Chapter one: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨?

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It was a nice and sunny day outside. There was a lot going on. There were people working, kids playing outside, lots of cars driving by, teens running around, it was just a pretty active day I guess.

Anne grunted in annoyance at the blondes teasing. "Come on Sash, I already told you! Marcy isn't gonna want someone as competitive and conceited as you. She'd rather have someone charming and generous like me." Anne sassily flipped her curly hair and turned her head away from Sasha.

Sasha crossed her arms like a child about to unleash the Tasmanian devil in a public store. She could feel her face start to heat up in anger at Anne's insults. "Shut up Anne! You can't even pull! Your face looks like pizza without the cheese on it!" Sasha rolled her eyes as she shouted.

Anne raised and eyebrow and facepalmed. "We're only young, and you get acne too! You aren't hurting my feelings Sasha."

Sasha growled at the brunettes nonchalant response and then turned her head to Marcy, who stood there, not knowing what to do, and threw her arms up in the air. "Come in Marce, tell her! Tell her that I'd be a better girlfriend than her!"

Anne turned her head back to face Sasha at lighting speed once she heard those words. "Nuh-uh! You can't even communicate correctly without turning anything into an argument! Tell her Marce! We both know that I'D be a better girlfriend!"

Sasha gasped. "No I would!"

Anne shook her head. "No I would!"

The two of them then got real close, all in each others faces, and began growling at each other like two animals. They looked like they were about to explode any second!

Marcy needed to do something. They had been arguing over the same thing over and over for the entire day. She then got in between them and used her arms to push them away from each other. "Uh... actually, how about we go into a restaurant and order some food? Sound good to me!" She then quickly grabbed both of their hands and dragged them off with a nervous grin on her face.


The three of them were sat down in the restaurant with plates of food in front of them. Anne and Sasha were sitting next to each other across from her, meanwhile Marcy was sitting alone with a bunch of space next to her in the single seat. They were all sitting in awkward silence, Marcy tried her best to distract herself by finding something random to look at. She found a random sign to look at, but out of the corner of her eye she could still see Sasha and Anne side-eyeing each other with dirty looks on their faces. The tension was still in the air.

Marcy broke the silence with a hard sigh and then opened her mouth. "I feel like you guys need to apologize to each other. You guys have said many hurtful things to each other. Plus, you can't keep going on like this!" Marcy crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow as she tapped her foot from under the table.

The two of them gave no response. Anne bounced her leg under the table for a moment before she grunted in annoyance as she rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak. "Fine..."

The brunette took a deep breath. "I apologize Sasha. I am deeply sorry for my actions and hopefully one day you can forgive me. When I get older I will become successful with my job and get two cats and get a wife, ehem- Marcy....-"

Marcy cut off Anne before she could finish her sentence. "Anne! That isn't a proper apology! Apologize to her the correct way now and then Sasha will apologize to you." Marcy frowned, her voice stern.

Anne grunted in annoyance.

"Okay, no joking around this time. I'm really sorry Sasha, I shouldn't have insulted you like that and I take full accountability for my actions. I'm sorry for talking about your communication problems while knowing the things you went through as a child that lead to those communication problems. I was completely wrong to talk about that because I know you're working hard and I know that you're healing from the damage your mother did to you so it was wrong of me. I'll never do it again and I hope you can forgive me."

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨? [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now