Chapter 16

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They danced for a while and then once the song was over they stepped to the side to one of the tables and sat down. Helian went to get drinks for them and Luna sighed, it was harder then she thought to keep up appearances. The whole royal court was watching her and she hated it. She wished that it was all over, that the king was gone and they could just live in peace from now on, but the king still breathed and he was a threat to others. He took money when he didn't need to, he lived in luxury when he gave nothing to his people. He needed someone to put him in his place and she was the only one that seemed to see that he was wrong in what he was doing, that is except Helian.

A cup was placed before her and she wrapped her fingers around it, it was warm and had a honey color to it. "What is this?" She asked eyeing the cup suspiciously. "Its Hendavali. Or Dragons' blood wine. Sailors brought it over years ago, it looked like the blood of a dragon and a man named Vali found the berries that produce the color and sweetness so that is why it is called Hendavali." He said. Luna nodded and brought the cup to her lips, drinking she found that it was sweet, with a hint of bitter and she smiled. She liked it almost as much as she liked Jade Wine. "This is good." She said as she drained the cup.

A servant came over with a silver pitcher and refilled her cup, she smiled and drained it again, setting the cup back on the table. Little did she know that Helian was watching her with furrowed eyebrows.

When the servant came and filled her cup the third time he stopped her when she reached for the cup. "What?" she asked, looking at him. "I forgot to mention that it is an alcoholic drink and too much will have you regretting things." He said and pushed the cup away from her and getting her some Jade Wine instead. Luna nodded and felt a buzz in her head. "Is this supposed to make me dizzy?" she asked and Helian looked at her and frowned. "You have had too much, just sit down for a while and just stay to the side." Luna nodded. "Ok, that sounds like a good idea." She said. "I will go and see if I can find someone to keep you company and I'll let father know what is happening." He said and stood.

Luna stood up after him and instantly regretted. Her head felt dizzy and she immediately sat back down. "I'll...I'll stay here." She said but when she looked up she saw that Helian had moved away and someone else had taken his place. A mop of black hair and dark green eyes where staring at her from the chair next to her. "Luna, glad that I found you, are... are you alright?" he asked and Luna nodded. "Just had too much to drink, that's all." She said and pointed to the glass and bottle in front of her. Just like Helian he frowned and pushed the bottle further from her and closer to himself. "I don't think that you should have any more." He said and Luna frowned at him. "That...that is what...He...Helian said too." She said.

Owen smiled. "He is right; do you want to go for a walk? That might clear your head, and then we can come right back here when you are feeling better." Luna nodded. "What will Helian think?" she said and Owen shook his head, the movement made her head spin watching him. "I don't know but it should be fine." She said. "Want to go now?" he asked and Luna nodded. "I'll go grab my cloak." She said "And then we can go." She said. Owen nodded. "That is fine for me." He said and then fell silent. Luna looked at him and then to where he was looking, King Waylyn was watching the two of them and three men stood besides him. Luna couldn't see what they were saying, cause it was too far away, but she did see his mouth form the words "marriage" and "Luna"

Shaking her head, she decided not to think about that too much and she stood and looked at Owen. "See you in a bit, the gardens, the far side by the willow tree and the phoenix fountain statue." She said and turning walked away from him, from the corner of her eye she saw him bow to the king and queen and then exit the ballroom. Looking around the room she saw Helian looking around the room and she knew that he was looking for her. Pushing her way through people she made her way to one of the tables on the side of the room and grabbing a cup she filled it with Jade Wine and sipped it as she leaned against the wall and watched the crowd around her.

What was she going to do she thought, she wished that she could just go back to her room and leave the party to go on without her but she knew that wouldn't be ok. With everyone in the room she knew that she wouldn't be missed but she was the guest of honor so someone was going to notice that she was gone. She caught Owen's eye and saw that he was looking at her and then nodded his head. They had to go soon if they wanted any time alone to talk.

"Be out in a bit." She mouthed at him and went back to scanning the crowd. She saw him nod and walk out of the room, he was just going to go to the library most likely, he had said that he liked to read so he would probably be heading there to wait for her.

Suddenly a horn sounded and King Waylyn stood and came to the front of the room. Luna had to keep herself from rolling her eyes as he cleared his throat and looked right at her. "Dinner is served." He said and for the first time tonight Luna found that she was hungry, she had had a lot of alcohol and it was finally getting to her. She could eat two plates of food if she wanted to.

"Did I miss anything?" A voice by her shoulder made her jump and she spun around, it was Owen and when she gave him a confused expression he leaned in. "A servant came and told me it was time for dinner, I was just getting into a good book and so I hope what we talk about after is more interesting then the book that I had buried myself in." He said and Luna smiled. "It will be." She said and found Helian looking at her. With a nod to Owen she excused herself and went over to him. Since she was now a member of the royal family she would have to sit with him and his family instead of mingling with the guest. She could do that afterward all she liked.

"Hi." She whispered and Helian placed his hand on her lower back and pulled her close, not looking at her but his presence was reassuring with all of the eyes on her. "Glad that you didn't get lost in the sea of people, hope that my old pal Owen was more then able company while I was away." Luna nodded. "He was, we were just about to go and go for a walk in the gardens when we were called to dinner." She didn't see the look on Helian's face when she said that because Aryn came up and linked her arm through hers. "Shall we go to dinner then?" "Yes, M'lady." Luna said with a smile and together they walked arm in arm out of the ballroom and into the grand dinning room. It was a long room and a huge table sat in the middle of the room decked out in silver and black with splashes of dark blue and white. A servant came over and led her to the middle of the table where Helian and his parents as well as Aryn and Quinn where seated. When she was seated the food started coming and all of the smells made her mouth water, she didn't realize how hungry she was until the dishes started coming into the room

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