Its My Pleasure

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SUMMARY: 6 months after the incident of getting rid of your ex-fiance, you have slowly been seeing Miguel. He's been extremely kind, sweet, and formal. You finally invite him to one of your shows, and Miguel then realizes something he never had before, it also clicks for you too.

WC: 2k-wig

Warning tags: established relationship, fluff,100% consented intercourse, and smut.

A/n: Here's the final part. Thanks for reading my long one-shot with Miguel.

"I promise to be there on time, I wouldn't miss it for the world, querida," Miguel says over his cellphone as he has a Chameleon gripped by their neck

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"I promise to be there on time, I wouldn't miss it for the world, querida," Miguel says over his cellphone as he has a Chameleon gripped by their neck.

Miguel had been dating you for the past 6 months. He still has not told you about his secret identity simply to keep you safe. But so far, nothing has happened where your life has been in danger.

Your relationship with him has been slow to others but at the right pace for the two of you. He hasn't stayed over at your apartment to sleep over.

After every date, he kisses you on the cheek goodnight and the both of you go off into your personal bubble. Which Miguel appreciated and so did you.

But that didn't mean you two aren't affectionate at all, Miguel would surprise you with flowers or a lovely dinner at his apartment after a long day of rehearsals.

Whenever you have time, you'll drop off a few of your late night baking goodies due to your anxiety and Miguel is more than happy to accept them.

"Alright, I'll see you at 9pm. I'm sorry that I couldn't get you better seats but tonight is a full house! I am so nervous". Y/N says on the other end of the line, as Miguel throws a punch across Chameleon's face as they attempt to escape.

"No te preocupes mi corazón. I'll be there, and you are going to do so well. I'll see you in a bit". Miguel said happily.

There was a moment of a lingering silent pause. Something should be said right? But the both of you thought it was too soon.

Miguel could feel the words on the tip of his tongue as did yours. But before either of you could speak up they were calling everyone to get ready

"Crap, I have to go. I'll see you tonight! Bye." Y/N quickly states as Miguel hangs up the phone.

The Chameleon is on the floor, attempting to get up. Miguel laughs at their poor attempt at trying to gain energy.

"Tengo una cita, tonight buddy. And I'm not going to allow you to make me arrive late. Let's pack this round up shall we?" Miguel confidentiality says as his talons sharply come out, and his eyes turn into a crimson red.

August Wilson Theatre

Miguel arrives just on time and very cleaned up. He wanted to make tonight the best night for you. And you weren't wrong, it was a full house.

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