Chapter 38

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Helian had taken a shower and changed before grabbing a book and lying on his bed, reading. He wondered what would happen now, they had done what they needed to and now they had one last thing to do, everything was in place. Now they just had to get back into the palace. Hearing a knock at his door he went and opened it. Luna stood there and he smiled. "I didn't expect you here so soon." he said and let her inside. "We have to talk." she said and went to sit on his bed. Healian looked at her and sat next to her. "What is it?" he asked. She looked at him. "I am glad that you are here. I really am, But I feel like we need someone back over there.... I know that we are going to do this and that we can get all of the help that we can but I have a feeling that we might be in over our heads here. I know what I want to do but what if it isn't the right time, what if things go wrong and they come after us? After you? I can't have that. So I am asking you to stay here, I will go back but I don't want to risk you again. You said that he is already suspicious of what we are doing and having you gone for so long, he will have the guard searching for you in no time and what if they come upon us without us knowing? Everything that we that I have worked for would be gone and I can't afford that to be on your head."

Helian looked at her for a long moment and then nodded. "If and only if that is what you want, then I will stay here and let you go back." he said. Luna nodded. "Yes, that is what I want to happen, that way if he does find out then he won't be able to ruin our whole plan. You will be here and ready to go out with the others, if... if something happens to me." she said. Helian shook his head. "Nothing will happen to you, I know that, but if you want me to stay here, then I will." Luna smiled at him. "Thank you. I know that this will help us." she said. He nodded. "I just hope that you know what your doing." he said with a sigh. She nodded. "It will work. He won't know and I will be back there with Aryn in no time, like nothing happened and he knows that I was going to go visit my mother, I already told her to tell him and those that would come check on me to tell them and him that I would be back in a few months. Its been a few months and so no one will suspect a thing when I show back up there." she said and leaned on his shoulder. "We got this, it will all work out and this will end." she said. "I trust this, and I trust us and our plan." Helian nodded. "When do you want to go back?" he asked. Luna nodded. "In a day or two, that way its not suspicious where I have been." she said.

"Sounds like a plan to me, what do you want to do in the meantime?" he asked. Luna shrugged. "I don't really know, I mean we can just explore." she said. He looked at her. "Explore what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "She grinned. "Explore the city, get to know people and see what this is all about. Maybe we can get more people on our side from this side."It's worth a try at least." "That might work, let me get my shoes on and then we can go." he said with a smile before getting up from where he was sitting and getting his shoes and putting them on. "Ready?" Luna nodded and grabbed one of his cloaks from the hook and put it around herself.

Helian raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything before grabbing a second one and following her out of his room and down the hall. Together they made their way to the main room. The bar was unoccupied except the bartender and he smiled at them. Helian nodded at him. "We will see you after a while Ashton." the man, well boy nodded. "Sounds good your highness." Helian shook his head. "You know you don't have to call me that, ever right." Ashton shook his head and then grinned. "Yeah, you've told me time and again, I'm sorry, old habits die hard I guess. Where are you off to, a mission for Gavin I presume?" Luna saw Helian shook his head and she wondered who Gavin was. He had never been mentioned before. "No." He replied. "This has nothing to do with Gavin, I just wanted to show Luna around the city that is all, let her see it from this point of view instead, if you know what I mean and if I pass Gavin I'll let him know that your looking for him." he said with a grin. Ash shook his head vigorously. "No, no need there, if he wants to find me he will find me on his own, no thanks to you."

"Well that is good to know, now, we will see you later before it gets even darker and we can't see our fingers in front of our faces." Helian said. Ash nodded. "Sounds good, you're armed I guess." Luna saw Helian turn and move his cloak out of the way, revealing his sword and one dagger next to it and from the way Ashton was looking at them she did the same and then showed her dagger strapped to her thigh and her compact bow and arrows across her back and at her hip. "We aren't taking any chances." Helian reassured him. Ashton nodded. "Good, with the festival tonight leading up to the ball, who wouldn't be armed to the teeth." Helian bowed to him before nodding at Luna and together they made their way out the door and into the early night air.

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