See You In 'Ten

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Pairing: Santi x Frankie x Fem!Reader

Desc: Y/n is not in the mood to celebrate her birthday but when you have two guy best friends like Pope & Frankie, I don't think you have much of a choice.

Warning tags: a bit of an age gap, bickering, and fluff really.

A/n: Is there a storyline? Might make this a mini-series? I don't know, enjoy it anyways.

Word count: 1.3k

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🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🖌
"It's just any other day Morales!" I exclaimed as Frank was leaning on my kitchen marble counter. Frankie rolled his eyes as he swirled the martinis we made earlier "I fucking disagree. It's your birthday! Your actual birthday Princesa. Like, the fucking day you were born." I nearly wanted to grab a fist full of my hair, why did they always have to make a big deal out of it?!
"And that's exactly why it's any other day! Please let's just pretend it's not Y/BD. We can instead buy a cake for Rasputin". I suggested. Frank laughed as he walked towards me, and pulled me into a warm embrace. "Or for Horace Wells" I suggested another historical person against his chest. Frank began to rub my back, trying to ease my stupid outburst. I inhaled and exhaled against him, he always smelled like pine-needle. Which had hints of his personality; Fresh, cold, tingly, sharp, invigorating, woody, slightly minty, sweet, tangy, and fast fleeting. Frank knew I disliked my birthday, and it wasn't because of aging. I just didn't like the attention, and he knew very well how awful my parents and friends always made my day. I usually had zero expectations, but somehow they always ruined the minimal bar. "Rasputin is a badass, I'll give you that. But I didn't personally know him. And didn't Horace Wells kill to prostitutes when he was high off of laughing gas? Now you, on the other hand, I know you, PERSONALLY. You are a badass, and I love you to bits and pieces. Please let me treat you today". I sighed against his chest. Maybe he was right, but my heartstrings tugged at me. No. I wasn't going to allow Morales to persuade me. "Oh but-" I was about to start again until Frankie asked "What would Pope say?" I shrugged my shoulders but my stupid mouth just had to agree on what to say and what was on my mind. "Santiago might not even remember what day it is today. And even if he did, I am sure he has a lot of things to do. Including the fact that you! Mr. Morales has a wife and kids, a real family. Santiago has siblings, and his mom, I am sure they'll want to see him today. Or hell, maybe he got called for another fucking bust mission. Point is, just because I fucked up by not having kids at this age, or I haven't accomplished much doesn't mean I am to drag you guys down with me". I admitted. Frank stopped breathing for a moment, fuck. I knew he was upset. I let go of the embrace to see his face, he was giving that stare. Not quite angry. More like disappointed. "Frankie, I am sorry. Just please go home, for once let's not do anything this year". Frank shook his and kissed the top part of my head, and continued to hold me.
"You know I fucking hate it when you say shit like that Y/N. I hate it when you put yourself down, and I hate it when you exclude yourself from our lives. Look, I know you wanted a family by now Y/N but I am glad that you didn't, not with any of those pricks that you dated, and I am fucking sure Pope would agree. And, I am double fucking sure, and we can bet on it right now, that Santi just might call right any minute now. Why? Because he loves you too." I felt my eyes sting for a moment. Frannkie was right but evidently, I didn't have a family of my own. How selfish would I be to ask someone else to be my family? The both of us remained quiet, enjoying the silence until Frank's phone went off. Frank released one of his arms to grab his phone from his back pocket. He began to laugh when he looked down at the screen "Gracias Dios mio que siempre estas de mi lado!" He leaped with joy, and I felt a bit of shock fill my body. No fucking way he called. Frankie picked up the call, with a stupid smug smile on his face,
"She's right here". He stated as he handed me the phone. At first, I thought it was Benny or Wil calling.
"Hello?" I asked just trying to mask my annoyance a bit
"Happy Birthday querida mia". Santiago said happily as if it was his birthday.
"Thanks, Santiago". I simply said, not wanting to say much. I could hear that Santiago was drinking out of a styrofoam cup, properly a blue Slurpee, which was his favorite flavor.
"What are the plans for today mi Hermosa riena?"He asked eagerly. I bit my lip and nearly whispered, Frankie couldn't contain his smile! I wanted to punch his arm so badly.
"Nothing, just staying home. Probably going to nap for a while, order sushi, and then watch a film". Santiago began to roar with laughter, which caused Frankie to burst into a quiet fit of giggles, he didn't want to piss me off but god he was enjoying how right he was.
"Mi Hermosa santa, I love you but NO, I DON'T THINK SO Y/LN". He said roughly. I was stunned for a moment, and once again I felt heat arise on my face. Frankie had to bite down on his knuckles from keeping himself from shouting.
"Santiago Garcia, what are you talking about? That's what I like doing for my birthday. Staying in, getting comfortable in my pj's. Maybe studying for any upcoming quizzes from my Ph.D. progr-" he interrupted me y chuckling
"You mean staying in and sulking? No. We're going out". He said sternly. I felt my cheeks burn with a hint of anger. I wanted to push him away, so again I allowed my mouth to open wide
"Mr. Garcia, DONT you have a family of your own? Come on buddy, with those knees of yours, you are almost pushing fifty. I think I can handle this one on my own. Just like I told Frank Morales, I am going to tell you the same thing so I hope you listen closely: You guys have a family of your own. Don't worry about me, please. I am not a charity case". I said spilling out so much pent-up anger. Santiago remained quiet for a moment, along with Frankie. Frankie shook his head, he knew I had pushed the wrong button. Santiago then started to laugh, but it wasn't just any type of laugh. This felt a bit threatening and a bit sinister.
"Baby, you know que te amo. So I might let this slide but now you listen to me very fucking closely. Okay? I am not going to repeat myself cupcake. Get dressed and get ready, see you in ten". Santi said as he hung up. Frankie looked down at me and grinned. "What?" I asked with a sigh coming out of my tightened throat.
"I told you he wouldn't let it go," Frankie explained as he held his hands up. I jokingly shoved Frank's shoulder "Shut up". I said quietly since I felt so odd. Santiago had never spoken that way to me before but neither have I. As I walked towards my stairs to go get dressed. Frankie mocked me and sat on my velvet green couch. "Don't wear a sweater to cover up your body!" Frankie yelled from downstairs as he grabbed one of my books from the coffee table "Fuck you MORALES!!" I groaned from upstairs, "I love you too Y/N". Frankie called back laughing. Looks like I was going to celebrate my birthday after all.

🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🎉🖌🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🖌🎉 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖🎂 ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖✨🍰☢🎉🖌

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