will be back soon with more people." Luna said and Helian glared at her for a moment and then shook his head. "Keep me updated on what goes on. Ok?" Luna nodded. "I will, we should be going and getting things ready." She said and Helian agreed. "Lets go get food and then we can go pack." He said. Luna nodded and together the four of them made their way out of the library and into the hallway.

"What are you two going to do for now, until we leave? Sebastian asked. Aryn looked at them and a smile formed on her lips. "Lets get the two of you packed and then we can probably go train for a bit." "That is a good idea." Luna said and Helian and Sebastian said that they where heading to the kitchen to get food while Aryn and Luna went to her room to pack. "This will all work out. Once this is all taken care of then you will have no problem getting out. I don't know why you still have to be secretive. The king, father already knows that you are leaving to see your mother." "We have to make it believable. If he finds out that we are leaving from there then he will have us watched and followed. When that happens then we will be escorted back here with its all said and done. Then our plan will be ruined." Luna said as she went into the closet to get some things while Aryn grabbed a few bags and started putting things into them.

"It will be all ready when you are ready to leave." Aryn said and Luna nodded. "Thank you for helping us. This will help all of us, we will not let you down." Aryn nodded. "I hope that you are right, now lets go, grab your weapons and lets get down to the arena before the boys do." Aryn said with a grin. "I want to beat Helian so bad." She said and Luna nodded. "I think that one day, when you have trained enough then you will be able to catch him off guard." She said and shifted her belt on her hip and sheathed her sword inside it and put her six throwing daggers along the strap that was across her chest. "Is that all that you are bringing?" Aryn asked eyeing her choice of weapons. "I'll be fine, we are just going to train. When we leave then I will take more. I don't want to be weighed down with everything and have to take things on and off in the arena." She said. Aryn nodded and turning went into her own room and returned with her sword strapped to one hip and a pair of daggers on her other hip.

"Ready?" she asked and Luna nodded. Together they walked out of the room and closed the door, making their way down the hallway until they got to a certain part of the wall that was covered with a picture. Luna felt around the picture and hit a latch, hearing a click she pulled and the picture swung out and revealed a winding staircase. The king had this erected for his children and Luna could use it too. It was so that no one bothered then while they train. For once Luna was grateful that he had done something right for once. For the most part he made mistakes. Together they descended the stairs. When they reached the bottom Aryn went and lit the sconces around the room. Weapons lined the walls and platforms of all heights where attached to the walls and all around the room, ropes hung from the ceiling and a few targets where on one side of the room. Pillars and such where everywhere, giving them places that they could train together and test out in different terrains. It was great.

"What do you want to start on?" Luna asked Aryn who shook her head. "I don't know. Do you think that we should wait for Helian and Sebastian, or do you think that they will be able to find their way down here?" Aryn asked. "I think that we found it well enough." A voice said from behind them and Aryn turned and smiled. "Glad you could finally join us." Luna said sarcasm dripping from her voice and Helian grinned at her and unsheathed his sword and spun it in a circle. "Who wants to have a go?" he asked and Luna unsheathed her own sword and turned to meet his sword as it cut through the air with a loud hiss.

"Is that all that you have?" Helian asked and Luna pushed harder, forcing him to take a step back. "You would wish that was all that I had." Luna said with a grin and they were at it for a while. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sebastian taking on a few dummies and Aryn was throwing daggers at moving targets. Helian pushed her harder and Luna had to snap her head back to him and push him away as his sword bore down on her neck. "What do you think that you are doing?" she hissed at him. "I am just making sure that you are paying attention." He said with a grin and with a growl Luna pushed away from him and turning sprinted down the room she pushed off the wall and pushing off she climbed onto one of the large pillars and waited, looking down at her three friends. "Are you all just going to stand there, or are we going to get some stuff done?" Aryn and Helian glanced at her and then dropping what they where doing they climbed up besides her. "Ok, this is what we are going to do, last one to the other side will have to do something for the others tomorrow." She said. Sebastian smiled. "Like what?" he asked but Luna didn't answer and started sprinting to the edge of the pillar and jumping went to the next one. "You will have to see when you lose." Luna said with a laugh, her white-blond hair streaming out behind her. She heard them quickly trying to catch up but she knew that she had the advantage.

She knew every inch of the training center, she had come once when she was younger and had seen the training room when she and some of her classmates where given a tour of the palace. That was the one place that she was surpose to see but princess Aryn at the time thought it was good idea to stray from the normal and had showed them the room and told them that it changed depending on the person training in there.

For example if they wanted to just focus on climbing more ropes would appear or if they just wanted target practice then it would change for that. It was awesome so that is why Luna knew the place like the back of her hand and why she could go from one thing to another without difficulty, she had programmed the room for herself and so for now it would be what she wanted it to be. Helian and the others didn't know that and so they would try and get it to do what they wanted but the room wouldn't listen and just go with what Luna wanted. Helian looked at her and then around the room. "How?" Luna brushed her hair out of her face and smiled. "That is for me to know and for you to find out." She said with a grin and walked out of the room. "That is enough for now." Helian said and together the three of them turned and walked out of the room with her as well. "We will keep an eye on him, it won't be easy but if it has to be done we will do it."

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