Hazbin Headcanons

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Yep just a bunch of Hazbin Headcanons!

Alastor would play chess with his shadow every so often.

Charlie was born 6/6/6. As in the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of the calendar.

Charlie went through much of her life not knowing what Christmas was due to being born in hell and raised by Lucifer, who wouldn’t particularly want to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. But after finding out about the concept she absolutely fell in love with the very idea of a day dedicated to giving gifts to others and has been a Christmas fanatic ever since.

Alastor basically has "anti-Angel Dust" sensing. Angel gets to close, and Alastor's mic lets out a blaring screech.

Alastor can speak French! New Orleans isn’t francophone, but they do have a lot of French backgrounds so he might of had family that spoke French or was able to pick up the basics as he grew up.

Angel will swear up and down that books are for nerds.. yet he is easily sucked into a good story!

Angel Dust and Alastor were definitely mama's boys when they were alive.

Aside from Something Rotten, Cats, Legally Blond, Chicago, and Funny Girl, Charlie has got a boatload of others she likes. They include Brigadoon, The Sound of Music, Wicked, Aladdin, Starlight Express, Annie, Guys and Dolls, West Side Story, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Beauty And The Beast, Les Miserables, Hadestown, Fiddler On The Roof, Into The Woods, Phantom Of The Opera, Peter Pan, Seussical, and Dear Evan Hansen. ( And this is why i kin charlie as welll)

Valentino is Vaggie's dad, as they have the same color scheme, but she HATES him because he forced her into prostitution when she was alive and cut all ties with him when she ended up in Hell.

He and Cherri, when not getting involved in turf wars, often do stuff together like painting each other's nails, heckling random people on the street for fun, doing prank calls, and coming up with hilariously raunchy stage names for each other.

Husk acts like a grumpy old man most of the time but deep down he has a soft spot for each an every one of the other "workers" at the hotel

Alastor is incredibly possessive. If there is a certian thing that is so called "his", no one else is allowed to touch it, besides himself of course. (And if it was a person) if he heard a rumor about them about anything, the demon that started the rumor would not be found for a VERY long time.

Although Husk hates Angel's sex remarks he does care for him and thinks he deserves better than valentino

Husk and Niffty are way more powerful than it seems at first glance, but Alastor knows exactly how to exploit their weaknesses, so that they do as he desires.

Vaggies spear is an angelic weapon, so everyone, who threatens Charlie will be gone for good.

Alastor's microphone cane play songs based on what Alastor's feeling or sometimes what he is thinking, he can't stop the songs from playing either.

Alastor's microphone cane play songs based on what Alastor's feeling or sometimes what he is thinking, he can't stop the songs from playing either.

Alastor is an amazing piano player cause he had lessons when he was younger and an natural born singer. The only way anyone would have ever known is if they accidentally came across him and heard him otherwise he would not tell anyone or let anyone hear.
Alastor had been running from the police and police dogs since they finally found him out. It's the middle of the night and he is running in the woods trying to get away. Unfortunately the same time a hunter and his dogs are out hunting. The hunter dogs smelt blood so they ran in the direction where the scent is coming from with their owner right behind them. The hunters' dogs caught up to Alastor and started to attack him, one got his leg and the other got his arm. It's the middle of the night, so the hunter couldn't see well and assumed that his dogs caught a deer so he shot the "deer" right in the forehead, killing Alastor. When the hunter went to go check, he was horrified to see that he killed a man.Alastor can actually mimic voices. Nobody knows this because rarely mimic voices.

As you can tell I love alastor heh.  But ANYWAY! TY FOR READING!!!!

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