Chapter 30

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The man nodded and pushed his hair out of his face. "Yeah, you can call me Cor. what's your name? It's been too long." "I am Helian." Helian said and a grin spread across Cor's face. "Oh, it is good to see you, you were only a little boy when I went away. What has happened with Kalon, is he still gone, that bastard, or did he finally come home?" Helian smiled. "He came home, actually, not that long after you did. Do you want me to go get him?" Corvus shook his head. "No, I will see him eventually." With a grin he looked at Helian and nodded at his sword that was still in his hand. "Are you any good with that thing?" he asked. Helian nodded. "Yeah, what is it to you?" "Want to have a sparring match?" Cor asked with a huge smile on his face. "It has been a while since I sparred with anyone."

"Yeah, let's go for it." Helian said and waited for Corvus to get his own sword out, Helian gasped, his sword was one of the ancient ones that should have been locked up in the royal vault, he would ask about that later. Cor noticed that he was staring at the sword and smiled. "Before I left, father gave it to me. I've kept it ever since so that it would be the one thing that he wouldn't disown me for. If I ever did come back. This sword would prove my parentage to him." Cor said and without another word rushed Helian. Their swords clashed and they went after each other. Even though Helian was younger and more agile Cor had skills and speed that Helian didn't think that he would have. This was crazy, he was sparring with his brother. He had another older brother. "When did you get here?" Helian asked and Cor smiled at him. "I got here just in time for you to start going through your reps." Cor said and folded his arms and stepped away from him. Helian looked at him, he was skinny but he was full of muscle. Corvus had been taking care of his body while he had been away and Helian wondered how he had kept his body in peak condition. They went after each other again and again, their swords clashing and ringing around the room. When they stopped Helian looked at Corvus and stepping back he sheathed his sword. "I think that it is time that you get to meet everyone." Helian said. Corvus looked at him and then sheathed his own sword. "Do you think that they are ready for that?" Helian nodded and put his hand on Cor's shoulder. "I think that they have waited too long to see you again.

Together they walked out of the room and down the hall to the throne room. When they opened the door Queen Elowyn looked at them and then looked at Corvus. Her eyes widened and she ran toward him and pulled him into a hug. "My boy, you are home." King Waylyn said and looked at Helian and smiled for the first time in a while. Right then and there Helian knew who his favorite child was. Helian was nothing to them since both of his brothers were home. He watched this, hoping that Luna had more success.    

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