Chapter 22

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            King Waylyn read the letter and frowned, what should he do? Luna was a good person for his daughter. What would Aryn do when Luna was gone; she would have the position when she came back whenever she did. She would go and help her mother and then when she was able to she would come back and be here.

Since he was merciful king then he would let her go, the letter seemed pretty bad, that her mother was super sick and needed her help. What he remembered about James was that he was not one to brush off his responsibilities and it seemed as though his daughter was no different in that regard. He looked at Luna and then around the room. "What makes you think that I will let you go?" he said and Luna bit her lip. She had to think about what she was going to say, she had to make it believable and something that he would be able to see that would make him want her to go.

"I know that this is forcing you to make a choice but I hope that you see this as a way to bond with your daughter. I will be back soon but I need to be there for my mother. You read the letter..." Waylyn nodded and held up the letter. "Yes, I got it. I have thought of is and I will let you go, as long as you promise that you will be back after everything is stable with your mother. I can't have just anyone looking after my daughter."

Luna smiled. "Yes, I can do that." "When he isn't looking than I will be gone." She thought."I will come back after a while and then make a scene or some sort, like she is worse or something and then be gone on my way to fine others." She thought and smiled. "Can I go?" she asked and king Waylyn looked at her once more and Luna held his gaze. "you can go, I trust you." He said. Luna bowed her head. "A mistake on your part, I am only going to come back and plunge a dagger in your heart." She thought and bowing to the king she turned and went out of the room. The plan was going as planned. Turning she saw the king bent over and reading the letter once more. She knew exactly what it said and she had memorized it by heart. She could hear her mothers' voice as she spoke the words as she wrote the fake letter.

"Your royal majesty, King Waylyn Lycus. I am writing to you today to ask that my daughter be able to come home to me for a while. I know that she is doing things that are able to help you and your family but I have found out that I don't have long to be in this world and want to be able to see my daughter before I depart this world. She will be able to come back after I am gone if that is what she wants but I beg of you to let her come and spend some time with me for the last days that I have left. The illness that I have is one that I didn't know was something that I could get and having that time with Luna would mean the world to me. She is a bright girl and will be able to come back when this is all over.

I ask this of you and that is all that I ask, that I have my daughter if the last hours or days of my time on this earth. Long live your majesty and your family.

Your loyal subject Lady Anna Rose Silva."

This plan would work. The king didn't think anything of Luna going away for some time since her mother was 'sick'. Luna walked down the hallway and wasn't even down the stairs when a guard came towards her. "Are you Lady Luna?" he asked and Luna nodded. "Yes, what's wrong?" "I am to tell you that you are to come to the great hall. The king will meet you there." "What is it that he needs?" Luna asked. The boy shrugged. "My only orders where to bring you there. Nothing more." She nodded and followed him out of her rooms and down the hall. "What is your name?" she asked. The boy looked at her. "My name is Sebastian. I don't know if he told you about me, I am one of Helian's friends."

Luna looked at him and smiled. "Yes, now I remember. You greeted me when I first came here." Sebastian smiled. "You remember that?" Luna pushed her hair out of her face. "How could I forget, you had brought Helian a dagger, he didn't see any need for it so he gifted it to me." Sebastian smiled. "Yeah."

Luna pushed her cloak aside and showed him the dagger. "I still have it." "After all of this time?" "Yeah, it has helped me get out of a lot of tough situations." She said with a grin. Sebastian smiled. "Come on, we don't want to be late." He said and together they walked down the hall and towards the great hall. "What do you think that he wants to talk to me about?" Luna asked.

Sebastian shrugged. "I don't know, I do know that the prince is there too." Luna nodded and they got to the door. "Thank you for being here with me." She said. Not sure what was going to happen.

Sebastian smiled. "You are welcome. I am here for you if something happens." He said and he pushed the door open and they walked inside. Queen Elowyn sat next to her husband and when Luna and Sebastian walked in she turned to them and smiled. King Waylyn also looked up but he didn't smile. "Sebastian, what took you so long to get her?" he asked, his voice harsh. "I am sorry m'lord. She is here now and I am sorry for the delay." King Waylyn waved his hand and Sebastian stepped back from Luna. She looked at him and he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Luna, do you know why I called you here?" Luna turned to the king and shook her head. "I do not know, my king." She said the last two words without emotion. She hated that she had to call him that. She wanted his reign to be over, but she had to be patient and wait for the right time. Right now, she just had to be on her best behavior no matter how hard it was. "I don't know." She said and Waylyn shook his head. "I know that you would want to go, you can go as long as you take someone with you. You can go for however long you need, just keep me updated with letters." Luna automatically nodded her head. Anything to get this over with so that they could get on their way.

"Yes." She said and the king nodded. "That is good. You can go now." Luna nodded her head and together she and Sebastian turned and they walked out of the room and watched as the doors closed quietly. "That wasn't so bad." She said and Sebastian shook his head. "Let's get everything that we need. We should leave as soon as possible. Before he changes his mind."

"We have to have someone on the insides still but who should we have stay?" she said and Sebastian shook his head. "Who should we have stay?" he asked and Luna shook her head. "I don't know but it has to be someone who knows about our plan." "So, either Helian or Aryn." Sebastian said. "What about us?" a voice said and the two of them turned and saw Helian and Aryn walking towards them. "We need to talk to you." Luna said and the two of them nodded. "Alright, lets meet in the library." Sebastian said and everyone nodded in agreement. They walked down the halls and went into the library, thankfully no one was there so they could talk freely for a while.

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