Chapter 34

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Luna walked down the street and looked at all of the shops, it was nice to know that she wouldn't be pick pocketed. She didn't have anything on her person besides a small bag of copper coins, not worth much, her sword and a dagger in her boot. Pulling her cloak hood up higher to hide her blond white hair she watched the people and made her way deeper into the city, past all of the shops and to the better part of the city. People tried to get her attention but she ignored them, she wasn't here to buy anything. She needed to get to the palace and she needed to talk to Helian.

Walking through the city she looked at everything and soon found herself at the gates leading inside the palace. One of the guards looked at her and she smiled. "I am here to see the king." She said as she stepped closer.

"Do you have an audience with king Waylyn?" One of them asked. Luna shook her head. "No. I don't." He nodded. "No one can get in without an audience at the moment. Miss. You'll have to come back when you have one." He turned away from her and Luna shook her head. If he knew who she was then this wouldn't be an issue. He went to go talk to another one of the guards on duty and Luna recognized him, it was Lorcan. "He can tell you what I say is true." She said and pointed to her friend who was walking towards them.

The guard shrugged and waited for Lorcan. "Hey, this girl says she needs to see the king." He said. Lorcan shook his head. "ok, what's her name?" "Didn't get one." He said. Lorcan shook his head. "Well, you need to get one then." He said and came closer in the lamplight and his eyes went wide when he saw her. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked. Taking her arm and pulling her out of the light and away from the other guard. "I got this Trey." He said and Trey nodded. Moving away from them. Lorcan looked at her. "what are you doing back here, what is going on?" Luna looked at him and pulled him further from the walls and made sure that they couldn't be overheard.

"Do you know why I am here?" Lorcan shook his head. "I can figure it out tho, what happened?" Luna shook her head. "I can't tell you, I was just wondering if you knew or cared." she said and folded her arms. He looked at her. "Of course I care, what makes you say that?" he asked. "I just want to be sure that you are on our side. That's all, with everything that has been going on." she said. He nodded. "You're my friend, why would I do that to you?" she shook her head. "I just wanted to be sure that I can trust you with what I am going to do." she answered. Lorcan looked at her. "From the look on your face and in your eyes, I can tell it is something that I don't want to ask about, but since you have already said this much. What are you going to do?" He asked.

"Can I trust you with this?" she asked again. Looking at him and then looking around to make sure no one was within earshot. He shook his head. "Damn, Luna, yes. I already said yes." he said looking at her. "What in the devil do you have planned?'' She took a deep breath and looked at him. "Ok, so I have had this plan for a while and well, i'm just going to go ahead and say it. I am going to kill the king." she said quickly, not waiting for his response. She saw his eyes widen and she shoved him against the wall, clamping her hand over his mouth, "Don't!'' She looked around frantically. He looked at her and shook his head. Showing that he wouldn't say anything. She removed her hand from his mouth. "Don't say anything." she hissed. "I wasn't going to." he whispered. "When are you going to do this?" he asked. "How can I help?" She looked at him. "You want to help?" "Yes." She nodded. "Meet me at the tavern in a few days and I'll explain. I have to get back inside." she said quickly. He nodded and opened the gate to let her inside. "If you need me for any reason, let me know and I will be there." he said. She nodded. "Want to come and announce that I'm back?" she said, hoping that he would say yes. "Sure. if you want me to." he said and she nodded.

"Yes, please." She wanted someone more there for her when she had to face the king and make sure that she didn't slit his throat before they had time. He nodded. "Give me one minute and I'll be ready." he said and Luna shook her head. "Alright." She folded her arms and waited for him while he went to his captain and told him what he was going to do. Coming back to her he nodded. "I'm ready." Luna nodded. "Thank you Lorcan for doing this with me." she said as she followed him through the gates that the others had opened for them.

Lorcan led her through and she sighed, it would be good if he would allow this, if he would just see her and hopefully she would be able to change his mind before she had to do it. She really didn't want to but if he gave her no choice then Luna would have to. Lorcan watched her as he led her through the halls and to the throne room. "Are you going to be ok?" he asked. Luna shook her head. "As long as he doesn't bring up anything then I will be fine." she said. He nodded. "Ok, if you need me then I'll be right outside the door." he said. "Thank you." she whispered as they came closer to the throne room. 

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