Encanto x Hazbin/Helluva AU ideas

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Alrighty readers! Yup. Don't mind me, I have just decided to watch Encanto for the first time in MONTHS, and I had this idea of  a Hazbin/Helluva AU..  Yes, the younger characters will be aged up.. Maybe not antonio but you know.. 

So If they were in Hazbin what characters would I make them? WELL! I think Mirabel, or maybe Julieta would make a good Charlie.. It depends on what context you take that into. For sure I would make Camilo, Alastor, because well, first off, Camilo is always the energetic one right? Well so is Alastor. (But the thing is with that switch is Camilo probably wouldn't hurt a fly.) But still, they are both energetic people that hide their emotions WELL. Also, I could put Camilo as Angel.. I'm not really sure of the reason why I would but anyway.. 

Isabela would proabably make a good Angel, or maybe Vaggie. Yes I understand that Angel and Vaggie have very different personalities, but Isa is basically both of them put together.. I also think Pepa may be a good pick for Vaggie, because of her mood swings. 

Abuela could be anyone of them (exept charlie-). She is the "Villan" of Encanto, and you all can tell me she's not but I don't believe that one bit. 


Mira would probably be Ms. Mayberry in my opinion. Yes I know we only see her in the first episode, but I think that Mirabel would do the same thing Mayberry did in the episode. Tell me I'm wrong. 

Camilo would probably be a mix between Blitz and Moxxie. The only reason I say this, is because Moxxie is an absolute THEATER KID. And I just see Blitz and Camilo's personalities being the same ( If Camilo was aged up-) 

Isabela would be straight up Loona. You (Probably) can't change my mind. 

Abuela would probably be Pamion, or maybe Cash.. ( Even Crimson for hells sake-) because she's the terrible parent like them. 

Tell me I'm wrong. Felix and Augustin are most deffinetly like Joe (Millie's dad)  So that means Pepa, and Julieta in this instance would be Lin. (Millie's mom) 

I could also see Pepa as Millie, cause, Pepa would be a badass, and you know it. 

I honestly don't know who would fit Stolas. Probably none of them.. 



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