Chapter 46

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 She made her way down to the furthest part of the palace and found what she was looking from the crest of the king that was above the door. Stepping towards the door she knocked.

Lucas opened the door, seeing her he smiled for a moment before seeing her expression. "What's going on?" he asked and opened the door wider so that she could step inside. Luna stepped inside and went over to the couch, ignoring the others who stared at her, she was obviously not supposed to be in there but she could care less. Lucas came and sat next to her. "What is it that you want to talk to me about?" he asked, making sure that everyone else was busy and not paying attention to them.

Luna sighed. "I don't know how to say this, but something is going to happen." Lucas raised an eyebrow at her. "Like what?" he asked. "Something, someone is going to try and kill the king, don't ask me how I know, I just do. I am not asking you to trust me on this but it would be easier if you did. That way you can keep an eye on them for me so that I can get to him first.... and protect him, it will be easier if I do it then a bunch of you guys come in" she explained.

He nodded. "And we should trust you just because you heard that someone was going to do this, you haven't seen anything yet?" one of the others asked, coming closer. Luna jumped. "Who are you?" "Matthew, nice to meet you." She nodded. "Same, I guess. I know because I was told by someone that it would happen. Heli.... I mean the prince knows me and knows about it too." she said. Matthew nodded. "And we are just supposed to drop everything and follow you?" he asked. Luna raised her eyebrow. "If you don't want to, then you don't have to, but it would be good if you did." she said. "That way you might be on the winning side."

Matthew nodded. "Fine, if what you are saying is true, then we will be waiting for you." She nodded. "You won't be disappointed." Getting up she went out of the door and back to the ballroom. She had gotten the information that she needed.

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