Chapter 27

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The next morning they awoke to the sound of birds. Luna sat up and stretched. This was the beginning of the plan. They would go to some of the cites here and gather people as they went, if no one was willing and was on the same page as they were then they would leave. They needed a good group and then they would go back to the city of the king and wait for the next part of the plan.

Coming out of her tent she saw the fire was already blazing and food was cooking. Sebastian sat next to the food and when he saw her he smiled. "Hope that you slept well, a letter came by a falcon from the palace. Its, well, I will let you read it and see for yourself." He said and nodded his head to a piece of paper besides him on one of the logs that they were using as a bench.

"Hope things are going well and that you are going along well, everyone is doing well and well, I don't think that I should tell you but here I am writing you. Things are not going as well as we would think. So far he hasn't though anything of you two being gone. Which is good since we, me and Aryn think that he will find out soon. Hope that you are far enough away that he will not be able to come after you. Be safe and we will talk to you soon. People have been informed so they will be able to know that you are on your way, I only know one or two of the people personally but we will be able to hopefully make a large enough group so that we will be able to make a move when everyone is together.

Well good luck and see you soon. When you are ready and have a place that we are to hide out send word.

Yours H and A"

When she was done reading she put the letter down and they looked into the fire. "How long will you think it will take us to gather a group?" she asked. Helian shook his head and used a stick to stir the fire, making it pop. "I don't know, but we should get to sleep if we are going to get further away and have time to gather a group before the king sends the guards after us." He said.

Luna nodded and they sat there for a moment and then together they let the fire die a little so that it didn't get out of hand while they were sleeping. Once that was taken care of all that and made sure that the horses where tired securely they climbed into their tents and Luna gasped.

The room was way bigger then she thought, it looked like a normal tent from the outside. "How did you do this?" she asked as she poked her head out of the tent and looked to Sebastian's. "I didn't do it. Prince Helian told me to take them, I think that his mother got them from the elves. I am not sure, we use them all of the time when we go out for long periods of time, tho we usually share one because you can tell they are huge." He said from inside his own tent.

"Yeah, I can tell, this is awesome." She said and went back inside there was a large bed and dresser was right on one wall, a desk sat on another wall. The room was beautiful and it was just like the room that she had back at the palace. It was still tent like but the room was just like the one that she had at the palace. "Well, this is awesome." She breathed and went and set her stuff on the bed and sat beside it. What was she going to do? There was not much for her to do now until it was time for them to move on. Maybe she should get some training in, that was she would be ready when and if they had to use anything while they were on the road again. Shaking her head she stood again and took her sword and strapped it back to her waist and grabbed her jacket. The wind had gone bitter and so she shielded her face from the wind and made her way to a clearing close to the tents.

Once she got to the place that she wanted to go she set her stuff down and started to stretch, when she was ready she took her sword from her belt and started going through her motions until she got the footwork down. When she was done with that she started going as though she had someone that she was fighting and wove in and out of the trees, still in line of her things so that nothing got lost. Taking a deep breath she moved around the trees one by one, making sure that her footing was good and her form was seamless. If an enemy saw that she wavered one bit then it would be over, she had to be on the top of her game when the time came for them to make things right.

Training was going well and Luna wondered who they would be able to get to help them with their plan. Who was going to want to be part of their plan, who would think that it was all a waste of time?

Since they were already in the forest it was unlikely that someone would come and accidently find them there, they had concealed themselves in a part of the forest looked like no one ever came. They would stay there for a day or two more and then keep moving until they found a city. Once they found it then they would see if anyone would come and help them with their plans.

Luna looked around and kept practicing for a while, that is until she heard something nearby. Taking her sword out she held it in front of her. "What is that?" she thought and shook her head. It was nothing she hoped. After a while of her listening to see if someone came out of the trees she went back to their campsite and found Sebastian talking to someone. His back was to her so she crept behind a bunch of trees and watched them from her hiding spot, it was a girl with long red hair and a black cloak around her shoulders. Luna could see from where she was that she had a sword strapped to her side and her hand stayed right next to it, like she was ready if she was attacked.

"Might as well show myself." Luna thought and stepped from the group of trees into the girls line of sight. The girl caught her eye and like she suspected her hand went to her belt and her fingers wrapped around the sword hilt. Sebastian turned and looked at her, his back to the girl. "Luna, glad that you came back, look who I found." Luna raised her eyebrow at him but didn't break eye contact with the girl. "What is your name?" she asked.

The girl looked at her and then at Sebastian who bowed his head and said. "This is Wren, she is one of the daughters of Kelva. She said that she wants to help us..." he stopped talking as Luna walked closer. "How do we know that you want the same things that we do? How do we know that at the first chance you will run back to the holy city and warn the king of what is going on?" Luna said and Wren raised her eyebrow and then lifted her arm. Luna stared at her. "Does this bring you enough proof that I want what you want because if not, then I don't know how else to convince you?" she asked and Luna bit her lip. On Wren's wrist were the numbers 999. 999 was the number that they used for criminals of the highest degree. "What, what did he make you do?"

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