Chapter 5

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     Luna made her way out of the palace once she had gone to Aryn and asked her if there was anything she needed her to do for her before she left. Aryn looked at her and smiled. "You just got here and you already have all of the boys fawning over you, who is it, Sebastian, Luke, Danial?" she asked with a knowing smile. Luna shook her head and ducked out of the princesses door before she could ask any more questions. What would Aryn think when Luna was going to see her brother? Would she be angry, they had to do this, they were the only two that wanted this. Aryn seemed oblivious to the kings wrath and hatred, it must be that he never showed her that side of him.

That made a lot of sense she thought, if he made Aryn think that he was the good guy then she would have no reason to suspect her own father of what he had done to countless people.

Walking down the hall she fingered her dagger, what she wouldn't give to just go the king and plunge the dagger into his heart already, she was done waiting, but she had to. Shaking her head to clear it she, she would wait, she would see what Helian had in mind and then they would go from there. Tucking the dagger back in the sheath she flipped her cloak over it, so that it wasn't visible and went out of the palace through the back doors and out into the many gardens and mazes, were would Helian be? He hadn't said were he would be. Once she had gotten far enough into the gardens she looked around for Helian.

She was about to call out for him but a hand came around her mouth and she felt someone behind her. "Helian?" she whispered and the person behind her nodded. "Be quiet and follow me." He said and released her. "What in the seven devils was that?!" she hissed and Helian looked at her while she glared daggers at him.

Helian smirked at her and raised an eyebrow at him. "We don't want to be caught, just shut up and follow me." He said and Luna glared at him but followed him to the far end of the gardens were a grove of trees led out into the forest. Once they were at the furthest part of the gardens he turned to her and smiled at her.

"Do you want me to tell you why I brought you out here?" Luna shook her head and crossed her arms. "Obviously I do." She said and stared at him. "Ok, I think that you should sit down for this." He said and together they sat on the bench, Luna made sure that he didn't touch her but she did turn and look at him. "OK, you can begin." She said. "What do you want me to start with?" he asked. Luna shook her head. "With whatever you want to tell me." She said and Helian sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"I am not sure how to explain this but there is something that is going to be happening, I am a part of it and it is something that I didn't want to be apart of, believe me. Things happened and I really tried to get out of it. I am the damn kings son. My whole life has been planned out for me since the day I was born." Luna nodded. "I understand that, I am the daughter of a Knight, my life has been one that has been watched my whole life as well, we are more alike then you know." Helian muttered something and Luna looked at him and saw that he had a smile on his lips. "What?" she asked confusion on her face. He shook his head. "Nothing. Im just not sure why you still are here, after everything that you've been through, I would think that you would love the king, my father after everything that he has done for you."

Luna shook her head and glared at him. "What has your father done?, He has ruined people, brought people in to be slaves for us, taken innocent peoples lives. My father... he had to kill people, people that didn't want it or have anything to do with the war that happened. It all should have been over a long time ago. Killing is wrong, and what you father does is worse."

Surprisingly Helian smiled at her words and she could see something break inside him and he sighed. "I've waited for someone to say that for the longest time." He said with a sigh and sat on a bench that they had stopped at and a wide smile broke across his face.

Luna looked at him and then frowned. "He wanted his own father dead? He wanted the people to be free, just like she did." She thought and then a huge smile lit up her face as well. "Its seems like we want the same goal." She said and Helian nodded not saying anything to her but the smile couldn't stay off of his face.

"What are we going to do?" Luna asked as she brushed her silver blond hair back behind her shoulder and looked at him. "What do you have in mind?" She asked and Helian looked at her. "I can't tell you right now, someone is coming."

Luna looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him. She couldn't hear anyone coming and then she heard it. "Hel, Were are you!?" She called and looked around the gardens. When Luna gave him a confused looked he shook his head. "Aryn, she will want you to go with her." Luna frowned, would she get in trouble from the king that she had hid from her companion? What would happen if she and Helian were caught together. She wasn't suppose to be with him at all, she was suppose to be with Princess Aryn at all times and she had already broke that rule. Helian shook his head. "Shhh, be quiet." he hissed and Luna glared at him again. It was not funny, they shouldn't be hiding at all. Sighing she decided to do something about it and grabbed his hand, this surprised him so he didn't pull away, she pulled him away from the place that they had been hiding and looked around. Aryn was a little ways away from them. "We can just act like we were going for a walk." She said and Helian huffing agreed, taking her arm and linking it through his, together they started walking towards Aryn who heard their footsteps and turned to face them.

"Were have you been?" Aryn asked as she stopped in front of them and then looked at her brother with a raised eyebrow. "Miss Luna here was asking me if I would train her on some new weaponry that she got from the blacksmith." Helian said and Luna lowered her eyes so that Aryn wouldn't see the lie in her eyes and the smirk on her face. That was not what he was doing. She knew very well how to handle any weapon that was thrown at her. That is why she was chosen to be a companion/ guard to the princess.

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