Chapter Twenty: 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲.

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Monday, the day the new weekend of school had finally begun. If I'm being honest, Marcy thought it was kind of boring. The day felt like it was going on for so long and barely anything interesting was happening. Marcy wished she could just go home already and sleep but she couldn't. She was still just a tiny bit sick with only a stuffy nose left and she had already missed two days of school.

She didn't feel like suffering the wrath of her bitch ass dad.

But anyways...

Marcy had been stuck in a boring class for two periods and she didn't like staying in the same room for that long of a period so she needed a way to escape, and the bathroom was her way of escape. It was after lunch and usually everyone had all the boring classes the first two periods after lunch. So she was pretty sure there were going to be some people skipping in the bathroom.

She didn't really mind it though.

Her plan was to just take a piss, roam the halls, and go back to class.

Nothing else.

Marcy reached the bathroom and opened the door, just to be met with a bunch of girls staring at her awkwardly. She said she didn't mind people being in the bathroom, but she'd be lying to herself if she said she wasn't a little nervous. She was going to just go ahead and use the bathroom and then leave, but there were girls leaning against the stall so she couldn't go inside any of them.

If she were to guess, there were about eight girls in there. And all of them had their eyes locked on her like a hawk while snickering and whispering to each other. She didn't like to be picked on at all, it made her so nervous. Even little things such as confrontation will make her shit her pants. She didn't like to do too much when it came to situations like this, so all she did was roll her eyes and look them up and down with no words.

In response this one girl was very confrontational, with an evil glint in her eye, she said, "Who the fuck are you looking at like that?"

They all laughed at the girls sudden angry outburst, saying a mix of things such as

"Hahahahaha I should record this shit!"

"This bitch is so embarrassing!"

"Should we jump her?"

Marcy said nothing, just rolled her eyes and again looked them up and down as she made her way out of the bathroom before anything could escalate even more. She absolutely hated people like that, people who were messy for no reason picking on people and trying to fight them just to get praise from people for beating someone up. She was honestly scared to death, she didn't like feeling bullied, but she wasn't going to make herself seem like a pussy by not saying anything and just letting them pick on her. So she was at least going give them dirty looks instead of saying anything.

There were about eight of them I there, anything could have happened there. She could have been jumped or something. Getting jumped is embarrassing enough but what would be even worse would be the aftermath. If there were a group of girls in the bathroom, and a fight broke out, there was obviously going to be a video of it. If she had gotten beat up in there everyone would bully her for it.

She would be the laughing stock of the school.

As Marcy walked her way to her class, she tried to calm herself down by placing her hand over her chest and breathing steadily, but she couldn't stop the frantic beating of her heart because she knew what was to come later on.


It was the end of the day and everyone was leaving their classes for dismissal. Marcy was a bit nervous because she had offended the popular girls in the bathroom earlier, so she slowly stepped out of her classroom and turned her head side to side, seeing if there was any sign of one of the girls or all of them.

She sighed in relief once she saw that the coast was clear and fully stepped out of the classroom and made her way over to the school exit only to feel her head being yanked back and crashing to the floor. She tried to look up to see who had yanked her by her hair only for her vision to be blinded by a white substance being poured on her face. (pause)

She gasped at the cold feeling and rubbed her eyes to try and get the liquid out of the way of her face. She then opened up her eyes to the a group of girls snickering while the one girl, the one girl that talked the most shit in the bathroom, stood over her with an evil smirk on her face while holding a milk carton.

She then dropped the milk carton on the floor in front of her and said, "oops! I made a mess!" Which only resulted in further giggles from all of her friends, even a few of the boys who had joined the group.

They were all cackling and pointing at her with their phones out while the same black haired girl taunted her over and over again. "How's it feel huh? You should have known not to fuck with me!"

Her brain was saying "fuck this bitch up!" But her heart was saying "be kind, don't hurt anyone." That was always an issue with Marcy, she always replaced her brain with her heart and chose to kill people with kindness instead of go off on them.

Her heart was too big for her body, it never fit inside.

She usually told herself not to take words or little actions to heart, but she had practically gotten milked and embarrassed in front of everyone. She took it so hard and she felt like she wanted to fall apart right then and there.

Her with all that teasing and insults had started to slowly turn the faucet in her eyes. Those crybaby tears came from out of the dark. She tried her best to argue back and defend herself and explain that what they were saying to her didn't get to her, but the tears falling down her face said otherwise.

"You're just being mean. Your words don't hurt me!" She argued.

"You sure? That's not really what your face says."

At that point she was totally speechless, she had no idea what to say in response. Because she was right, she was so pathetic for crying like a little bitch in front of everyone instead of fucking her up. She was practically pouring it out where everyone could see.

The girl knelt down in front her her, and slowly got real close to her face and whispered

"From now on until this school year ends, I will make your life a living hell."


The girl flipped her hair as she walked away to the exit of the school, her friends still chuckling while watching the video they took, leaving Marcy on the floor completely drenched, vulnerable. The rest of the students who were watching from the sidelines had also left in disappointment while shaking their heads and made their way home, which left Marcy all alone in the empty hallway, shivering and scared.

She trembled as she struggled to get up off the floor, shocked at what had just happened. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her two best friends coming through the double doors laughing together, but their faces dropping immediately right as soon as saw her.

They rushed to her aid in a matter of seconds and helped her up. Anne cupped her face and looked into her teary eyes. Marcy hadn't cried in a while, no one had ever seen Marcy cry since the last time they were in amphibia. So if you make Marcy cry, then you really crossed the line and did something absolutely foul.

Anne's whole entire body filled with rage and she gritted her teeth as veins popped out of her forehead.






Marcy has some troubles at school...

She's still feeling a little sick...

And she's being picked on!?

What should Marcy do?


I hope you all liked this chapter. It's a little short but I tried to make it interesting:)

The next chapter with be even better heheheheh....


This chapter has a total of 1445 words.

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