Chapter 26

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 Luna went down the hall and made her way to her rooms. This was happening, they were starting, and this was for real and not just a joke. Soon blood would run or the kingdom would be free. When she got to her rooms she saw that the door was closed and that meant that everything was in order. She had told Aryn to close the door once she went inside so that no one would bother them when they were getting ready and so that she could leave without causing a scene. Looking around the room Luna wondered what else she should bring with them, they had to get away from the palace as soon as possible so that they were not trapped there when things unfolded.

Luna grabbed the paper that the king had written on and pushed it into the bag that she had a book and a few essential things that she could get at easier if things went wrong.

Once she had all of that she reached for her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders and tied it. She would be leaving now, they would be getting on with their plan. With a smile she opened the door and walked out, going to Helian's door and wanted to talk to him and solidify the plan before they leave to go and find others.

Slinging her bow across her back she walked down the hallway and tried to keep her head high, the guards that where posted all down the hallway looked at her and she gripped her sword at her hip, ready to use it if something happened.

Once she made it to the front of the palace she opened the door what about Sebastian, they had to get together and get out and start getting people together.

"Where are you?" Luna asked as she wrapped the cloak tighter around her shoulders and looked out through the grounds, where should she wait for Sebastian, they had not said that they were going to meet. Taking a deep breath she stepped off the steps and turned and walked down the path to the gardens. That way she would be out of sight.

The light filtered through the trees and Luna sighed, where was he? They had not talked about where they were going to wait and if anyone saw that they left then they would thing that something happened and that something is up. "I am right behind you." A voice called and Luna spun to face the black haired boy who now had a grin on his face. "You scared me." She hissed and Sebastian smiled at her. "Come on, we have to hurry if we want to get out before everyone sees." He said and together they walked deeper into the gardens. They didn't see anything so they stopped and sat on one of the benches as far from the palace as they could get. "Lets sit here for a moment." She said and Sebastian nodded. "We need to get some plan in place before we get into action." She said and he nodded again. "We shouldn't be here." He said and together they stood again after ten minutes and Luna rearranged her bow over her shoulder and they made their way to the gate on the far side of the wall and slipped out of the palace grounds and where free.

Luna walked for a while and Sebastian walked behind her, watching their backs and making sure that no one was following them. "We should get something before we get too far, there is no way that we will get anywhere on foot. They will find out that we are gone and come find us soon enough." Luna said and Sebastian nodded. "I have already thought of that." He said and he turned and started walking down the hill and around the palace grounds and back to the stables. "We are going to go and steal horses?" Luna asked and raised her eyebrow. "Its not stealing, we will be taking our own horses that way we won't be causing a scene." Sebastian said. "I have a horse?" Luna whispered. "Yes, Helian got him for you before you came." "Really?" "Yes, lets go, we have to hurry if we want to go before any alarm is raised, then this will be all for nothing." Sebastian hissed and Luna followed him silently and together they walked around the wall and Sebastian pointed, the royal stables were right in front of them and they walked to the doors and Luna pushed it open, the scent washed over them and Sebastian slipped in the building and went to one of the stables. "Mars. Glad that I can use you, friend." He said and stroked a grey stallion's neck. "Are you ready for this?" the stallion nudged his head and huffed. Luna watched him and folded her arms. Unsure what to do. "This one is yours." Sebastian nodded his head to one of the stalls that were two down from where he was standing.

Luna walked down the hall and her eyes widened as she saw the large but sleek black stallion that was staring at her with bright grey eyes. His mane was pure black and she ran her hand down his nose. As if he know who she was he nestled his head on her shoulder and blew hot breath on her neck. "What is his name?" Luna asked as she saw Sebastian standing next to her with is own stallion already saddled and smiling at her. "He doesn't have one, Helian wanted you to pick one out yourself so he is unnamed but we have to get a move on, if someone sees us now, the plan is done and we have to get a move on." Luna nodded and walked her horse behind Sebastian and once they were outside they stopped and they made last minute adjustments before they mounted. "What did you think about your horse, like what name have you thought of giving him?" Sebastian asked as they started ridding away from the palace. "I don't know yet, I guess I will know when I know, I guess." Luna said and patted the stallion's neck as they continued to ride.

"We should get away from the palace, if he finds out that we are gone then he might send the guards after us." Sebastian said. Luna shook her head. "No, He said that we can go, he won't go back on his promise and if he does then Helian will talk to him." Sebastian shrugged. "You have faith that he will be able to stop the whole royal army from coming after us?" Luna shook her head. "I don't know but I have a feeling that if he wanted to make it so that we couldn't leave, then he would have locked down the city, he didn't and we are now out of the gates and away from the protection and sight of the king, so there is nothing that he can do about it, unless he wants to send the guards after us and he would have already done so if he wanted to come after us. Since there are no guards coming after us and we are almost out of the outer city then I don't think that we have to worry about that." Luna said and they rode in silence for a while until it started getting dark.

"We should camp here for the night." Sebastian suggested and Luna looked at him, she looked ready to fall of her horse any moment she was so tired. They were a few miles away from the outer cities now and kind of in the middle of nowhere. There was still a city but it was a ways back, if they needed anything then they could go there and not be recognized so they could go without fear of someone telling King Waylyn that they were still close to the city.

Luna dismounted and started getting the tents ready for them, they had two and once she had them secured and the horsed tied up she and Sebastian gathered firewood and started a fire to keep warm and keep the animals at bay. Once they had a good fire going they wrapped blankets around themselves and got into the two tents. Luna fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. This was only the beginning, she was ready.

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