Chapter Nineteen: 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐝.

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It was Sunday that day, which meant that the girls had school the next day. Marcy's dad was sleeping in his room, which meant that she could have a break from being yelled at for no reason early in the morning. It was a really pretty morning. The sunlight shone through the blinds of the living room window with a saturated orange color that reminded her of an early morning at the beach. She sat and daydreamed at the Beaty as she sat at the dining room table.

The three of them had planned to go out and get breakfast since no one felt like preparing it. Plus, it felt nice to get some fresh air and feel the cool atmosphere of an early morning.

"Alright Marcy, we're ready!" Sasha said in front of the front door, Anne standing next to her.



Sasha, Anne, and Marcy strolled the block and watched their surroundings. Little kids playing outside with water balloons reminded them of themselves when they were younger, it brought back a good feeling of nostalgia knowing that those kids were having the same feeling of fun with their friends that they felt as kids.

"Reminds me of us. All the memories." Anne grinned.

"Yeah. As a matter of fact, we should do that one of these days!" Marcy suggested.

"Yeah, why not? It would be really fun!" Sasha chimed in.

The conversation paused when Anne randomly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, leaving Sasha and Marcy with their eyebrow raised but put all the pieces together once they heard Anne use her baby voice

"AWWWWWWW!" She cooed the the little cat rubbing on her leg. She then knelt down and held her hand under the cats chin for it to sniff her, a way of asking for the cats consent to pet it. It gladly accepted and rubbed its head against her hand while purring loudly.

Sasha crossed her arms with a salty expression and rolled her eyes. "But if that was me it would have ran away."

Anne looked up at her and chuckled while still petting the cat. "You can be good with cats too! You just have to be patient with them and respect their boundaries. People hate cats when in reality their just like humans, but different species! Here, try to do what I did!"

She hesitated for a moment and sighed before giving in, squatting down in front of the cat and hovering her hand over its face. The cat quickly rejected her and slapped her in the face with its paw, and then hurried away from the three.

The blonde grunted in annoyance. "See."

Anne and Marcy covered their mouths to prevent themselves from laughing in her face after seeing how dedicated she was to get cats to like her.

"Okay, here's some tips. Try to walk up to them slowly if they don't come to you. And don't hover over them with your body or hover your hand over its head, it may spook them considering we're basically giants compared to them. Just let them sniff your hand and they will determine whether or not they want you to pet them, and if they don't, then respect it! If you don't they'll just hate you, cats are very stubborn animals and they know what they want." She explained.

"Yeah okay cat expert." She shook her head in response.

Marcy and Anne giggled in response to that.


In the restaurant they were eating at, Marcy was in a bit of a pickle. Well not really a pickle, but she was just pissed off. Sitting across from the table they were sitting at, we're these group of girls staring at them for some reason.

And she knew the exact reason.

Sasha was always really pretty in the morning. Perfect skin, her breath never smelled bad, her energy, or the way her messy hair falls against her shoulders. She never really fixed herself up when she left the house, she still looked like she had just woken up. She was still in her night gown with slippers on. Not the granny slippers, actual cute slippers if that's what you were thinking lol.

Marcy didn't like that at all. You never know what teens these days could be thinking. Weird teenage hormones, starting problems for no reason, being haters and making fun of them, or just plainly thinking they could take Sasha away from her in the snap of a finger.

And she wasn't going to let that happen.

Next thing you know, Marcy took hold of Sasha's hand and caressed it over and over again.

She didn't look at them, but out of the corner of her eye she could see them staring at her with salty looks on their faces and they started to leave. I guess she made them feel embarrassed.

Once they left the restaurant, she let go of her hand and went back to minding her own business.

Sasha turned her way and raised an eyebrow. "What was that all about?"

She smirked. "Oh nothing."

The three of them stayed silent for a moment before Marcy opened her mouth to speak. "You know, I'm happy I met you guys. I'm always so happy when I'm with you guys and I always cherish every single moment I spend with you. From this day and on we will always be fired we besties and nothing will get in the way of that. I'm so happy to be with you guys right now. I'm so happy that I don't have to put up a fake persona whenever I'm around you guys. And that's because..."

"I let you see me naked."

"Not physically, but truly. Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I bared myself to you guys. I let your hands trace over wounds that I hid before I trusted you and we sat as I told you the stories of people you would never wish to meet, but I did. Of places you would never wish to go, but I visited. Of experiences I would never wish upon you, but I survived. Of the person you would never wish to know, but I was. I let you see beneath the sheet of the person that I let others see, and you stayed. Unmoved by what I thought would make you leave. You bundled me in your arms, and I felt unknown wounds fade. Everything I would never tell anyone else had been shared with you. You've seen the bare version of me that I have never allowed anyone else to see."

"I love you guys for that, you're my best friends."

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