There you are

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Pairing: Santiago Garcia x Fem! Reader

Desc: Can you outdo the doer?

Warning tags: stalking, paranoia, gaslighting, angst, violent argument, lovers to  strangers.

A/N: I truly hope I was able to capture the emotions that need to be awakened within your soul, Elisa! .

Word count: 1.6k

⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣ ⚠-☣   ⚠-☣⚠                The walked You walked through the open marketplace, enjoying the beautiful high afternoon sun in France

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⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣ ⚠-☣   ⚠-☣⚠                The walked You walked through the open marketplace, enjoying the beautiful high afternoon sun in France. You had filled your reusable bag with such beautifully colored fruits and vegetables. Something that the states didn't have. As you walked through the large sea of people, you couldn't help but feel watched. The nape of your neck had that burning fuzzy feeling as if a pair of brown eyes were watching every step that you took. You would occasionally turn your head to the left and to the right, but there was no one in sight. You nearly slipped on the sidewalk, thankfully you were able to grab onto a light pole. Some citizens would stare at you awfully weirdly but you would shrug them off. You just needed to get a grip on yourself, no one was following you. You had gone off the radar for the past 3 months, and you hadn't even gotten a new cellphone. All of your social media accounts were gone, along with your email. You made sure to leave zero digital and paper trails. The Miller Brothers and Frankie had taught you well but you had learned from the best. Your mind tried not to think of his name so you pushed it down like a crashing wave. You came here for a reason, to start a new life. But that didn't stop you from occasionally looking back, just in case anyone was following.

You finally reached your apartment. You had found the enlisting of this place of rent once you were off of the plane. It was in a local newspaper, and the renting was not available online. You opened the door to your apartment and walked over to the kitchen counter. Then all of a sudden a draft of air greeted the back of your white sundress. You froze in place, you did not leave the window open when you went out. You closed your eyes and stood frozen. You must have forgotten to close it right? You gulped down, and opened your bag, Slowly reaching into the safety pocket where you had kept a small gun with you, just in case anything went haywire. You held the gun in your hand and turned around quickly, but the window was just slightly open. No one was there, just an empty kitchen. You breathed out and walked over to close it. You shook your head "Y/n, relax. I am just overthinking, get it together." You whispered to yourself as you left the gun on the wide window frame. You walked to the dining room, with had full of apples you were going to place on this cute white fruit carter. You hummed a soft tone, as you placed each apple into the carter until a creak was heard. You inhaled for a moment and recognized that scent. Fuck.

"Do you know how hard it was to track you down?" a voice said.  You didn't want to turn around, you didn't want to face the one person that you had left behind in the states. You gathered up the courage and turned around. And no, you were not dreaming, Santiago 'Pope' Garcia was indeed sitting next to the dining table. He had a glass of water next to him. You raised an eyebrow as you said "Looks like you made yourself right at home." Santiago snorted as he said "Well did you pick out a lovely place for us? Since when have you been into cottage core?" You crossed your arms against your chest, you knew he wanted to rile you up. "What do you want Santiago?" You asked, cutting to the chase. He took a sip of the cool glass of water and placed it down gently. "I want you to come home." He calmly said. You rolled your eyes and shook your head "What home Santiago? Florida? That empty house? That's what you call home?" You said as you felt your blood boil. Santiago leaned back on the chair "It is our home, Y/N. Remember, you and I picked out the house? For us to form a family." Now that statement made you laugh with a dark tone. Santiago clenched his jaw for a moment and stared at you. You smirked at him and said through a chuckle "You cannot be fucking serious Pope. Form a family with you? When? You are always fucking gone. You are always looking for the next mission, the next thrill, the fucking next dosage of adrenaline that you need. You cannot live without being constantly at war. Do you believe we can form a family like that?" Santiago looked away from you and sighed. He shook his head "We can try to. Why don't we give it a shot? Let's pack up everything from this apartment, and leave. Come on riena linda. Listen to me, this isn't you. I need you, don't you know that?" He said attempting to get out of his chair but you stepped back. Santiago could feel that his charm was not going to work on you, not this time.

                       "No, you don't need me. You need serious fucking therapy Santiago, which I begged you to go to for MONTHS. Why must I beg you for the simple things? Even your friends are tired of our SHIT!" You exclaimed. Santiago was in denial, he was refusing to believe anything that was coming out of your mouth. "I think you are just going through a phase, Y/N. Let's go." He said now in a harsh tone. "No, I am not going to leave with you. You need to fucking leave, now." You said strongly, holding your guard. Santiago clicked his tongue "You are my fiance Y/n. This little game of yours is over. This little hide-and-seek? It's done, let's go." He said once more but this broke your patience.            "YOUR FIANCE? That's how you treat someone who was excited to marry you?! Wait, what was the point of you wanting me to marry you? To just wait for you at home?! Like some fucking 1950s housewife?!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, Santiago lifted his finger up "Lower your fucking voice". He said sternly, you grabbed the glass vase and threw it over him. You weren't trying to aim at him, you just wouldn't to scare him off. Santiago ducked as the glass vase flew by him. "Was that really necessary? Is this bitch fit necessary Y/n?" He asked you, unfazed by what you just did. "Yes it was and it is fucking necessary Santiago! Because you cannot get it through your fucking SKULL. I am NEVER going back home with YOU. I am not going to be just like your fucking dysfunctional parents!" You spat in his face. That pitchfork sentence pierced his heart. Before you knew it,  Santiago swiftly jumped out of the chair and roughly grasped your neck.                       Santiago had you cornered between the door and the wall. You tried to keep your breath still, you didn't want to catch his scent. You couldn't fall again, not again. Santiago's heart was beating harshly against his chest and he  was breathing heavily. You could feel your heartbeat within his hands, and Santiago could feel his heartbeat trying to sync with yours.

A few droplets of tears began to slide down your left cheek. If someone told you 5 winters ago that this is how you two would end up, you wouldn't believe them. Santiago and You were an inseparable couple, and the two of you had been there for each other through thick and thin. You tried to find your Santiago, your sweet Pope within his darkened eyes but all you could find was a deep void.  "What? Are you going to beat me until everything goes dark? Just like your father?" You choked out. Santiago's eyes widen, and he felt his heart stop. You knew that his father was a touchy subject but he needed to understand that he was becoming into his father. The realization of Santiago's actions made him remove his grip from your neck, and you regained your breathing pattern back. Santiago  looked down at his hands. They were shaking violently. You massaged your neck for a moment until you heard a quiet sob. You looked up and saw that Santiago was crying. He was still staring at his hands, you took one step to be close to him but he shuffled away. "No. Y/n, you are right." You shook your head as you began to explain.                               "Santiago, I just need you to understand-" but he cut you off. He still was not looking at you "I am just like my father. I'm-I am so sorry. I shouldn't have followed you here." Santiago said as he turned around to grab his jacket from where it was laying on the chair. Santiago hastily placed it on and began to walk towards the door. He placed his hand on the door knob, but you softly grabbed his arm. Santiago flinched at your touch, you knew that he felt triggered. "Santiago I'm sorry. I love you but I cannot go back to living a life like that." You explained as your voice cracked. Santiago shook his head "I'm sorry too." He whispered as he opened the door, and gently closed it. You stood there for a moment, taking in the fact that he was leaving. Taking in the fact that he did not say he loved you back. You fell to your knees, and a loud cry escaped your throat. You wanted Santiago to change but there was no going back now.  Your new apartment was now quiet again, the birds were still chirping and you were finally alone, again. But this time a piece of your heart was now gone. Gone with Santiago.   ⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣   ⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣     ⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠-☣⚠ -☣⚠

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