Chapter 15

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            The room was filled with people and Luna looked to where Helian was standing. He looked at her and then cleared his throat.

"Thank you all for attending this evening, it has been a great honor to have you here when we are celebrating someone that is dear to my heart, a dear friend and loyal subject to the kingdom of Elysium. Luna, will you come to the front please."

Luna looked at him and raised her eyebrow. What in the word did he have planned? She wondered but with all of the people now looking at her she smiled but she was wondering what he had up his sleeve, they had discussed nothing the night before of anything so why was he asking her to come to the front?" the crowd parted for her and she walked to the front a confused look on her face as she turned and faced the crowd.

"Luna." She turned and looked at Helian who was decked out in the royal colors of black and silver, he looked handsome.

He was holding something in his hand and she wondered what it was. Leaning in to look at it closer she saw that it was necklace and a ring. Her heart sped up, what in the world would he need those for? She wondered and then she got her answer. "Lady Luna Rose Silva, before the court this day I am proud and please to formally introduce you as a lady of the royal court, take these as tokens and a symbol of your loyalty and status in the court of King Waylyn the Dragontamer. From now on, you are a daughter of the court and seen as a daughter to the crown and its royal family."

She smiled at Helian and he smiled back as she took them from him only to have him take them back and turn her around so that he could place the necklace around her neck and then the ring on her finger.

It was a beautiful dark blue gem, practally black and it went well against her white dress. "Thank you." She said. Helian nodded. "For you, only the best." Luna smiled unsure what to do with all of the attention on her. Together they faced the crowd and cheers could be heard from all over the ballroom. "Now its time to have a party." Helian said and Luna nodded. At least all of the attention wouldn't be on her the whole time, that was good.

That was where she was wrong, people came up to her and wanted to talk to her, one after another, asking her questions and telling her how pretty she looked in the dress, wondering where she was from and things like that. Helian stayed right by her side through it all and she was grateful for him by her side.

"Lady Luna." A voice started her and she smiled at the familiar mop of black hair came into view. "Owen, so you found me again did you." Owen smiled. "You are not that hard to find, Luna." He said and then looked at Helian. "The king would like to talk to you, that is why I came over." He said and Helian glared at him. "Why would they tell you and not me that she is needed?" He asked, an icy edge to his voice. "I don't know, Hel, but I was walking by and asked me if I would go and bring Luna over to where they are sitting. If you want to know what its all about ask them yourself."

With that he held out his hand to Luna and she took his arm and was led away into the crowd of people. Helian folded his arms and watched her like a hawk, she was his friend and he didn't like that was spending a lot of time with Owen, people might get the wrong idea about the two of them. That was not what he wanted when he introduced the two of them. He had to do something about it but he was not sure yet what. From the corner of the room he watched as they reached the corner where his parents where sitting.

He wondered what they where going to talk to her about, did it have to do something with him? He shook his head, no they would have had him come over so that they could all talk about it together.

When they got to where they were sitting Luna bowed her head and smiled at the queen, her hand automatically going to her dagger at her waist, clutching the handle. Why had they said that Helian couldn't come with her? She sat next to the queen, she saw a seat next to king Waylyn but she couldn't trust herself not to make a scene right then and there. It wasn't time for something like that.

"What can I do for you?" She asked, keeping her voice steady, she really wanted to just scream at him. "There is something that we want to talk to you about." He said and Luna noticed that Elowyn glared at him. "Ok. What is it?" she asked and the king cleared his throat. "How do you like working with Aryn?" he asked and Luna looked at him. That was not the thing that he was going to ask her was it? If she liked working with Aryn? "I like it, is there something wrong?"

"No, that is all we were wondering, you can go now." He said and Luna stood, turning towards the queen and nodding her head. That was strange but she was not about to stay and make more conversation when she had a dagger at her side. "Thank you for your time." She said and Waylyn nodded.

Without warning Helian came over and touched her shoulder. "You ok there?" He asked and Luna nodded. "Yeah, what do you want to do?" "Dance with me?" he asked and Luna nodded. That would get her mind off of everything. "Sure." With that he held out his hand to her and led her to the dance floor and a path parted for them. He put one hand on her waist and the other one clasped her hand and they started dancing to the music. "Thank you." Luna whispered and when Helian didn't respond she thought that he didn't hear her but then she felt him pull her closer. "You are more then welcome, you know that I would die for you, right?" he asked and Luna nodded. "I know, what are we going to do about your father?" She asked and Helian nodded. "We will have to wait, we don't have any backup and if things go south I want to be able to get you out of here quickly. So, for now we wait." Luna nodded. She was sure that she could do it herself and get out of there before anyone could catch her but she trusted Helian's judgment.

"Ok, then we wait, for now let's just enjoy my party." While they danced Luna scanned around the room, guards where at every door and four where standing in front and around the dais where the king now sat, he must have gone back after she had come to talk to him and queen Elowyn. What was he thinking? She wondered, if only she could find out and then it would be easier to plan how they where going to do this. His head needed to be off his body, she was sure of that, that was the only way that the people would have peace was if he was gone for good.

He had done good in the world but the bad things that he did outweighed the good. He had to pay for his mistakes. Helian stopped dancing and Luna barley felt him touch her arm. "Are you ok?" he asked and she nodded, too lost in her own head to answer him. "We will find a way." He said and pulled her to keep dancing. They would cause too much distraction and then others would somehow find out what is going on and their plan would be ruined. Luna looked at him and allowed him to pull her around the dance floor for a while. They would win, they would find a way to free the Kingdom from him.

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