Chapter 8

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Taking a deep breath she pushed that thought out of her mind, Helian said that she would know when it was the right time, for now she had to pretend that she was happy, have a conversation with the one person that she hated. "What is it that you like about the palace so far?" King Waylyn asked and Luna had to turn and looked at him. She had totally lost track of the conversation. "Um, I am not sure, but I do like the gardens." His face turned red and Luna cursed herself. That was something that she didn't want to bring up. After she and Helian were seen there, she should have known not to bring it up.

"Tha...that is good, hope that everyone has treated you well..." suddenly he stopped and Luna watched were his eyes went. Helian stood in the doorway, glaring at his father and then his eyes turned to Luna and his eyes softened. "What are you telling her, father?" He asked. King Waylyn shook his head and raised his hands in defense. "I am not telling her anything that you wouldn't tell her, son." at the words "Son" Helian stiffened and Luna now knew why Helian wanted his father off the throne. He treated him him as well as everyone like they were nothing, that was the way that he kept the "peace" as he put it and Luna hated it. That was not the way that a kingdom should be run and she knew it. Someone should come and put him in his place, but everyone was too scared to put him in his place. That was the one thing that she hated about this kingdom. NO one would stand up to oppression, they just let it happen. That was something that she hated. She would make it right. She would make them see and she would find wa way to make it right.

"There is somewhere that we have to be." Helian said, a bite in his tone and Luna looked at him and then at the king, he wanted something, but Luna wanted to find out what make the king spill his secrets, if she could get that then she would be able to help them later when they would come back with others. Others, that word was something that she wanted, she wanted others that felt the same way about the royalty. Once they were out of the room Luna turned to him.

"What was that about, He was about to tell me something important." She said. Helian looked at her and then back at the door. "He knows of your plan, He was trying to hinder you, make you stay. When you are in his power there is nothing that can make you stay here, you have to leave, now, go and get as far from here as possible. Go and find the others, the others that will come to our cause, I will try to stop him from coming after you like an animal."

Luna looked at him and then at the hallway, what if it didn't work, what if there wheren't anyone that wanted this like them? Taking a deep breath she nodded and started walking the other way, she had to get out as soon as possible, if the King found out that she was leaving then she wouldn't be able to slip out of the door and just say that she needed to go and see her family. That was the lie that she had Helian had said that they would do, it seemed like he would believe that more then anything else. "You have to get out of here." Helian said as he stepped out of the room. The King was right behind him, his arms crossed and Luna shot a glance at Helian but he didn't look at her. Go with the plan. She thought. "I got a letter from my family, mom's not doing well and I have to take care of her, my siblings are too young to help her with the things that she needs." Waylyn nodded and a small smile played on his lips. "You will be back soon, Princess Aryn will be lonely without you, my dear." He said and Luna smiled. He had taken the bait. "I will be back as soon as possible sire." She said and looked at Helian. The king looked at her and then smiled. "Of course, my dear, Helian will go with you, see you safe at your home and then when things settle down send us a letter and he will come get you." Luna smiled and nodded. "That will work, I'll leave you now, I have to go pack." King Waylyn nodded, not looking at her and then waved his hand for Helian to follow her down the hall.

The two of them walked down the hall and once they were around the corner they were confronted with Aryn. "What was that all about?" she asked and looked between Luna and Helian with a confused but accusing expression.

"Luna has to go home for a while. I was going to tell you when she was gone, but sine you were listening might as well tell you to your face. Her mother isn't doing well and she has been called back home to take care of her. She will be back but for now you will have to have Mave, until things settle down." Helian explained. Aryn looked between them and then nodding did something that Luna was not expecting. "Hope that she is well, take as much time as you need. Keep me updated tho. I want to know everything. You've been more like a sister to me." Luna nodded. Not sure how she would do that, but she would try and keep her in the loop. If Helian wanted her to know about what they were planning, then he would send her a message to write to Aryn and tell her. For now she would just make something up, that her family was doing ok, that she was just keeping her siblings together and keeping the house while things settled down. She was lying to her but Aryn wouldn't know the difference. Taking a deep breath she looked at those around her. "I should go, I will keep you updated on what happens." She said and everyone nodded.

Helian grabbed one of her bags and slung it over his shoulder and started walking down the hallway again towards the front doors and started humming to himself. Luna looked once more to the king and princess, she had not seen the queen for a while and she wondered if she came back if she would see her. "Have a safe journey." Aryn said and Luna nodded and turning walked to were Helian stood at the doors, he was waiting for her.

"You ready?" He asked with a small smile. "Yeah, I, I just don't want to hurt her." She whispered as they stepped out of the doors and down the steps to the courtyard and to the stables. "What are we doing here?" "You don't think that I would let you leave without taking your horse. I asked father and he said that you could take him." She smiled, she would thank the king later, when she slit his throat. Nodding she mounted.

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