Between Two

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Pairing: Johnathan Levy x GN! Reader

Summary: Can you and Levy see eye to eye?

Word Count: 736

Warning tag: ANGST,  hints of. Infidelity & arguing.

Author's Note: Idk what this is but enjoy.

"So, do you love them?" Jonathan asked me across the dining table at the sushi restaurant

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"So, do you love them?" Jonathan asked me across the dining table at the sushi restaurant.

I had been picking at my roll for a cool minute now.

I haven't  taken a bite but I was rolling it around trying to keep my gaze somewhere else.

Why did I even agree to see him? I had sworn to cut off all ties but Jonathan said that it would be a civilized night out.

"Do you love them Y/N?" he asked once more impatiently.

I should have blocked his phone number when I had the chance.

I placed my chopsticks down

"What do you want me to say?" I genuinely asked.

Jonathan adjusted his glasses as he said with a smirk "the truth."

This fucking asshole. He has a PHD in Psychology and thinks he knows me better than anyone?

"Yes" I quickly responded. Perhaps too quickly, which gave Jonathan the advantage.

Jonathan laid his back against the seat of our sushi booth and began to harshly laugh.

I rolled my eyes, and could feel my breath become caught in my throat like a fish in a net. I didn't dare to look at his smug look, he had me where he wanted me.

"Who are you trying to fucking convince, Y/N?" He asked in a soft whisper leaning in.

I slammed my hands down on the table, I moved my jaw side to side. I had to find my composure again but he was getting the reaction out of me.

I finally made eye contact with him.

"Myself you son of a bitch. You're married and you have a child! What the fuck do you want me to do? Fuck this Jonathan, and fuck you". I said as I stood out of the booth.

I grabbed my coat but Jonathan  grasped my arm

"Why are you with them if your feelings aren't genuine? Why are you wasting your time?" He implored me.

I couldn't handle it anymore. I couldn't handle him anymore. This dance with him was a waltz I no longer wanted to participate in.

"Because I am trying to get over you Jonathan fucking Levy. I am trying to move on with my life because no matter what I do. You will never love me". I said yanking away my arm.

I slipped out of the booth but Jonathan stood in front of me.

I could feel his breath on me, and I tried my best not to inhale his cologne. I knew he was probably wearing the one I enjoyed on his skin that stuck me for days after our adventurous nights.

I shuddered as I spoke

"Please Jonathan. Let me go. Go home to your wife and your child. Please stop trying to do this, whatever this is with me."

But Jonathan was stubborn, he didn't want it any other way. He couldn't. He knew it was wrong but he didn't care.

For a while I didn't care either but I had to stop myself from living in a delusional situation with him.

"No. I don't plan on letting you go Y/N. Why can't you see the connection that we have? I love you, don't you see that?" He asked as he grabbed my arms and shook me a bit to understand his point.

His fingertips on my skin felt on fire. The kind of desire that I had been holding back for 2 weeks now.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his hands away from my arms. I state sternly,

"Then you call me when you fix your martial issues Jonathan.  Until then stop breaking my heart and leave me alone".

Jonathan had one more thing to say to me but I pushed past him and walked out of the restaurant into the rainy city.

As I walked out the door. Jonathan stood there, for a moment wondering when our "relationship" had gotten out of hand.

Jonathan paid the bill, and left his food behind. He couldn't eat and think properly without you.

Jonathan left the restaurant, frustrated and empty. As he walked into his car, Jonathan removed his glasses and slammed his hands on the steering wheel. He had no idea how he was going to fix this mess.

As Jonathan tried to collect himself, his phone began to ring. He look down and hoped it was me, but it was his wife.

He had a lot of explaining to do to Mira.

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