Helluva boss head canons

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So yeah this'll just be a whole bunch of headcanons of the helluva boss characters lmaoo

The shiny white burn on Blitz's face is Fizzarolli's fault. Basically, Blitz got into a fight with Fizzarolli before he ditched him for bigger things and in a fit of rage, the jester imp burned Blitzo's face with a flaming baton.

The reason Blitz is no longer friends with Fizzarolli is because while the two expressed similar interests, Fizz was a far more talented clown and wanted to make it big. He ended up getting a big job offer from Mammon and Asmodeus after an audition, not telling Blitz about the audition since he knew he was a less than stellar clown. When Blitz found out about this, he was hurt and angry his best friend had not only withheld the truth, but denied him a chance to live his dream. After a major blow up, one that resulted in Blitzo getting burned, he cut all ties with Fizzarolli for good.

Despite not showing it, Blitz does indeed love Stolas, yet has issues with getting attached due to his past relationships.

Blitz has been obsessed with horses due to growing up with them at the circus and is also a HUGE fan of My Little Pony, something Loona finds embarrassing.

Blitz enjoys watching Moxxie sleep because he finds it oddly adorable.

Blitz is the horrible joke telling and embarassing, yet well meaning type of dad to Loona.

Moxxie did NOT have a good relationship with his parents due to them both being selfish and neglectful growing up, hence why he was so comfortable with dreaming about them being murdered.

Moxxie was born in Wrath, yet moved to the Pride Ring when he was really young.

Moxxie met Millie during a family reunion in Wrath and it was love at first sight.

Aside from Phantom Of The Opera and Cats, Moxxie's other favorite musicals include Brigadoon, Hello Dolly, The Producers, Les Miserables, Hamilton, and Hadestown.

Moxxie is a theater nerd and was in a lot of plays during his time in school...despite the fact his parents NEVER attended.  ( moxxie is literally me tho-)

Moxxie still gets made fun of for the "possum incident" during Spring Broken and being called a possum will cause him to go berserk.

Moxxie's fear of amusement park mascots stems from an incident when he was nearly sexually assaulted by a guy wearing a mascot costume years ago...that and he finds the costumes creepy.

As Moxxie states in Truth Seekers, Millie SOMETIMES pegs Moxxie in the bedroom and only does it on special occasions like their anniversary or each other's birthdays. ( Blitz: HA! I KNEW IT- Moxxie: SIR NO- Me: * DYING IN THE CORNER OF THE ROOM*)

Is willing to attack and even KILL anyone who tries to make goo goo eyes or kiss Moxxie.

Millie used to Blitz coming into their homes at random times due to being fond of him and having a big family popping in now and then. Moxxie is not..

NEVER call Millie a hillbilly or a bumpkin, as she finds both terms SUPER offensive.

Moxxie doesn't allow Millie to compete in sports due to her being FIERCELY competitive and if you think what she pulled in the Pain Games was bad, try seeing her compete in baseball or football.

Loona does care for Blitzo, yet is emotionally closed off to him due to past bad experiences.

Loona's birth parents were neglectful as FUCK and couldn't be bothered to raise a daughter, eventually dumping her in an orphanage.

Loona is good friends with Octavia and the two hang out at sick clubs or parties.

Stolas can't swim.. at all! He can take a bath or just a shower, but when it comes to swimming water is his kryptonite

Stolas takes holiday decorating VERY seriously but does't act to serious about it. This includes singing songs and dancing to holiday music, and if he runs out of things to decorate it'll lead to him decorating a chair or even himself.

Stolas is literally the best plant dad.. Like no doubt about it.

When stolas was younger he had really bad corrdination skills ( Kinda like me now!) and he was clumsy as hell- ( Again! Kinda like me!)

Blitz knows Angel Dust, and sometimes they'll hang out and sometimes get into turf wars with Cherri if it comes to that.

Since Blitz and Angel are friends, sometimes Blitz would bring stolas to the hotel and somehow, Stolas and Alastor get along well, even though they are very different..


Idk. There are the Helluva boss Headcanons!!


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