My Helluva OC

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So.. As you know I made a chapter with my OC Leo. Well heres more about him I guess!

Name: Leo Goetia-Krieger or Buzuko ( Yeah- i looked up Blitz's 'full name' and thats what we get.. One thing said Krieger and the other said Buzuko.. SOOO...)

Age: 15 years old

Birthday: August 3 ( Known to be Blitz's birthday also but its also his VA's birthday as well)

Zodiac Sign: Leo ( how ironic am I right )

Pronouns: He/they

Sexuality: Gay or Bi - (still debating on which)

Little Lion ( Stolas )
Little L ( Blitz, Stolas, and M&M)
Little Bro ( Loona sometimes Octavia )
Buddy ( Moxxie and Blitz )
Little Leo ( Millie )
Ee-oh ( all of the above)(thats how you pronounce it idk how to spell it *insert shrug*)

Being able to spend time with his family
Hanging out with his sisters
Watching musicals with Moxxie

Being alone
Nobody listening to him
His family ignoring him
Stolas arguing with Stella
Blitz working to much

Speices: Imp Demon

Almost all the same powers as Stolas, is working on learning more spells.
Very good with weapons due to well- Blitz being one of his parents.

Stolas ( Father )
Blitz ( Father )
Loona ( half sister?)
Octavia ( half sister )
Millie ( more or less mother )


So, First Millie was Blitz and Stolas's surrogate for leo.
Thats one reason Moxxie and Leo are so close, because when Blitz and Stolas are busy, he goes either to stay with M&M or with one of his sisters.

Occasionally Leo and Moxxie will go to a musical in hell somewhere just the two of them, because well.. They both love musicals.

Sometimes for family trips ( including Loona and Octavia, and Via's husband- yes i included him-) they would go to pentagram city and stay at hazbin for a weekend. Leo was very fond of Alastor and Husker. Just to let the time go by a bit he would do kareoke with Angel, Moxxie, Alastor, and Millie. And by the time they were done singing one song, Blitz and Stolas would start playing some cheesy romance song and start singing. Not gonna lie but Blitz's singing was terrible. Stolas's singing was fine though.

There are certain weekends that they'll go and Leo and Alastor would go on a demon killing spree because they did that for fun. *insert shrug*

And there he is! Dear Leo! Ty for reading my dears!!

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