Alastor's Game (Song Reaction)

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Cam: Welcome back my dear readers!! Today we shall be reacting to the Amazing song "Alastor's Game" by The Living Tombstone! 


Angel: I think someone is a little- 


I've got a game, I wanna show you. If I tell you my name, you'll have to play too. I've been here for years biding my time. Waiting in primed, until I could find you. Just sign on a line and we can be friends. I'll be here for you until your world ends. Enjoy all your toys I will supply. You only live once, and you'll be mine. 

Angel: Well I'm lucky I never made a deal with Smiles then huh..

*Husker and Niffty glare at Angel*

The day you die, I'll have my payment. Your eternal soul's enslavement. Did you divine our dark arrangement? You were lovely entertainment. The dark desires you've been serving. You can bet that you're deserving. No regret for who you're hurting. Why it's almost like you're flirting?

Charlie: See.. This is what I don't understand.. 

Cam: .. People choose to make deals with Alastor and that is what they get as payment, for instance Husker and Niffy.. No offence. 

Husker: None taken..

Come into my world take a look at me-

Angel: Oo kinky-

Everyone: ANGEL STOP-

I am the nightmare on the dark side of the moon. I'm you first last resort so call me. When you need a helping hand. Play your cards wrong and I'll see you soon. 

Sorry, I don't mean to alarm you! You ask me to stay, I would be charmed to! You all have such cozy little lives, how do you survive? I really am amused.

Angel: Cozy little life, huh? I wish. 

Cam: Angel, please just- 

Husker: He's got a point- 


But you've got a lovely little secret. Tired of feeling awful small, so you. Give Mr. Alastor a call, to make a deal. Because you're hungry for the sights, you wanna see them. Earthly delights, you feel you need them. Your appetites, I'll help you feed them. I'll be your sweet Radio Demon! And once your hunger has abated, don't forget your friend who waited. Watched as you endulged your thirst and, did I mention that your cursed?

Come in to my world- 

Angel: Kin-

Everyone: ANGEL SHUSH. 

Take a look at me. I am the nightmare on the dark side of the moon. I'm your first, last resort so call me. When you need a helping hand. Play your cards wrong and I'll see you soon. 

You lay your chips out on the table now. When you gamble souls, the house will always win. I'm double dealing in betrayal, and I'm here to catch my payout. I hope it was worth a life of sin. 

Welcome to my world, take a look around. Inside your nightmare, deep beyond the mortal veil. You made a wrong turn at the crossroads, now you're at the final episode. Eternity with me in hell. 

Pleasure to play, how I enjoyed you. Suffice when I say when I play, I don't lose. Collect all the debts, that you accrued. It was such a gas, I really am amused. I have dark thought, I'm right beside you. A casual whisper just to guide you. Look over your shoulder, and I'm gone. Remember this song, and I bid you adieu! 

Husker: I'm done. If we are forced to listen to another song about Alastor, I am going to literally bite someone. 

Angel: OO~

Husker: Angel don't you fucking dare. 

Cam: OK- Other than Husk, how was the song?

Charlie: It was fine I guess..

Vaggie: *Shaking her head* .....

Cam: I'm not one for this song either, heavy metal just doesn't fit Alastor. 

Alastor: *sitting in the corner, covering his ears, not liking this loud music at all, flips Cam off.*

Cam: ..... Well... Understandable. 

Husker: How about we listen to something like, the Video Killed the Radio Star or some shit, that song is pretty good. 

Cam: *raises an eyebrow, in being born in the 1900's and doesn't listen to that type of music that much*

Alastor: If any of you, and I mean ANY OF YOU. Introduce the poor sweetheart to that song, I will torture you, and make sure to teach you that you can die twice. 

Cam: ALRIGHT. THAT'S ENOUGH.. WE NEED TO GET BACK TO THE HOTEL. Tell the reader you're goodbye's everyone!

Charlie: Bye everyone! Thank you for reading!!

Husk and Al glare at Charlie and Cam. 

Vaggie: Bye everyone.. Thank you for reading- 

Niffty: BYEEEE!!!!!!!!

Angel: CYA EVERYONE!! Thanks for readin'! 

Cam: Bye everyone! See ya next time!


I have no clue what to write for the lost memories book- I am so sorry. But here's another song reaction for ya! - Cam 

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