Episode 20

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, our boys had to save the princesses in our fairytale movie challenge, in the end, one brave knight managed to save them all, and that brave knight was Bob, in the end, the brave knight that had to leave the show was sniper, who will win the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!


(*after everyone got out of their trailers*)

Java: hi there contestants.

Lord X: sup java.

Tord: so, what's today's challenge?

Java: todays challenge is murder mystery, I'll give you all until the night to gather clues from your fellow contestants as we're going on a trip.

(*at night*)

Java: ok, before we board the train, hand me all your clues.

(*everyone hands java their clues*)

Java: ok, now everyone, get on the train.

(*everyone gets on the train*)

Java: train departing the station and all heads north, ALL ABOARD!!!

(*Java gets on the train and the train leaves the station*)

(*inside of the train*)

Sky: wow, this train is pretty cool.

Java: yep, it's gonna be a while until we get to our challenge location, so everyone can just sit back and relax.

(*the lights in the train turn off*)

Ski: what's going on!

Java: um, you aren't allowed to kill the host!

(*brutal attacks and java grunting sounds*)

(*the lights in the train turn back on*)

Sayori: phew, the lights are back on.

(*Ski screams while pointing at Java's fake dead body*)

Tord: holy shit, java just died!

Sky: wait, I see something!

(*Sky points to Java's phone*)

(*Sky picks it up and it plays a video*)

Java in the video: Hello contestants, if you have this, it means I'm dead,  but, I'll give you guys something, todays challenge is pretty simple, one of you guys is the murderer of my murder,  you guys will need to use the clues that you found to find this murderer, if you managed to find the murderer in the end before we reach our location which is in three hours, then the murderer will have to be automatically eliminated as everyone who wasn't the murderer will be immune for tonight, if you guys don't however, the murderer will be the only person immune in the elimination, now, get to solving!

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