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Pairing: Jonathan Levy x TA Fem!Reader

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Pairing: Jonathan Levy x TA Fem!Reader

Summary: "In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."- Albert Camus

Warning tags: age gap, FLUFF, and self-indulgent.

WC: 1k


You were reading your book in your hotel room, in Edinburg.

Jonathan Levy's Philosophy class had organized a trip to not only visit the University of Edinburg but also to visit David Hume's grave.

You didn't have a chance to go on the trip last year due to shortages in income, but this year in October, you had saved enough.

Including the fact that Professor Levy helped you a bit. He wanted you to come, especially since you were not only his TA but a good friend.

You felt bad for even allowing Professor Levy, to have that thought but he persisted and you finally agreed.

As you were reading No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai, you saw that your phone lit up with a notification.

You raised an eyebrow and opened the notification. It was from Professor Jonathan Levy.

You checked the time, it was 10:30 pm and you figured he was asleep by now.

He had messaged you to please see him, if you had the time, in front of his hotel room door.

You didn't respond, you simply placed back on your Doc Martens and went over to his room, number 505.

Upon standing in front of his room, you gently knocked on it and waited for him to open.

Jonathan got up from his bed and heard his mattress groan. He couldn't get a wink of sleep, his mind wouldn't stop turning the wheels.

Jonathan opened the door and gave you one of his false smiles that you knew so well.

"Hey, you alright?" Y/N asked, hoping that he was.

Yet, You could see the dark circles under his eyes. And still, that didn't stop you from noticing his russet brown colored eyes, and his soft salt and pepper curls.

Jonathan sighs as he shakes his head
"No really. I feel, I don't know. Off? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have messaged you to come over."

You snickered at him
"Jonathan, I think we're past the whole guilt thing between you and me. We're friends, remember? What do you need? I can grade anything for you-"

Jonathan cuts you off
"No there's nothing to grade. I just want... No, I need you. I need your comfort and your presence. I know that sounds odd but it would be nice to have you by my side" Jonathan admitted with a hint of embarrassment

You were taken by surprise for a moment since the vulnerability within his voice was new, but for some reason it made your stomach do backflips.

You nodded your head as you stepped inside, Jonathan closed the door behind him and you saw his hotel room.

The desk had his laptop, paperwork and a few pens scattered out, and his luggage was placed underneath his bed. Something about the room felt like home.

As your eyes landed on his bed, there was this book. You smiled as you recognized it

"You're reading Albert Camus? The book I got you last year?" You asked with a soft smile

Jonathan nodded his head and slightly blushed
"I mean it's probably the hundredth time that I read The Stranger but yes I am."

"I'm glad that you liked it. I'm sure you have the book somewhere in your library back at home" You say with a little teasing smile as Jonathan laughs

"I probably do but you gave me this book. It's different." Entirely different." Jonathan explains with a small twinkle in his eye.

Once you notice this, Jonathan gestures to you to sit on the bed next to him.

You chuckled as you agreed, after all, you two cared about each other. He was there for you during a difficult time in your life, and now here you were, post-divorce Jonathan Levy.

You removed your peacoat and sat down on the left side of his bed as your turtleneck dress sprawled out a bit like black ink spreading over a white sheet of paper.

Jonathan sits next to you, placing his feet up, and opens the chapter that he was reading.

Jonathan places an extra pillow behind you, but you decline.

You instead place your head on his shoulder and he doesn't seem to mind. Not one bit.

"Comfortable?" Jonathan asks as you say happily

"Very comfortable, thank you." You respond shyly which makes Jonathan chuckle.

As Jonathan reads the novel, you begin to notice that his voice is soft like honey. The room is warm, and half-lit since he only left his side of the lamp.

Jonathan's glasses were nicely sitting on the bridge of his nose, and his hands delicately held the book in front of you too.

You sigh with comfort as you feel the need to relax your eyes, not knowing if it is okay with Jonathan.

But of course, to him, it was okay. He wanted you to feel comfortable around him. Even if you two weren't back in his office back in the US, your guys' connection remained strong.

If anything at this moment, it felt stronger.

As you lay gently asleep on his shoulder, Jonathan couldn't help but look down at your features. Admiring how calm you looked asleep.

Jonathan placed a soft kiss on your forehead, as he gently placed your body against the pillows. He goes over to the left side of the bed to remove your shoes and tucks you in.

Jonathan walks back to his side of the bed and turns off the desk lamp, as the room is consumed by darkness.

Jonathan climbs into bed, and without a second thought, you mindlessly nuzzle into his chest.

Jonathan's heart beams as he places your head under his chin, and wraps his arms around you.

Jonathan places another kiss, this time on your hairline as he whispers
"Sleep well, Y/N." 

Jonathan closed his eyes as he allowed his body to relax, you two always brought peace to one another in some way or form.

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