Chapter 48

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Getting closer she waited, watching Venom to see what she would do, maybe she would just talk to him and then they would be able to go on their way. As soon as she thought that Luna shook her head. That was not what she was going to do, for damn's sake she had a dagger in her hand, another one in her boot and three strapped to her waist. Yes Luna had seen every single one of them and no she didn't think that they were just for show.

Venom sighed and leaned back against the piller. Whatever the girl had planned she would wait to see if she would leave her alone. Then she would be able to do what she was told to do. Taking a deep breath Venom palmed one of her daggers, flipping it end over end for a minute before leaning forward and looking at the dais. King Waylyn sat talking to one of his advisors, not a care in the world and it made her blood boil, how could he sit there and just do nothing while his people starved. The hatred that she felt for him burned,

Without a second thought she threw the dagger, it was silent in its path across the room and she smiled as she watched it, her hood covering her face, her eyes shining. Suddenly another dagger crossed its path and it fell to the floor, with the amount of people the sound wasn't heard. Snapping her head up she scanned the room to see who or what had thrown that.

Who the hell had thrown that? It wasn't a standard issue, that was for sure. She scanned the room and her eyes caught sight of a pair of clear blue eyes that were currently glaring at her. Had she seen that she had thrown it? From the way she was glaring at her, she had seen her. Shit, that was not what she wanted to happen. Taking a deep breath Venom snapped her attention back to the dais, they were still sitting there, they hadn't realized what had happened below them and their guards were still in place. Good, that way I can get what I need to and get closer. As long as she doesn't notice me, then I can get closer and close enough for this to play out. She thought and ran her hand through her hair and pulled at the strands, her mind working. If she didn't get this done, the people that had told her to do it would be mad, and she didn't want to be at the other end of that. No one did but it was worse for her.

More movement out of the corner of her eye made Venom lean away from the wall and scan the crowd again. Luna, at least that was what she thought her name was, was staring at her. Letting her eyes look somewhere else Venom hoped that she would just ignore her. Without thinking she moved closer to the dais again, all thoughts gone, she had to do this. That was what she was supposed to do. Rules and people be damned. Taking a breath she launched herself towards the dais, quickly checking to see if anyone had seen her, Venom let out a breath as she scanned around. Suddenly something barreled towards her and knocked her off her feet, she kept her hand on her dagger and tucked into a roll and got to her feet as she looked to see what or who had come at her and she glared.

Luna clamped her mouth shut as a sharp pain shot up her shoulder as she landed on it, ignoring it she got to her feet and unsheathed her sword, turning to face Venom. "What are you doing?" she asked. Venom ignored her and unsheathed her own sword, putting the daggers away. Without warning Venom attacked, Luna raised her own sword and the sound verberated through the room. Everything went quiet and they were in their own world. Guards moved to surround the dais but it was not needed, Venom was distracted and Luna had eyes for her only. They went at it for a while and Luna's head snaps to the side when movement from the dais caused her to move her thoughts from what was in front of her. King Waylyn was moving from the dais and out of the room. She cursed, that was not what she wanted to happen. Guards flanked him and the rest of the royal family and she caught Helian's gaze. He watched her for a second before following his family.

Venom launched herself at her and Luna grabbed her without a second thought, tearing her gaze from her friends. This is not what she wanted to happen. This woman had taken that from her. The thing she wanted to do most, she had taken it from her.

Glaring at her Luna hauled her to her feet, Venom didn't fight her and allowed herself to be hauled from the room and into the one across the hall. Once they were there Luna let her go and Venom slumped to the floor. "Well, that was interesting." Venom said, pushing her green hair out of her face and looking at her. Not getting up but staring at her from where she was sitting on the floor. Luna ran her hand through her hair. "What the hell was that?" She asked. "Who are you working for? What do you want?" she asked. Venom shook her head and got to her feet, folding her arms. "Why do you want to know?" "You might not know this but you and I are more similar than you think." she said, coming and sitting next to her. Venom moved away from her, her body tense and not sure what to think about that. "You say that, the woman that just tried to kill me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "I wasn't aiming for you." Venom said, shaking her head. "You were just in the way." "That is besides the point, why do you want to get the king so bad?" Venom pursed her lips. "I don't need to tell you that." "You don't have to, but if you want my help, then you should tell me." Luna contradicted.

Venom glanced at the door. "If I tell you, you can't get in the way, do you understand?" Luna nodded. "Fine." She sighed and looked at her. "Why is it that you want to kill the king, he hasn't done anything to you." she said.

Venom shook her head. "That is where you are wrong, he has done things to people that have come back to me. When I heard that he was here, I had to see about getting what they said done." "What who said?" "I have people that I answer to, too. People that will not be happy that I have not finished what they asked me to." she bit out, glaring at her.

Luna nodded. "So, you want the same thing that we want? Justice from an unjust system." Leaning back Venom nodded and folded her arms. "And how do you expect us to do that?" Luna shook her head. "Right now, I have no idea." Venom shook her head. "Well, that isn't a plan."

"We are going to go and ask him, if he doesn't want to, then we will tell him and we won't take no as an answer." A voice came from the doorway and Luna whipped her head towards the sound. Helian was leaning against the doorframe watching her. "How long have you been standing there?" She asked. "Long enough to know what you guys are planning on doing, and knowing that you'll need my help doing it." she sighed. "You really think that you can do it without him finding out?"

"I am his son, I have a key to his office. We can get in and out without my brother finding out. If they do then everything will go wrong and we won't be able to talk to him." "and we will be put into prison" Aryn added as she made her way into the room and sat next to her. "Where do we start?" She asked. Luna blinked. "You guys really want to help?" she asked.

Helian nodded. "That is why we're here, if we didn't want to then we wouldn't be and the guards would have already thrown your ass in jail." He joked. She rolled her eyes and pushed her hair out of her face and sighed. There was no way that they would let her do this alone. "Fine, Let's get started." Everyone in the room grinned and they started planning.

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