Chapter 11

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Luna nodded, at least he was doing that for them. "Thank you." She said and without another word Helian led them into the large chamber that Luna had been in when she had fist come to see the king. It seemed like she knew the palace already, because as Helian led them to her room she knew every turn to it. Walking down the hallway Helian reached out and took Luna's hand, squeezing it and leading her to her room. Once inside she turned to him, a confused look in her eyes. "What...?" "I just wanted to tell you, your mother is in our medical wing. You can go and see her any time but it can only be one at a time. For bacterial reasons." Luna nodded. "Thank you, and thank you again for having all of us here." She said and hugged him.

Helian wrapped his arms around her. "Thank you, I don't know what I would have done with myself if I didn't have you all brought here. She is getting the best medical attention there is." he said. Luna smiled. "Thank you, I should really go and see how everyone is settling in and then go report to Aryn. she will want to see me and then we have dinner in a while so I have to get ready for that. See you then." She said and Helian nodded. "See you soon." She nodded and watched him walk out of her room.

Taking a deep breath she cursed herself, she was just making it harder on herself, or was she? He knew her plan, once the king was dead she could take over, Helian at her side and they could make it the kingdom of their dreams.

Yes, that was what they were going to do. With a smile on her face she walked out of her room and saw names on the doors next to hers. One was Jade and Yenia's the twins always wanted to be together. Then there was Henry's on the other side of hers.

It was good that they were all together, there were doors between all three of them, so that they could just walk through that instead of always going outside to go to the other person's room, she would use those later, for now she went out of her own room and turned to the right to Jade and Yenia's room. Knocking she heard voices inside and a smile crossed her face, they were already settling in, that was good. "What do you want to do when we are all unpacked?" Luna looked at them all. "Well, I have to go and see Aryn, and then..." She was interrupted. "Can we go with you?" Jade and Yenia asked. "I guess, she will want to meet you eventually, I will see if Heli... the prince will watch Henry for us. So that he isn't by himself while we are gone on his first day here." She said and the twins nodded. "He will be fine, if anything does happen to him then we will know what it is and be able to find him." Luna shook her head. "Ok, fine, lets go find Aryn." The twins smiled and Luna shook her head. They were as different as night and day but still complimented each other so well, it was astounding what they could get done together. Luna looked around their room once more, it was as different as they were, one side was bright and full of light like Yenia, Yenia ment 'Light' in the old tongue and Jade, well Jade was a stone and it was dark green, so her side was bathed in dark greens. It complemented each of them perfectly and Luna wondered how Helian had known what to do to each of the twins rooms. She would ask him when she saw him.

Together the three of them walked out of the room and down the hall, guards lined the hallway and they nodded as they walked down. Luna thought that it was a bit much, but they would be living here now and she was a lady, as much as she hated it. Her father was a knight to the king. With a smile on her face she wondered if she would see him. Last she had heard was he had been wounded in some battle that he had been in and she wondered if he had healed. They had heard nothing of the battles and she wondered if she would be able to ask the king about it while they were at dinner.

Suddenly someone came up behind her and Luna acted without thinking, taking out her dagger she pushed the figure against the wall, not looking to see who it was and pressed the dagger to their throat slightly.

"Well, hello to you to." Helian said with a small laugh. Luna glared at him. "Why in the Seven Hells did you have to do that!?" she hissed at him. "I just felt like it and your reaction is priceless, princess." He said leaning closer so his mouth was close to her ear. Luna glared at him and leaned away from him, they were in front of the dining room door and her siblings were looking at her with a confused expression. "I am not a princess." she said with a glare. "Not yet, you aren't." He said and leaning in kissed her shoulder.

She raised her eyebrow at him but he shrugged. "What is that?" She asked. "It is a show, for my father, the closer you can get to him, the better. If he thinks that we like each other, then there will be no questions to why we are spending so much time together. Otherwise they would question every time that we were seen together. If we say that we are together then they will not ask questions and we both can get close to the king. Then we do the deed." He whispered and held out his arm for her.

"I hate it when you are right." she said. Helian just shrugged and led her into the room. Jade, Yenia and Henry followed them. King Waylyn and Queen Elowyn sat at the head of the table, side by side while chairs were on either side of them. Helian led Luna to one of them and her siblings followed. "Father." Helian said and Waylyn nodded at him and then waved his hand for everyone to be seated. Helian sat next to his mother while Luna sat on his other side while Henry and the twins sat on the other side of the king. This was a wise move cause if Luna had sat next to the king she would be fighting the urge to plunge one of the many knives on the table into his throat and that wouldn't be good. They had to wait for the right moment to strike and right now, at the dinner table was not the right time. With the guards and her siblings right there they didn't want to cause a scene.

Dinner went off without a hitch, everyone was well mannered and when it was over Helian took Luna's hand and led her out of the room. "How was that?" He asked. "It was alright, I really don't like the way that your father was looking at me." She said. Helian laughed. "Have you ever been to the gardens?" "No." She said. "Lets go."

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