The Night Out

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Pairing: Llewyn Davis x GN reader!

Desc: Shy moment between two friends after a night out.

Warning tags: none other than fluff <333

a/n: There really isn't a plot to this? I just wanted to take a crack on writing this character that Oscar played. Perhaps it's not fully accurate but I see the character this way. Enjoy!

Word count: 1.2k

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The night was still young. Well to our definition, for Llewyn and I it was young. It was roughly around 10 pm at night, and we were walking back to my place. We had left the urban bar in downtown to enjoy underground artists. I was always down for anything spontaneous but I was much more eager to watch Llewyn play on stage. The arts were his religion, but his zeal was music. He felt attuned to his guitar and the silence of the coward made him feel as if he was giving a lecture on a sacred language. It was easy for Llewyn to disconnect from the audience since his soul was tied to the guitar. But the moment the song ended, he returned back to earth. I was lucky enough to watch him transform from Llewyn to Llewyn Davis. The two were similar but one was much more ancient than the other. As per usual, the crowd would cheer and Llewyn's cheeks would burn with a slight pink flush. He'd thank the audience for their time and retrieve to his seat. Thankfully, tonight he wasn't alone at the Urban Bar. After listening to a few more performances, Llewyn proposed the idea to me of walking back home instead of taking a taxi. I laughed because walking and nighttime were my love language. So, here we were, walking back to my place. I felt like a 17-year-old again with my old group back at home. But this was different, I was not listening to anyone vent about something depressing. I was listening to the sound of the quiet buzzing cars passing by, and to Llewyn humming songs to the night sky. As I admired the stars, Llewyn turned to ask me "Do you sing, Y/N?" I snorted "Sure I do, I mean who doesn't sing?" He rolled his eyes "No stupid like actually sing." I shrugged my shoulders "I mean...yeah? I am shy. I wouldn't sing in front of a crowd but I love singing while I am cooking or during a trip in the car". Llewyn nodded his head, and another question appeared "Okay, I know you enjoy writing. Have you done poetry slam or open mic?" I laughed loudly because he took me way back. "I have! The first and last time it happened was when I was 16 years old. I haven't done it since then. Why do you ask?" I returned a question. Llewyn shyly smiled "Well, I want to sign you up for open mic next week? I am sure they'll love you." "No! My writing is terrible. I'll kill the vibe". I stated as we both took the left corner that was near my apartment. "No you won't. Come on, join us on stage. Or better yet why don't I teach you how to play guitar? You have beautiful fingers, Y/N". I slightly blushed at his compliment but thankfully my hair was hiding my face. "Fine, first poetry slam. Then MAYBE, I'll allow you to teach me how to play guitar. But I must warn you, I am an awful student". I remarked as I began to pull out my keys to my apartment door, "No you are not, you just had a lousy teacher". Llewyn said confidentiality. I nodded my head, and widen my eyes. He was right, why must he always be right? I climbed the steps that led me to my condo. He followed behind but was two steps away from me. As I unlocked the door, my sensor light turned on. The light shined the dark night and cast a shadow behind him. As I turned around, his brown eyes were shining brightly. I gasped for a second but recomposed myself quickly. "Thank you so much for taking me to your comfort place. I'll take you to mine whenever you have time?" I proposed, he smiled and said, "Sometime this week would be nice. I'd like to peel the layers back to see you". I snickered at him as I stated "Trust me, you won't find anything interesting". His expression changed, and he climbed up the last two stairs to face me. Llewyn grabbed my hand and said, "I doubt that Y/N. You are vastly interesting, and beautiful". I shook my head in disagreement but this caused him to place a strand of my hair behind my ear. I felt my heart skip for a moment, "thank you for tonight, I appreciate it. I truly do". I whispered as I looked down at his hand holding mine. He placed his left index finger under my chin and lifted it to make me look at him. I always knew he was beautiful but this was different. I felt my air catch in my throat. Both of us held an intense stare. Llewyn didn't think, he just followed his gut. He leaned in to kiss the corner of my lip. I could feel his soft lips lay upon the corner of mine and I felt completely calm. Which was not a common feeling. He slowly pulled away and looked at me for reassurance that I wasn't bothered by what he did. I gave him a reassuring squeeze on his hands, and he looked down. Now he was blushing, and couldn't face me. Be both remained quiet for a moment, still holding hands and enjoying this peaceful moment. Before I could ask him something, he announced loudly "You dont have to thank me. I enjoy letting you know me as I know myself". He explained, I softly smiled and said: "thank you again. I better be going, tomorrow Raul wants me to pick up some paperwork for him". "Do you need help?" He quickly jumped to ask, "No thank you, Dork. I can manage but I'll text you for sure". He nodded in agreement. He was about to leave when I grabbed his arm. Llewyn stopped and turned to look at me confused. "Come here". I said softly, He slowly walked back up the stair, and I leaned in quickly to kiss his cheek. He froze for a moment, not to scare me away like a deer. But I could feel a slight smile growing on his face as my lips were still there. I pulled away, he looked intensely into my eyes. "I'll see you soon?" I asked. He simply said "Yeah, I promise. Soon." I smiled once more as I dipped inside. But I could see his dorky ass grinning from the corner of my eye. I walked inside my apartment and shut the door behind me. My heart was pounding and the room was spinning for a moment. I gathered myself and peeked through the window. Llewyn touched the area where I had planted an innocent kiss and smiled happily. He walked away with a smile on his face. I closed my curtain and sat on my lounge chair. I touched the corner of my lips, and a faint smile appeared as I thought to myself " What exactly is happening between Llewyn and me?"
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