Chapter sixteen: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.

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That was the day Marcy stayed home. She was feeling a little under the weather so she chose to take a break from school so that she wouldn't get anyone sick. Her parents were being annoying the whole entire time and lecturing her for getting sick. Like, how the heck do you lecture someone for getting sick!?

It was really annoying, but there was nothing she could really do but sit there and deal with it since they were her parents. All she could do was bury her face into her pillow and scream her lungs out.

That's not even close to what she really wanted to do.

It was her father, not so much her mother. He was always really strict with her, whether it was to help her start paying attention to her surroundings more so that she wouldn't get hurt, or it was for her grades. He had always put so much pressure on her to be successful in the future to the point where it would get aggravating. He would yell in her face and punish her whenever she yelled back and defended herself. Of course he would take all of her most valuable things just to spite her, she absolutely hated it. What I'm about to say is going to sound kinda harsh but

Marcy would rather have King Andrias as a father.

Even though he stabbed her and left her scarred for life, they had a great connection. They played flip wart together all the time and did many different things. He was very cool and funny and always managed to light up any room he walked into. He let her do whatever she wanted but was strict when he needed to be. There were times where they would talk like best friends, and act like father and daughter.

She was over the moon when she first met him, she was so excited. She was so shocked to see that he was about thirty feet tall, blue skinned, big tailed, and had a laugh so big and loud that it'll knock you off your feet- literally!

When she first met him they already became besties right away! She climbed all up in his big ol' pocket, and, based on lady Olivias face, she thought she must've overstepped and made him mad.

That tended to happen when she met new people, she just got too excited sometimes!

But no, Andrias, the big goof, just started straight CACKLING! And long story short he helped her find Anne and Sasha.

But of course, that didn't last for long.

They both had their own issues that no one really knew about. Marcy had always told herself not to complain about her issues, because there could always be someone going through the same thing as you, or even worse. And just like that, there it was.

Just like her, he was he was also going through the same thing. Her father put so much pressure on her to be perfect, and he wanted to be perfect too. Which is why he got that big job out of state. She didn't want be alone, so of course, she came up with the crazy idea of leaving everyone behind with her two best friends. And he had done something similar, the pressure his father put on him to be perfect was too stressful. So stressful to the point where he came up with the crazy idea to take the music box and take over every world and impaling thirteen year old girl in the making of it.

They both did crazy things to please others.

So basically, they both resembled each other.

She stared up at her ceiling as she laid down comfortably in her bed and sniffled.

'I want to see king Andrias again, he was nice.'


Marcy fell in and out of sleep as she sat at the table while taking slow sips of the soup from her spoon. She rocked back and forth with her eyes closed, almost falling out of her chair but flinching awake when her father sighed and pulled a chair out from the table across from her.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨? [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now