One Shot!

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   You can here some light jazz playing throughout the whole hotel.  It has been the same song for the pass 4 hours.. Charlie just decided to deal with it, Vaggie is trying to keep her cool, Niffty actually is liking the music, Husker is hiding behind the bar counter trying to drown out the music, Angel has given up with trying to drown out the sound, so he is outside of the hotel at the moment, and Alastor is enjoying the music, It is actually one of his favorite songs, but the music wasn't coming from his microphone or antenna.  

The music was actually "streaming" from Camila's radio antenna. She has had that song stuck in her head all day. 

"ALASTOR STOP PLAYING THE FUCKING SAME SONG OVER AND OVER AGAIN!" they hear a muffled scream from Husker who is still hiding underneath the counter trying to drown out the music. 

"It's not my music Husker!" Alastor basically appears right in front of him.  "TF?!" As we all know Husker hates when Alastor basically teleports anywhere. 

The music gets a a bit louder. "Oh hey boys!" Cam says, the music loud and clear now.  "WAIT YOU ARE PLAYING THE MUSIC?!" Husker screams popping out from underneath the counter.

 "I was?" and the music stops playing. "FINALLY" Angel screams, throwing the door open, causing himself to fall in the entrance in the hotel. Cam glares at all three of them. "To be fair dear, I wasn't complaining about the lovely music" "IT WAS JUST SO LOUD" Angel says walking up to them. "And jAZZ?!" "What's wrong with jazz?" Alastor and Cam say in unison. 

"You're never fully dressed without a- DAMN IT CAM!" "You're never fully dressed without a smileee!~" Cam sings. "STOP ITTTT-" Angel says practically "melting" onto the floor. 

"Whatever you say.. You all are crybabies-" Cam says, as the music starts playing again. "WHYYYYY-" Husker's scream can be heard echoing throughout the hotel. Angel plugs his ears, and Alastor's eyes start glowing, as his smile somehow got wider, as he practically slithers behind Cam adoring the music. 

The rest of the day went somewhat smoothly, Charlie tried to calm down Husker and Angel, which didn't happen.. Vaggie started getting pissed off because of the music as well, and pretty much no one got anything done except Camila and Alastor, the only demons, who were in the hotel at the time, that liked jazz music. Hopefully they don't have yet another day full of "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" playing on repeat.. 


OKAY! So this is actually an old draft that I had been working on MONTHS ago.. So I decided to finish it, and post it! So thank you for reading my dears!! 

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