Chapter Twenty Six: 𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐀 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.

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Day by day, more and more trouble had come Sasha's way. Whether it were mixed calls and text messages from Anne, or her doing things that made her go crazy. For two whole weeks, Sasha had been avoiding Anne after what happened. She should have just communicated, she should have told Anne she wanted to be with her when she said she loved her.

But instead, like a total dumbass, she ran out of the house when she said it!

She already had Marcy confused and worried because of the distance between her and Anne, and she didn't want to have to explain that they both basically like each other to her. So to see Anne in person after two weeks of doing her best to avoid her was gonna be something else.

And now, school would be the next day. Sasha's and Marcy's suspension from school would be over and they would finally be able to go back to school. But that's the issue, she hadn't spoke to Anne in week so she knew that if they saw each other in person then Anne, being Anne, was obviously going to try and speak to her.

She didn't want to have to deal with it.

Especially after that awkward confession.


Anne sighed to herself. Maybe she should have just replied to the message straight up instead of pretending like she didn't see it and saying she loved her in person instead. Because now, Sasha was avoiding her.

She should have known Sasha would react that way. She'd never really been good at handling her emotions, especially in person. If there was something she wanted to talk about she always talked about it through texting so she wouldn't have to face the person she's talking to. She never really liked doing things if it involved confrontation or talking about certain things.

Sure, in the past if there was something she wanted or didn't like, she was sure as hell going to talk about it. But being vulnerable when it came to her deep feelings was most definitely a no for her. She never did well when it came to stuff like that.

Anne shouldn't have been so upfront and took it slow with her.

I mean, she tried to see if she could talk to the blonde but every single attempt always ended in disaster. Like the time she popped up behind Sasha to try and get her attention and she freaked out and threw all their drinks up in the air.

Or the time Sasha and Marcy were in the library together and again Anne popped up and Sasha ended up knocking a whole book shelf over and getting the three of them kicked out.

ORRRR the time Anne touched her hand in public and she screamed like a maniac and ran away from her.

It was just so complicated.

She never thought things would be this difficult. I mean, she already liked Marcy and now she was trying to make a move on Sasha too but things weren't going the way she wanted it to.

She already struggled with telling Marcy about her feelings because Sasha liked her too, and here she was again with the same old situation.

Getting a boyfriend was easy for her in the past.

But why did the girl thing have to be so complicated?

It was probably difficult for Sasha too since she never really had a REAL relationship with a girl before. She only ever really dated boys and stomped on their hearts afterwards. There was this one girl she dated but they broke up after like a week on good terms. Surprisingly.

But you get the point.

Anne had no idea why Sasha was acting that way. She had always dated people like every week in the past, why was it any different because it was Anne?

If anything she expected Sasha to play it cool instead of make a fool.

But she couldn't really blame her. They were young and dumb. And did stupid things when it came to love.

Anne was gonna try her best though.

Even if she ended up crying...

Well, you can't blame a girl for trying.

Anne slouched on the living room sofa and groaned, feeling deep regret. She should have just replied to the text message!

She should have shut her mouth and kept it quiet. Now she freaked Sasha out all because she was too excited! But she couldn't wait! She just took a leap of faith without even thinking.

But like I said

They were young, and dumb, and did stupid things when it came to love.

She was willing to risk things though.

Because again, just like I said

You can't blame a girl for trying.


Sasha decided to go outside for a while just to take a quick breather. She had already been stressing about school starting the next day and on top of that she was already arguing with her mom so she figured she needed a little time to gather her thoughts.

She sat on a random bench outside of the park that she met Anne and Marcy at and sighed to herself. She had so much on her plate. She had to worry about Anne, going to school the next day, prom, and her mother too? It was just too much.

Her mother was genuinely a fun person to talk to. But there's another side to her that you wouldn't believe existed if you didn't see it. That "other side" was the whole entire reason why she was the way she used to be, manipulative and controlling.

Her mother had probably gotten it from her grandmother, she'd always been known as a grumpy old lady that didn't like when things didn't go her way.

But that didn't really matter, she's old so she's gonna die anyways.

Trust me, she loved her mother to death. But she couldn't help but feel resentment towards her for being so neglectful. She never had a role model in her life, someone to teach her how to be a female. Her mother never taught her how to clean herself, she had to learn to do it on her own. Her mother never helped her when she got her period, she had to find all the right things on her own. Her mother never helped her when she was a little girl and scared once she found herself discharging. Her mother never helped her get the right bra sizes once she started developing, and as you can guess, she had to find that out on her own.

She wished her mother would find some sort of peace so they can be happy again.

But anyways... back onto Anne.

Sasha didn't know what she would do. She knew that Anne was going to lay off her back. Maybe she should just talk to the girl, and maybe they could actually be something... maybe the feelings she'd been holding in for years would finally be worth telling. I mean, she did say she loved her too didn't she? Maybe they'd actually start being girlfriends. Graduate together, go to college, get a dorm room and decorate it, go on dates, wear matching clothes, buy a house together along with Marcy, and a bunch of other things that girlfriends do.

She cringed at herself for thinking that way. She sounded like a lovesick loon. She never imagined herself thinking that way, especially for her own best friend. It was all so new, and weird. It's like she wants to see her normally and get rid of those feelings so that they can keep their friendship but the feelings of her heart beating out of her chest and her head pounding whenever Anne walked into the room had no intentions on going away, ever. Or the smile that took over her lips and the hand that clutched her chest to feel her heartbeat whenever she thought her beautiful tan skin that looked good in the sun. Or the ridiculously curly poufy hair on her head that made her not able to see the board in class whenever she sat in front of her. Or the cute embarrassed look on her face whenever it came to talking about sexuality.

She loved all those things about Anne.

She smiled and hugged herself, feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside.

She was gonna try and face Anne.

Hey y'all.

Sorry this chapters kinda lazy but trust me you'll like the next one it'll be really cute I swear

This chapter has a total of 1435 words.

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