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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader

Description: After the outbreak and taking Ellie back to Jackson, the three of you settle down in comfort town. One summer evening, you decide to go out for a swim.

WC: 999

Warning tags: fluff & comfort, a bit of foreshadowing, and domesticity.

Author: you guys can take this platonic or not. But have fun!

The temperature has been cooling down in Jackson, but the heat was barely tolerable

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The temperature has been cooling down in Jackson, but the heat was barely tolerable.

You decided that going out for a swim in a nearby lake would be nice after the long night shift of looking out for any trespassers.

You packed your gun, a book, and a towel in your bag. Ellie was out with Dina, and Joel was probably with Tommy so this gave you time to be on your own. 

You hiked for about a mile and found a nice spot to seek comfort and solace.

You adored spending time with everyone in Jackson (that Joel has not scared off) but you wanted your space sometimes. And this was the perfect place.

You laid your towel out, and book. You were reading a copy of Dune that had been found in the floorboard of the house and you gladly took it. Ellie was a bit more into comics.

You had promised Ellie that for Christmas you'd buy her comics, but you didn't tell her that you wanted to score Ellie a Marvel comic, which was hard to come by these days.

As you enjoyed the first three chapters, you decided to go for a swim. You removed your denim shorts and left your yellow underwear along with your old Pink Floyd shirt.

You stepped one toe in, it felt cool but so refreshing against your skin. You breathed in and leaped your body in all at once.

As you swim up, you felt the cool water embracing your skin. Battling against the skin to find space to dry you.

You gently floated on top of the water and closed your eyes. Some of the folks back in Jackson would call you crazy for even coming out here alone but they didn't understand exactly who you were. Or maybe they did since Joel was able to hang around you.

As you enjoyed your solace, you heard someone clear their throat. You quickly placed your legs back down on the Rocky floor of the river and saw Joel standing over your items.

The two of you were staring at each other. Joel had a wide smirk on, as you felt your breath hitch in your throat.

Joel was the first to break the silence

"Ya know if I was someone else...I'd quickly take your stuff along with you."

You placed your hair in a bun as you laughed

"Well if you were a stranger, I'd call them crazy for taking me since Joel Miller taught me how to put up a fight."

Joel crossed his arms and laughed, he always enjoyed your slightly fiery attitude, amongst other things that he kept quiet about.

You swam close to him as you asked bravely

"What? Are you just going to stand there and watch me in the river? Why don't you join me, Joel? It is almost the end of summer."

Joel nodded his head and kicked off his shoes, and socks. He placed his bag down and gently went into the water.

You smiled as the two of you got near each other. Like two magnets unable to de-attach themselves.

As Joel held onto your waist, you felt the warmth of his body against caressed your soaked t-shirt. You smiled and felt the sun illuminating you both as if the world created a personal spotlight for the both of you.

Joel searched for your face. Not sure what he was looking for. Comfort? Love? Peace? Joel Miller wasn't a man of many words.

As you nudged your nose against him, a leaf falls from one of the tree branches. Which causes Joel to snort.

You then asked softly

"What's so funny cowboy?"

Joel knew you knew about his past in Texas, he couldn't help but brightly smile about the nickname that you gave him.

"It's evident that fall is right around the corner. You must remember a bit about the traditions that took place in the fall." He explained with a gleam in his eyes, you nodded your head

"Yes, it's Ellie's favorite holiday. Halloween." You say proudly since Ellie and You have become close over time.

But as it hits Joel, the passage of time, his smile disappears. But, continues to rub circles on your inner waist.

You pull your hand out of the river and cup his face.

"What is it? You don't like Halloween or something? Are you scared of ghosts?" You ask with a smirk.

What could scare the big bad wolf like Joel Miller?

Joel looks up to you and grins

"No, not at all. If anything, it's nice to be able to scare the kids this year. It's not Halloween, Thanksgivin, or Christmas that bothers me. Simply...how quickly time passes. And how things come to an end." He says pensively toward the end.

You shake your head a bit and caress your thumb on his cheek

"Not everything comes to an end." You whisper softly

Joel raises his eyebrows

"What? Are you and I immortal?" He asks with a joking tone, which makes you roll your eyes. 

"No, but you are here..right?" You rebut his thought process

Joel nods his head and kisses your forehead

"Yeah, I am here. For now." He says against your forehead.

You then place your hands on his chest easing his anxiety a bit.

"And that's all that matters, is that you're here, right now. That's all Ellie and I could ask for, you being here." You state clearly as you look up toward him.

Joel smiles at you, then reaches out to grab the yellow leaf in his hand.

You grab the leaf in your hand and say

"We should show this to Ellie. She is going to get excited about summer finally saying goodbye."

Joel nods his head in agreement and helps you out of the water.

He holds your hand in his and walks back home with you as the sunset.

Fall comes and goes, like winter, spring, and summer. Time continues to move on even with those that are gone.

One day, and you hope not too soon,Joel will be gone and so will you. But you were right, all that mattered is now.

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