Hazbin/Helluva Headcanons

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Random Headcanons again!!


Angel and Cherri bomb headcanons:

-share all streaming account subscriptions ( so twitter, tik tok, etc.) 

-lend each other clothes

-will throw each other birthday parties but occasionally Cherri will absolutly go all out for Angel's birthday just to make sure its the perfect day. 

- they watch 80's sitcoms together. 


- buys those cringy couples t-shirts for him and Millie All. the. time. 

- looses everything within a matter of minutes. 

- sleeps with 83 blankets. 


- would kill for anyone she's close too. 

- goes with moxxie to watch operas and musicals

- loves horror movies, but turns them off if Moxxie gets to scared. 


- binge watches disney movies with Vaggie. 

- has a squashmellow collection 

- forced Alastor to watch Princess in the frog. ( She told him that he is kind of like the Voodoo man but he denied and denied- he really is Dr. Faliciar. or however you spell his name-)

Angel Dust: 

- Is secretly afraid of spiders, even though he is one himself.. 


- Literally is best friends with Octavia

- Collects moon jewelry, and spiked collars. 

-plays guitar


Extra incorrect quote esk thing because Idk-

Responses to "your gay"

Vaggie: "Yea"

Husker, Cherri: "what about my gay?" 

Charile: *Finger guns*

Angel: "and you're not? Loser" 

Alastor: " *You're" ( Al would so be me though because.. I am a grammar obsessed.) 

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