Chapter 23| I'm Her Boyfriend?

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Took a damn while, huh?

So sorry about that. After finishing the previous chapter, I wasn't sure how to go about this one. Especially since I would be making it to the point where Izumi and Kyouko basically announced they were dating in the manga/anime. 

I had originally had Maruo planned to show up and have Kyousuke's lines, but that would honestly feel out of character for him. So, my substitute for this scenario was the following below. I hope I was able to fulfill and bring justice to that scene for this fic, so I do really hope you all have enjoyed this chapter (once you have finished reading it, anyway). Felt really good to come back to this book and finally make a chapter that I could really be satisfied with.

But, in any case, here's the latest chapter to the Itsuki book. Go on and read it, folks. You've earned it, especially with how long I've delayed this one.


An awkward silence had enveloped the two, both of them sitting next to each other on that lone chair. Y/N kept squeezing his hands all while Itsuki looked off to the side.

That awkward silence kept persisting.

That awkward silence kept persisting

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"So you were listening that day... Huh." Itsuki didn't speak a word. Y/N let out an almost bitter smile. "I knew you were awake when I said it... So I guess I should've known. I didn't tell you 'cos I wanted an answer..." Itsuki made a small glance toward him, Y/N taking off his glasses in the process. "To be honest, I think... I was just scared to hear what you'd say. I shouldn't have said it and taken off. I'm sorry."

He said that to her with an apologetic tone and smile. Itsuki almost looked at him in disbelief.


Soon, they were interrupted.

--: Chapter 23| I'm Her Boyfriend? :--

 The sliding door to the kitchen opened, Ichika looking at the two with an almost teasing and amused grin, her eyes closed as she stared at the two, her hands on her hips. Clearing her throat, to put on an act or something, she puts on a disinterested expression, almost giving off a sneer.

"Itsuki. The guy. Who's he?"

Y/N began to sweat, his mouth agape slight. '...Eh? Eeeehhh???'

And Itsuki shot up from her seat. "Wha--!? Ichika!? What are you doing!?"

"Hmm? What's wrong? Just thought I'd check up on you," Ichika stated with a nonchalant expression.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! What are you even doing!? In fact, what are you even saying!? You know who L/N-kun is! And I thought you went to the kitchen to get something to eat!"

"Like I said, I just came to check up on you. You sure grew up, Itsuki!"

The eldest Nakano sibling howled in laughter, much to Y/N's confusion and Itsuki's chagrin and annoyance. Ichika then began to ruffle Itsuki's hair, the girl with star pins trying to swat her older sister's hand away while she complained to her, asking why she was going on with this strange charade. Ichika then turned to Y/N, putting an around Itsuki and pointing at the black-haired teen.

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