Chapter 24

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            The next few days they got things together, if they wanted to then they would be able to get out of the palace as soon as possible. With Helian and Aryn keeping an eye on their father then it would be easier to get away and get things done without being questioned. Sebastian stayed by Luna's side while she got things together. Helian and Aryn stayed close to the king and making sure that he didn't try anything while they were gone.

After a few more days of getting things together Helian and Aryn said that it was almost time to go. That she and Sebastian should be able to get out of the kingdom without notice. When they heard this news Luna came to Sebastian and he looked at her with a worried look on his face. He must have heard something that changed the plan of everything. Luna didn't want to hear it but she looked at him and waited for him to speak. "What do you want to do?" Sebastian asked as they walked down the hallway. "I don't know. When do you want to do until we leave?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.

Sebastian shook his head. "I don't know, want to go train?" he asked and Luna nodded. "I don't know, but we should try and get some things done before we leave." "Want to go and pack the rest of your things, I don't know how long we will be gone?" she asked and Sebastian shook his head. "How long do you think that this will take us?" he asked and she shook her head at him. "I don't know, but we should get going, we don't want to be later for dinner party that father has planned." Luna snapped her head at him a frown on her face. "I didn't know about that, why didn't anyone tell me about it?" she asked.

"I don't know, I and I guess everyone just assumed that you would know already." He said and frowned. "This isn't good. What about our plans."

"We will have to go after the dinner party, he said that there are important people that he wants you and Aryn to meet." Luna rolled her eyes. "Is that really necessary right now?" she asked and Helian frowned at her. "I don't like it any more then you do, but to keep up appearances then we have to do this, it will all work out in the end." Luna sighed. "Fine, after this party, we are leaving. I can't stand being around him anymore." Sebastian nodded. "Yes, after this we will leave."

With that Sebastian left her to get ready, without knowing it they were in front of her door and with a bow he left her to get ready. Going inside her room she saw a girl standing by the bed, seemingly waiting for her. "Hi... um, why are you here?" Luna asked and the girl bowed her head. "They said that it would be a shock to see me here. But I am here to help you get ready for dinner. " Luna nodded and went and sat on the bed. "Well, in that case, can I get a name?" she said eyeing the girls features. She had darker skin but her hair was a dark red and her eyes were red as well. "Oh, my name is Tessa Aspen." The girl said with a smile. "Well, Tess I think that we are going to be great friends." Luna said with a grin. "Well, what do you want to wear to dinner?" Tessa asked grinning as well.

It didn't seem to bother her that Luna had shortened her name and so with a nod Tessa went into her closet and started looking through her dresses, seeing what she had that would work for dinner with everyone.

"I don't know, what are the options?" Luna asked as Tessa came back with a bundle of clothing. "There are a few options for you to choose from." She said and Luna started picking through till she found a blue one that was partially white with silver accents in it. "This is the one that I want." She told Tessa and the girl nodded. Taking the dress from her and starting to unlace it. Luna got out of her dress that she was wearing, it was a pale blue that was partially white. Once she was out of that one she slipped into the new one and turned around so that Tessa could lace her up in the back. She was supposed to be Aryn's lady in waiting but she now had her own. She was more like family then a companion. She still accompanied Aryn places and did things for her but it was more like she was a friend then a maid.

"What do you think about this one?" Luna asked and Tessa nodded, grinning. "That would be lovely." She said and turned around so that Tess could lace up her back.

"What time do I have to get to dinner?" she asked once she was dressed and was looking in the mirror and placed her tiara on her head, it was one that Aryn had said that she could borrow when she had come to the palace and had gone to one of her first dinner parties. Once that was done she turned around and smiled. "I am ready." Aryn smiled. "All of the boys will be looking at you tonight and not be able to eat their food." She teased and Luna glared at her friend. "Whatever. They will be too busy stuffing their faces that they will not even notice me." She said turning back to the mirror and making sure that everything was good.

Once she finished she heard a knock at the door and Luna went and opened the door. Helian stood at the door and when he saw her he smiled. "How are you doing?" he asked and she could tell from the tapping that he was doing on the side of his leg that he was nervous. "I am good, why aren't you down to dinner yet?" she asked. He had cleaned up nicely from the training session that they had just come from, his hair was still wet from the shower and she suddenly wanted to run her fingers through it. Blinking she looked at him and then back at Aryn. What was she thinking, that was her best friends' brother.

"I was told to come and escort you two to dinner." He said and when Luna raised her eyebrow at him he smiled apologetically. "Father made me do it." He said and Luna knew why, so that he could keep an eye on them all and make sure that she came to dinner instead of trying anything. Like she would anyway, they had a plan and they were going to stick to it. "I am ready, Aryn, are you ready to go down to dinner?" she asked and Aryn poked her head out of the bathroom. "I will be done in just a sec and I can come with you guys." She said and Luna motioned for Helian to come into the room. "The plan is in action. After dinner we are going to tell him that we are going to leave, and say that we need to go and see my mother and make sure that everything is alright. He has already said that Sebastian and I can go so it won't be hard to get some supplies from him for her." She said and Helian smiled at her but his eyes were sad. "What's wrong?" she asked pulling him a ways down the hallway, away from Aryn's door and quickly looking around to make sure that no one was around she turned to him and saw that he had tears in his eyes.

"What is wrong?" she repeated but he only wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in her hair and she felt tears falling into her hairline. "I, I just don't want to lose you, you know that I care for you and if anything happens to you because of him, because of me then I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He said and Luna looked at him and pulled his face so that he was looking at her. "Nothings going to happen to me and once this is over we will be able to build the kingdom how the people want it." She said and with that promise he leaned in and kissed her and pulled away when Aryn came out of her room. "Are you guys ready?" she asked and they both nodded.

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