Chapter eighteen: 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬

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This is gonna be short lol too tired

It was already the weekend and Sasha, Anne, and Marcy were all in the house again for the weekend. They couldn't really go out because Marcy was still a bit sick and they didn't want any germs to spread around.

She had been really bored all day just sitting in the house not being able to do anything and just playing games or writing fan fictions all day. So, as a solution, they had their own little fun in the house instead.

Marcy giggled at the ticklish feeling of the makeup brush brushing against her face. Anne chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on mar-mar! Stay still!"
The three of them were doing a challenge where they do each others makeup but they can't see it until the three of them are finished. Sasha and Anne were barefaced, but Marcy and Sasha still had to close their eyes.

"Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry it just tickles so much!" She rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled shyly.

Anne finally wrapped up with her finishing touches got up from the couch. She couldn't see her look yet because she had to wait until Sasha and Anne's makeup was done so that they could all see what they did to each others faces.



The three of them uncovered their eyes and gasped at what they saw. Marcy's makeup was absolutely beautiful. She looked adorable and her eyelashes stuck out which made her cute eyes stand out also. Anne on the other hand had cakey makeup that was smudged on her face with small black words written above her eyebrow that said "Sasha is the best" and a mustache drawn above her lips. And Sasha also had cakey makeup with a big giant penis drawn in the middle of her forehead.

Sasha's mouth fell to the floor. "Anne what the fuck did you do to my face!"

"What did you do to MINE!?" She argued in response.

Marcy cackled and pointed at their faces while pulling up her phone and snapping a picture earning offended gasps from both girls. "Haha you guys makeup sucks!"

They both playfully growled and jumped on her, causing her to fall in the bathroom floor with the two of them on top of her.


Like I said, the three of them were home all days, so they had to come up with their own little fun. They had moved all the furniture out of the living room and built a big and long comfortable fort that the three of them could all chill in. It was pretty dark in there since they used thick and heavy blankets, and they were a dark color too at that.

The three of them sat comfortably under the fort while Sasha and Marcy tried not to laugh at the silly face Anne was making while trying to be scary with the flashlight on her face.

"Dude! Quit laughing and let me tell my story!"

"Okay okay sorry." Marcy apologized.

Anne then cleared her throat. "EHEM.... I can finally start now that that silly interruption is out of the way."

"But anyways!" She started, in a creepy and dark tone. "Once upon a time, there were two little girls playing at the park together on the swings. They were having fun until two older girls push them off the swing and start picking on them. That's when a superhero comes to the rescue and saved a the day by getting them out of the swings! Then, the two girls thank the superhero and they become best friends! Years go by and two friends begin to fall in love with one friends so they fight over her, but that just leads to disaster so they give up. And right when the three of them started to feel a connection, one of them leaves forever and nothing is ever the same again. BUT....!"

"But what!?" Sasha eagerly shouted, totally engaged.

"But.... THEY REUNITE IN THEIR ADULT YEARS! And they live happily ever after." Anne finished off, turning off the flashlight.

Sasha raised an eyebrow. "Wait, that's all? Also, dude. Why use such a scary tone for such a romantic story!?" She complained.

"You know I'm unpredictable!" The brunette chuckled in response.

"But anyways, what do you think Marcy?"

No response



Anne facepalmed at the sound of loud snoring coming from next to her in the dark fort. "Typical Marcy."

Sasha sighed and carried Marcy and cradled her in her arms. "Dumbass fell asleep."


𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨? [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now