Chapter Twenty one: 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

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Sasha sat on her bed thinking to myself. She was very stressed out over the events from yesterday. She absolutely HATED seeing Marcy like that. It's never a good feeling to see someone always so happy and full of joy cry. She could tell that on the inside she felt so sad and small, she felt so bad. It made her seethe with rage to see her sitting on the floor all by herself with milk all over her.

And she knew exactly who did it too.

Today wasn't going to be pretty, at all.

Sasha hated people who pick on others and embarrass them just to get the praise from people for being "cool." It wasn't cool at all. And yeah, she used to be a little bit like her in the past with the bratty personality, but she wasn't a total bully!

She knew what she was gonna do.


Marcy walked through the hall of the school feeling like a turtle going back into its shell. Everyone was staring at her whilst whispering to their friends. Some things she was hearing was laughing, and other people point at her while calling her "crybaby."

During that moment she just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up. Everything was just too much for her, and she was pretty sure after the events from everything she was going to be bullied pretty badly. She already had too much problems on her hands, and those kind of things add up. Once you feel the same feeling for too long you're trapped in a spiral of that never ending feeling.

Her head was spinning, spinning around the corner. She felt dizzy and disoriented. She was tired, tired of everything. Every time she feels good it's always taken from her just like that. Though something good happening is always just out of reach, it's always around the corner, she never actually reaches it. The constant pursuit of escaping the negativity in her life leaves her spiralling, her world is never still, she can't find peace.

The whispering and snickering at her as she walked past made her unable to bare her own sorrow. She wanted them to pipe down with the noise. Although it was just whispering, the sound rotated back and forth between her ears giving her a headache. Reminded her of when she was younger and tormented every single day.

She hated who she was before.

This was hell for her.

She felt like she was kneeling on a metal grater unable to get up while someone held a loaded gun against her head. She was trying to turn down the voices and tell herself everything was okay but the void already ate her.

She had to escape the void.

Just as she was about to start panicking, she felt her body collide into something and she fell to her behind on the floor.

She looked up frantically but quickly calmed down once she saw two pairs of eyes staring down at her with concern. One pair brown, one pair blue.

"Are you okay?" Sasha held her hand out.

She felt butterflies blossom through her stomach like a girl in a romantic k-drama getting help from her crush as Sasha looked down at her. She looked back and forth between Sasha, who was still staring at her with that look on her face, and Anne, who was standing next to her with the same look.

"Yeah I'm fine... just excited to see you guys!" She lied, rubbing the back of her neck with a fake smile on her face.

Due to Marcy taking long to accept her offer, instead of her waiting any longer for her to take her hand, she just grabbed her hand and yanked her up off the ground.

Sasha raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, okay."


Marcy sat at the table taking small bites out of her sandwich. She was there with Anne, Sasha wasn't there for some reason. Usually when Sasha wasn't somewhere with them, it meant she was up to some trouble. She just hoped she hadn't already found out who poured milk on her. If there was anyone ever picking on her and she wouldn't tell her who it was, she always found out on her own.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨? [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now