I love you more<3

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"Okay now close your eyes!" Mike exclaimed.

"Why?? What if I fall?" Will questioned.

"Don't worry about it! It's a suprise so you have to close your eyes! Pleasee Will!" Mike reassured him.

"Fine but if I die it's your fault!" Will joked.

"Whatever, pleasee close your eyes!" Mike begged Will.

"Okay..." Will placed his hand over his eyes in a way that he can't see but not long after he did that and Mike wrapped a blindfold.

"Was the blindfold really needed?" Will asked.

"Yes, or else you could be peeking or I wouldn't be able to help lead you to the suprise cause I had placed my hand over your eyes." Mike answered quickly.

"Jeez it's taking longer than expected and I don't like it cause now I am very very curious!" Will sneered jokingly.

"Alright c'mon!" Mike took Wills hands and leaded Will to the suprise.

The suprise was the old place where they always used to hang out when they were younger. It was their place thry would go to if they needed help.

The best part about this place was that nobody really comes here. Or atleast they've never seen anyone near them.

Mike had asked Lucas and Max to decorate and place everything nicely. Dustin got food And some supplies to make a little picknick. Nancy would come with a couple of flowers to make it beautiful and asked Jonathan to make pictures later on.

Mike has it all planned out and now nothing could go wrong! He was going to what he wanted to do for so long today! In this very momen!

Mike brought Will to the car an drove them there. Once they arrived Mike helped Will get out and lead him to their place.

"Okay... 3..2..1.. andddd-" Will took the blindfold of at 1 and looked around surprised.

As he was trying to realize what was going on, he admired everything around him.

All of the flowers, the decoration, the picnic! Will loved every single bit of everything he saw.

"Y-you did this?" Will barely got any words out of his throat and when he did he stuttered.

Mike admired his energy and beauty and invited him to let him show the best of al.

This part Mike didn't tell his friends about because he wanted it to stay top-secret.

A 2 Minutes later they were met with a beautiful view. You could see whole Hawkins and maybe even more.

They stood on a edge but not close enough to it for them to fall and die.

"Wow... This is so beautiful!" Will beamed.

"It's just as beautiful as you..." Mike whispered to himself and smiled.

"Hm? Is there what did you say?" Will asked innocently.

"U-uhh no! No, no! Nothing, I-I said nothing!" Mike panicked a bit and stuttered.

"Okay..." Will didn't believe him but decided to let it slide."Look! Over there somewhere is my house!" Will smiled happily.

"This place is cool right?" Mike asked happily.

"Mhm! It's so beautiful! I've never seen something this beautiful ever in my life!" Will exclaimed.

"Maybe we should sit down at the picnic? I have some 100 plans!" Mike cheered.

"Wowww, I am impressed, Mike! I've never seen you put so much work into something!" Will giggled.

Mike chuckled and patted a place next to him signing Will to sit next to him.


After a while they finished their food and it was 8pm. The sun was setting and Mike told Will to wait for him at the edge.

He ran to the car and saw his sister, Jonathan, Max, Lucas and Dusting waiting at his car to support him once he arrived to get the real gifts.

"I hope you don't mind but I've took some cute fotos tak a look!" Jonathan explained.

"They're amazing! I love them!" Mike beemed.

"Here's everything and don't be a dick and ask for permission, no mater what. Okay? Or else your dead, Wheeler." Max warned

"Don't worry!" Mike sang a bit.

Once he saw Will and walked towards him he felt his body tense up more than ever.

"Oh there you are! i thought tha- are you okay?" Will interrupted himself.

"Listen Will I-... I just wanna-... I just need to tell you-.. w-what I mean it-" Mike got cut of quickly.

"You like me? But in a romantic way? That was what you tried saying, isn't it?" Will confidently spoke.

"Y-yeah! I also got you a few extra gifts!" Mike marveled.

As he showed the presents Will was jumping up and down and without thinking he kissed Mike on the lips.

Mike didn't complain and enjoy the kiss. They placed the stuff away and kissed.

Mike placed his hands on Will waist. And Will around Mike's neck.

The kiss deepend pretty quick. They were now getting into it and didn't want to let each other go...

The endddddddddd

Now I am going to sleep goodnight!

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