Chapter Twenty Two: 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐧𝐱.

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Later on that day was hell for Marcy. Even though she was the victim in the situation and was constantly picked on for solely existing, she was still made out to be the bad guy. Her parents had scolded her that whole entire day and yelled at her in the principals office in front of Jordan, Jordan's parents, Sasha, Sasha's parents, and of course the principal.

It was annoying and kinda hurt her feelings how her parents always thought she was doing things to get herself into stuff. They had blamed her for how everything escalated and said that she must've done something for everything to happen.

She hated it.

She sat in her bedroom at her desk listening to music while playing a game on her Nintendo as both her parents stood over her and screamed. She couldn't even hear what they were saying due to how loud the music was in her ears. That was one of her strategies. If you can hear what they're saying, it won't piss you off. They were toxic and wanted someone to give them the time of day so they started arguments. They knew Marcy had done nothing wrong, they just wanted a reason to have something to be mad about.

And Marcy gave them a reason to be mad. She ignored them. If she wanted them to feel the anger they'd been making her feel for years, the best solution was to just ignore them and act nonchalant about it. If they see that you aren't feeding into their bullshit and you don't care, they'll get angry and leave you alone since you aren't responding and giving them anything else to say.

She wasn't going to respond back just so they can battle with her larynx and win.

Out of anger, seeing that Marcy could care less about what they had to say, they stormed out of her bedroom and slammed the door behind them. The wind from the force blowing her hair a bit.

Marcy then got up from her chair and locked the door so that they couldn't get back in and turned off the music that was playing in her ears. She let out an overwhelmed sigh as she ran her fingers through her short black hair. In the doing of that, she heard a knock at her window.

She hummed to herself and made her way over to the window to see what was making the sound only to be caught off guard by her two friends that were hanging onto the window, literally on the verge of falling to their deaths or hurting themselves. Marcy frantically opened up the window and grabbed them both by their hands and used all the strength she had in her body to pull them inside.

Sitting on the floor out of breath, she shot a disapproving glint at her two friends. "What they heck is wrong with you guys! You could have hurt yourselves or even fell and died!"

Sasha stood up and yawned as she stretched her arms. "Jeez, never knew such a little cutie like you was so strong!"

"Hey! I'm right here too you know!" Anne shouted, rubbing her butt from the fall.

Ignoring Anne's sudden outburst, Marcy rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms and turned her back away from Sasha to sit back at her desk in front of the computer.

The blonde sighed and facepalmed. "Come on mar-mar don't be like that..."

She pouted in response. "No! You got me suspended for two weeks and now my parents are never gonna let me live this down! You better be lucky that it's only two weeks and we won't miss prom."

"Well what did you want me to do!? Would you rather just get picked on every single day for the rest of the school year or have me knock some sense into her!?" She complained.

"Dude I didn't even know you knew who poured the milk on me! How did you even find out? And yeah, I expected you to knock some sense into the girl. And you did! LITERALLY!!! You didn't have to do all that!" She scolded.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨? [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now