Chapter 50

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A few hours later Luna was dressed in a dark gray dress, walking through the doors she grinned. This was a day for celebration, the king was out of the picture for now and as she looked through the ballroom she sighed a sigh of relief. Everything was how it should be. Prince...King Kalon. She corrected herself, he had been sworn in while she had been working with those that went to work with the people and she watched as he adjusted his collar as he sat on the throne. Looking more uncomfortable then Luna has ever seen him and the boy next to him looked around the room finding her he grinned and made his way to her. "I'm glad you came, I don't think I have ever seen him this jittery since the day Hailey asked him to go to the new years ball with him." he said taking her hand and leading her to the high table, where Kalon sat and a small smile is all that she is given in acknowledgement from the new king. Helian nodded to the seat next to him and Luna sat. What the heck was going on? She thought and raised an eyebrow at Helian, but he didn't look at her. Now it was strange that he wasn't talking to her about what was going on.

Luna looked around the ballroom and then her eyes fell on Helian, he was sitting right next to her but she couldn't get her mind to stop worrying about what was down in the prisons, that were deeper in the belly of the palace. What if he got out? What if someone came and attacked them? Her mind was racing and she didn't even realize that Helian had slipped his hand into hers and she blinked and turned, looking at him. "What?" she asked. "I can tell that you're overthinking. Don't worry about it. Everything will be okay." "What are we going to do, the king is gone and what happens now?" Luna asked.

Helian shrugged. "I am not sure but there is something that I wanted to ask you... I talked to Kalon and he said it was alright if I asked this, but if you don't want to then you don't have to..." Luna raised an eyebrow at him. "What is Helian?" Aryn grinned from where she was sitting on her other side. "Go ahead and ask her, the worst thing that she could do would be to say no." she said grinning wider. Luna looked at him and then at his sister.

"What is it that you want to ask me?" Helian sighed and then looked one more time at his sister. "Just do it." she said. He nodded and turned back to Luna. "I was wondering if you wanted to come and live here, with us, since our father is gone there isn't anything wrong with that, and we could use the help building the kingdom, you guys would have your own wings and everything...and Kalon says that it is okay."

Luna looked at Helian. "Are you sure that it will be Ok?" He nodded. "I already talked to him, you guys can go and get your things and then come in a few weeks if you want. You don't have to rush it." "Thank you, that would be awesome.I don't know who will want to come but I can ask." she smiled. "Tell Kalon thank you." "Your welcome Luna." A voice behind her made her jump and an older looking Helian smiled at her. "Kalon, um... your Majesty, thank you for letting us stay." he nodded and put one arm around Helian. "No problem for the girl that my brother can't stop talking about." he said and both Luna and Helian blushed red while Helian shoved his brother. "Are you harassing your brother again?" A female voice behind them made Luna smile and she dipped into a curtsey. Queen Elowyn smiled at her. "Now, none of that my dear, you are practically family." Luna nodded and straightened, Helian slipped his hand in hers. His mother turned to the older of the two "Kalon just because you are king now doesn't give you the right to harass your brother, don't you have a meeting to go to?" He nodded. "Yes, mother." he nodded and smiled at Luna before disappearing into the crowd.

"Now, how are you two doing, did my son tell you what he was thinking already?" she asked once Kalon was out of earshot. Helian groaned but Luna smiled. "Yeah, he did and I'll have to think about it, but it might be a good idea. With me still being Aryn's lady. It would be easier if I just stayed." Queen Elowyn nodded. 'You know that you won't be Aryn's lady anymore if you come and stay, that won't be needed." Luna looked at her. "Then what will I be?" "You will be a lady of the court." With that Helian grinned. "That is why I wanted you to stay, and I am glad you are, I have no idea what my brother will get into since he is the new king and I could use your help to keep him in line." he teased. Luna raised an eyebrow at him. "That isn't the entire reason that you want me to stay, is it?" He shook his head. "No... it's not, I would miss you, I know your family's house isn't far but still, if something happened, I wouldn't want you to be where we can't get to you or them. From now on, you are practically family, you are now going to be part of the royal family."

She looked at them. "Really?" Helian nodded and took her hand. "We are in this together, whatever this world brings at us, then we will face it head on. We already brought the people what they wanted, a land without a tyrant and we will be here if it happens again. Do you want to stay?" Luna nodded and pushed her hair from her face. "Yes." Queen Elowyn nodded. "Then it is settled. I'll have someone start to prepare a room, and then when you're ready you can start to decorate it." turning she went to do just that, leaving Helian and Luna alone.

The ballroom was full of people and Helian took Luna's hand, leading her out to the gardens. Once they got there he sat on one of the benches and Luna sat next to him. "What is it that you want to talk to me about?" she asked. He shook his head. "I am just happy, we have done things that no one else has ever had the courage to do, and we are both alive. It has made me realize just how special you are, not just to the kingdom but to me too. Going through all of this we could have been killed and now that we are out of it, it has gotten me thinking." "Thinking of what?"

"How much I care for you, don't get me wrong, I care about everyone but you are special to me, you get me and don't judge me when things don't go the way they are supposed to. You try and fix it." Luna nodded. "What are you going to ask me?" she asked. "I know that we haven't talked about it, that you might not want to right now, but I wanted to give you something, since you will be going back home for a while and I won't be able to see you, over the time that we have known eachother i want to be with you always."

He took her hand. "I got you something to show that..." Helian took out a small box out of his pocket and opened it, a small silver band laid in there. "This is the ring my father gave to my mother before he went off to war..." Luna whispered, eyeing the small white silver band. " did you get it?" she asked. "Your mother gave it to me when I went to check on them a few days ago, I asked her and she said that I could, if you don't want it or don't want to then we don't have to."

Luna shook her head. "No, I love it...I love that you did this, I love that we are together, I love that we don't have to live in fear anymore...I... I love you."

Helian grinned and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. "I have wanted to hear you say that for a long time, I haven't said it cause I wasn't sure if you did." Luna nodded. "I love you, Prince Helian June of Thethoris, forever and ever, I am yours and no one can take me away from you." Helian nodded and together they watched the sky as the sun slipped down and the sky darkened, this was the end of another day and they would walk into the new day together, and nothing would tear them apart, how wrong they were about that, and little did they know that this was only the beginning of the troubles that they would face. 

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