Chapter 41

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Helian looked out the window in his room and sighed, tonight would be a night to remember he hoped. Hopefully he would be able to do it. That they would be able to get in without anyone knowing what they were doing? Running his hand through his hair Helian wondered if they would actually be able to do this? Worry ran through his body as he scanned out of the window and down into the city. A maid came with a tray of food and set it on the table next to him before leaving. Sitting down Helian ate the food on the tray and then turned and looked at his closet. His dark blue suit sat ready for him to put it on and he looked at it.

Aryn came into his room and folded her arms, looking at him for a minute. "Do you actually think that no one will think that your up to something with that look on your face?" she asked before coming and sitting next to him. Helian looked at her. "What do you mean?" he asked. She shook her head. "You have it all over your face and if dad came into here then the whole plan would be out in the open." she said. "You need to get your mind off of what is happening in a few hours. Have you heard from Luna?" she asked.

Helian shook his head. 'She said that she would be here when it was time. Other than that I have no idea." he said and Aryn nodded. "She will come through. And then when she does then what we have worked so hard for will be what happens." she said and took his hand. "Want to get your mind off of everything?" she asked, grinning and standing. Helian watched her go and pick up a pair of swords and held one out to him. Taking it he stood a smile on his face. "Let's go."

Together they went out of the room and to the arena. Aryn watched him as she opened the door and went inside. "Everything Ok?" she asked as she took off her jacket that she was wearing over her dress. Helian raised an eyebrow at her. "You know the party is only about an hour away, right?" She shrugged. "Then we have to do this fast." she said and grinned, sweeping her dress out of the way and raising the sword that she had taken from the weapons trunk that had been at the end of his bed. Rolling his eyes, Helian raised his own sword after taking off his dressing jacket. "Ready?" he asked. Aryn nodded and stepped forward.

Their swords clashed and the arena rang with the clash. Aryn grinned as they went back and forth for a while. "Now, are you going to tell me that this was a good idea, or what?" she asked about half an hour later as she lowered the sword, her chest heaving. Helian grinned and checked the time. "Crap, we should go and change. It is almost time." he said. They went out of the arena and went their separate ways to change again and prepare the rest of the way for the party.

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