Chapter 12

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"That settles it. We are going." Helian said and they walked out of the castle and Luna looked around, the trees were beautiful oaks and pines of all different colors. "This is awesome." Helian smiled at her and led her to one of the many benches and sat down. "What are we going to do?" Luna asked.

"I don't know, but we have to keep up a charade, make something up to keep the king happy." Helian said and she shook her head. "How are we going to do that? I bet now he will be watching us for a while." Helian nodded. "Yeah, but we will be able to make it seem like we are together. If you are with me all of the time then he can't say that we have to be separated. You still will be a companion to Aryn, but we will spend a lot of time together. To make this believable" Helian said and took her hand in his and squeezed it. "Is that Ok with you?" Luna nodded. "Yes."

Together they sat there and talked about other things then their plan. "What are we going to do now, we have to make this believable." Luna shook her head and wondered what he was going to suggest. "Who do you think that we can trust with this?" She asked. Helian shook his head. "I am not sure, but it has to be someone who wants the same thing as we do. So that they don't go and tell the king." Luna shook her head. "I am not sure who we can but we will see later."

Suddenly a girl came down the path and Luna grinned. "What about someone who the king loves... someone who can get close to the king without being told not to?" Helian shrugged. "Who do you think..." The person that Luna was suggesting came down the path grinning. "Hello, Luna, Helian what are you two doing out here?" She asked and raised an eyebrow at them. "Nothing, we were just suggesting that father should have a party, you know its almost Luna's birthday, she was just asking me how to get father to have a party for her." Luna glared at him but he didn't look at her and waited for his sisters response. "That would be fun." Aryn said. "Want to go and find the training center?" Aryn asked eyeing Luna's daggers and sword that was strapped at her side. "I am guessing that you know how to use those?" She asked. Luna nodded. "Yes, I do. Want to see what I can do with them?" She asked. Helian shook his head. "Before you two go at it, let me get somewhere were I won't get in the way." he said with a laugh.

"We are not going to do it out here, we need something else." Luna said and turning walked back the way that they had come. "We should go to the training center." She said and Helian and Aryn ran to catch up with her and together they walked into the warm embrace of the castle. "I am going to go get my sword." Helian said and without another word he turned and dashed down the hallway. "I will meet you two there." he called and disappeared around the corner.

"Should we wait for him, or just go?" Luna asked rubbing her finger down the hilt of the dagger at her waist. "Come on, he will find his way there. Lets go get started. We have party plans to make after this." Aryn said. Luna nodded and followed the princess down the hallway and and soon found herself in a different part of the castle. "This is different, why have I not been shown this before?" Luna asked, running her hand down the marble stone walls. "Because my father likes to keep his secrets." Aryn said over her shoulder. Luna followed her further into the castle and soon found herself further then she had ever been. Aryn stopped and opened a door pushing it open wide and stepping aside so that Luna could see inside the room.

The room was huge and Luna had to try and keep herself from gasping. "Why do you have this down here?" Luna asked and Aryn shook her head. "It was something that mother wanted for us to have, I never questioned her so that is why we have it." She said and suddenly her posture stiffened. Luna opened her mouth to ask her what was wrong but instead turned to face the door.

A girl stood there, brown hair pinned up in a braid and her green eyes looking at Luna with a amused expression. "Aryn, who is this?" She asked. Luna looked at Aryn and saw that she was glaring at the girl as she stepped into the room. "What are you doing here?" Aryn asked, her voice harsh. "I came to see Helian." "See me about what?" Helian came into the room and his eyes fell on the girl. "Ella, what are you doing here. I thought you were vacationing with your family.?" the girl, Ella smiled and came over to Helian and grabbed his arm. "I wanted to come and see you, father said it would be ok and sent a letter to your mother a week ago and here I am." She said. "I didn't know that someone else would be here." She said venom in her voice. Clearly she wanted Luna to leave. "She is here, Ellana because she needs our help." Helian said and Aryn folded her arms. "She is also my friend and companion." Aryn bit out. From what Luna gathered Aryn didn't like Ellana either. Ella raised her eyebrow and then turned to Helian. "I am glad that I ran into you, would you come and carry my bags to the room your mother gave me. Its not far from yours." She said and Luna clenched her fists. She didn't know why or what game Ella was playing at but Luna didn't like it. She was his friend too but Luna had wanted to talk to him, alone. Now she couldn't.

With a sigh Helian looked between the two of them and then shook his head. "Ella, if you want to join us you can, but we are going to go train. So, sorry." with that Helian turned on his heels and nodded at Luna to follow him. Luna flashed Ellana a smile and followed Helian down the hallway, reluctantly Ella followed them down the hall and Luna had to bit her lip from screaming at her to leave them alone. But she was a guest as well and so she had the right to go wherever she wanted and at the moment it was werever Helian was.

They went down the hall and Luna fingered her dagger at her waist, wanting to lodge it into something and she waited for Helian to stop at a large door and unlocked it.

"Are you ready?" Helian asked. "Yes." Ella said and Luna glared at the girls back. She wanted to strangle her, this was her time with Helian. They were going to talk about their plan but right now they wouldn't be able to with her there. Going to the side of the room she waited for Helian to tell her what they were going to do but Helian said nothing and so Luna started stretching, getting herself ready for whatever they were going to do.

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