Chapter eight: ...?

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Once Sasha got home from school she spent about fifteen minutes pacing around her bedroom in a panic. 'oh no no no no no how the hell did I get myself into this predicament!?'

She covered her face in embarrassment. Each time her heart beat another boiling wave of heat washed over her. Out of all people, why Anne? She never imagined Anne would ever like anyone, or even think about anything romantic in general..

She didn't even know how she came to the conclusion of being in love with Anne. She didn't even think she was, but it was the only logical reason for why she would always go out of her way to protect her over the years, why she would do anything and everything to keep their friendship going even if it meant manipulation, why she would always want to see her in certain outfits and hairstyles, why she would always stare at her from across the room, why she always felt so shy and shaky around her, or why her heart would always beat so fast.

'Oh Anne...' She thought as her body dropped to the floor and she held her hand to her chests to feel her fast heart beat as she smiled while butterflies flapped their wings in her stomach.

She let out a deep breath of air and stood up from her bedroom floor.

'What am I supposed to do? I mean, it's obvious I love her. Should I avoid her to try and lose feelings? I already feel guilty enough as it is that I love her while I love Marcy. No... that wouldn't work out, it would just hurt her feelings and cause even more suspicion.'

After a while of pondering, she finally came to a conclusion.

'I got it! I'll just invite her over and act like everything's normal.'

Yeah, "good idea."

Let's just wait and see what happens.


Anne sat down onto Sasha's bed. She then noticed the awkward silence and also noticed how shy the blonde looked and stared at her with an eyebrow raised in concern for a few moments. Sasha side eyed her and caught a small glimpse of the brunette gazing at her. She quickly looked away hoping that she didn't see and put her head down a bit to look at her feet.

"Um... okay? Anyways I'm gonna FaceTime Marcy and see what she's up to." Anne said as she pulled her phone from out her pocket.

Her phone rang as she waited for her friend to answer. Surprisingly, her call was answered. On the screen was Marcy with a drawn on mustache and a fake beard with boy clothes.

Suddenly, Sasha didn't feel as awkward and nervous now that she felt Marcy's presence. She chuckled at the sight and asked, "what the heck were you doing?"

"I was making a TikTok video, do you mind?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever "Fboy." Continue your little video and we'll talk later okay?" Sasha shook her head as she chuckled.

She then hung up the phone and laid down on her back while she went and scrolled on TikTok. The tension in the room increased which made the nervous feeling Sasha had before come back to bite her in the ass but even worse this time.

She panicked a little bit at the awkward silence. 'What do I do? We can't just sit here in complete silence!'

Sasha tried desperately to come up with an idea to release some of the tension in the air.

'Oooh! I got it! What if I hold her hand? Her and Marcy hold hands all the time as friends so that would be normal right? She held hands with Marcy all the time in amphibia so this couldn't be so bad!'

She then slowly slid her hand over close to Anne's. She attempted to start out step by step by putting one of her fingers on her hand but was only caught off guard by Anne staring deep into her eyes and completely grabbing hold of her hand.

The blonde stared back at Anne completely bewildered. Those dark brown eyes completely mesmerized her. She looked beautiful, not like those girls in the magazines, but like she had her own unique look to her. She was beautiful for the way she thought, she was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes whenever she spoke about something she loved, she was beautiful for the way for her ability to make people laugh, even when she was sad herself. No, she wasn't beautiful just solely because of her looks.

She was beautiful, deep down in her soul.

She was beautiful.

A small fire lit up in Sasha's heart and Anne was the gasoline to it.

Yeah, this was definitely going to be the death of her.




After Marcy had finished filming her video, she sat down in the living room on the couch. She slouched back a bit for more comfort and let out a hard sigh.

'God today was a long day. Everyone was so annoying and wouldn't let me have my own space. Plus that dance teacher kept being a dick rider! Annoying.' She thought.

'What concerns me the most is Sasha. She hasn't been hanging out with me and Anne lately and if we're at school she avoids us most of the time. She always gets so nervous whenever me and Anne get near her but for some reason she acts even more weird with Anne!'

'She always gets so nervous and her face gets real red any time there's any sort of interaction between the t-'



'I get it now.'

Marcy flinched once the ring from the doorbell echoed through both of her ears. She raised an eyebrow, curious on who was at the door. She then got up from the couch and walked over to the front door. She turned the knob and opened it to see a VERY familiar face.



Marcy is concerned for her friend...

She comes to the realization of something she never thought could be true...

And someone she never expected showed up at her door?

What should Marcy do?


Ugh I hate this I got my period right as soon as I wanted to write

This sucks ass

Anyways how'd you like the chapter?

This chapter has a total of 1067 words.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨? [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now