Chapter twelve: 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲.

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Marcy took slow and big bites of her sandwich as she watched from afar at Sasha sitting at a different table with Kathleen. She eyed them like a hawk, and I'm guessing Sasha noticed her deathly gaze because at first she looked a bit scared but then gave her an apologetic expression. Marcy rolled her eyes and looked way from them and instead at Anne, who was secretly on her phone under the table.

It seemed she was texting her mother. Marcy knew she should have looked away and minded her own business, but she couldn't, they were arguing.

'Why do you keep getting in trouble? Why are your grades so bad? You're getting extra chores when you come from school! And don't expect not to get an earful either!'

Marcy analyzed her body language. Her aura was getting darker and darker and her straight face turned into an exhausted frown. Her finger lingered over the phone, hesitating, not knowing what to say. So in response saying...

'I'm sorry mom. I'll do better.'

If she was being honest, she did feel bad. Because Anne was trying, maybe playing games in class the other day was a bad idea but other than that, she was actually trying really hard. And from what she saw, her mother always took her efforts for granted and pushed her to her limit.

She never said anything though, she always told herself it was a bad idea to get in between a parent and their child.

Marcy then took her attention away from Anne's phone and shifted her attention back on the two girls. Kathleen was ruffling up her hair and tickling her waist. Sasha was trying to cover up her waist to prevent the girl from tickling her while also trying not to laugh and give her the satisfaction she wanted.

A piece of her heart tore. The sensation made her chest burn and she looked away from the scene in disgust.

Marcy took a deep breath once she finished the last of her sandwich and gathered all of her belongings and leaving the cafeteria without a word to any of them. She felt like she was on the verge of tears, the feeling was just so overwhelming. She didn't like feeling a lower level than someone when it came to someone that was very important to her.

She hated feeling like her relationship was changing with someone.

Every single interaction made her overthink. She never let Marcy touch her hair, matter of fact she didn't let anyone touch her hair! So why did she let Kathleen do that? Did she like her or something? Why did she let Kathleen tickle her like that? She hated it when Marcy tickled her! Is it favoritism? Does she like her? Is she being replaced with her? Was Sasha going to drop her as a friend?

It was just too much to think about.

Marcy made her way into the bathroom and sat inside the nearest stall and cried her eyes out.

She tried to keep quiet so that nobody outside of the bathroom would hear her crying. She tried to keep her emotions in check, because in all honesty she had no right to be crying.

She always knew there would be a day where either Sasha or Anne would want to try new things. Which meant they weren't going to be as close anymore. She was getting older, of course she was going to want to explore new things and make more friends. It was the truth, but still.

The truth hurts.

She sniffled and took a few more deep breaths and wiped the tears away from her eyes before she opened the door to her stall and went out into the bathroom. It was silence and nobody was in there, or so she thought.

She turned her head where she was met with a group of girls staring at her, looking her up and down. A few even whispering to each other. It never really bothered her, since people always looked at her like she was some sort of freak. At that point she was used to it.

She didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed or anything, because she had been through this time and time again before. Getting bullied and ridiculed for years of your life will really build you a core of steel that nothing can get through.

What she did feel was awkward.

I mean, if you came across some random ass girls in the bathroom just staring in complete silence at you after a breakdown, wouldn't you feel even a bit awkward?

I thought so.

Marcy rolled her eyes at all of them without any words and exited that bathroom, leaving them to talk their shit.

Walking out of the bathroom, she had barely gotten enough time to turn her head before she was caught off guard by a familiar blonde who had a worried look on her face and was cupping her cheeks.

"Are you okay? Why did you walk off like that?" She raised an eyebrow.

"No reason, I just really had to use the bathroom. I drank too much water." She rolled her eyes in response.

Sure, she was acting like a total brat. But she would also be lying if she wasn't she wasn't going crazy on the inside at the close contact.

She hadn't even known such close contact like that existed until Sasha practically had their foreheads touching. Marcy turned beet red, basically resembling a tomato at that point.

"Well you're not sick, what's wrong? Why do your eyes look so red and moist? What happened?" She asked, with her hands still cupping her cheeks and her thumbs rubbing her moist eyes.

"Just allergies, nothing much to worry about." She lied, avoiding eye contact.

The blonde stood there in silence just staring, still looking as worried as ever. Marcy was pretty sure Sasha knew she was lying, she just didn't want to pressure her into saying anything she didn't want to say. So instead she just pulled her into a tight hug and roamed her hands around her back.

No matter how much she wanted to be a total bitch and say something like "go hug your new girlfriend" to piss her off because she was angry, she just couldn't. That would only be making this situation more difficult for herself.

So instead she just returned the embrace, and completely melted in her arms.

No matter how bad she felt about something, she could never stay mad at Sasha Waybright for too long.

Marcy thinks her friend is being taken from her...

She feels a sense of pity for her friend...

And she's seen as a laughing stock...

And she has a breakdown!?

What should Marcy do?

This chapter has a total of 1139 words.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐨? [A SASHANNARCY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now